Citroen C5 Tourer test drive since 2008

Theatrical novel

Buying a thing, all the more so expensive as a car, is quite risky without prior fitting. Zarem Dzhaubaeva, Dmitry Maryanov, took to help the potential buyer Dmitry Maryanov. Photo: Alexander Batyr.
He made his debut at the Geneva Motor Show in 2008. Body sedan or station wagon.
Engines: gasoline 1.8; 2.0; 3.0 l (127, 143 and 215 hp, respectively), diesel 2.0; 2.2; 2.7 l (138, 173, 208 hp).
Gearboxes: 5- or 6-step mechanical, 4- or 6-speed automatic.
Complete: Dynamique, Confort, Exclusive.
Price: 690 2301 530 536 rub.
We are often asked: which car to choose?. We will try to answer in a new heading. The idea is simple: having familiarized himself with all aspects of the hero’s automotive life, to choose the optimal, in our opinion, means of transportation, and then offer a test drive to check if the goal has been achieved. Actors are public people, and this is for a reason. Firstly, a meeting with them will be interesting to readers, and secondly, they are also motorists, which means one blood with us.
In this case, we are talking about actor Dmitry Maryanov. A man of a humanitarian warehouse, by no means a techie, previously acquired a means of transportation either without bothering the problem of choice, or following the advice of friends. We decided to do everything in science. However, at first it was necessary to remove the measurement.
Life on the wheels of Dmitry began with a novel. The beloved girl was a biker. Leather jacket, bandana, wind in the ears and all that. At some point, the boyfriend was tired of sitting behind a dashing motorcyclist and he decided to start his own apparatus. All the warm season, Biker Maryanov, drives around the capital. I am a person on a motorcycle that is the name of the actor’s personal website. But as soon as the thermometer column drops to zero, the actor puts his favorite toy on the joke and transplanted into the car. For ten years, Dmitry has not changed many cars, only three. The first, like all young and cocky, was an eight. After a motorcycle, he got used to the dimensions for a long time; For six months, both bumper demolished, scratched the doors, lost a silencer on the road. When the long -suffering chisel surrendered, Maryanov began searching for a jeep. I wanted something big, brutal, powerful. Friends came to the rescue, drove directly to the entrance of Isuzu-Zhodo.
It was something! Dmitry recalls. Real all -terrain vehicle. Previously, in order to get to the country to parents, my brother and I saw three hundred kilometers on his six kilometers, and then three kilometers were on foot on foot. And then he sat on Isuza and in a low gear passed, like a tank. Father, when he saw me in the jeep, looked like that ... Like, this I understand.
The pleasure of driving overshadowed everything. The artist never looked under the hood of his beloved jeep and did not even know how to check the oil level! When, one fine day, Isuzu-Zhodo simply stood in the middle of the road, there was not a drop on the probe. The condition of the all -terrain vehicle was so deplorable that the masters were afraid to approach him for several months, and then they simply passed it into scrap. But Maryanov still enthusiastically recalls his Rodeo, his growling motor, aggressive face and funny days spent together. So a year ago, Dmitry again became idle. There was no time in search, and he out of habit turned to friends. Incredibly, Lexus-RX300, on which the actor is now traveling, he himself also did not choose! We were finally convinced: Maryanov is our client.
Dmitry Maryanov Holosta is connected only with his beloved Dachshoy Vesta. He comes home to feed and walk the dog, and then again on the road. Business contacts, rehearsals, performances, shooting when we agreed on the meeting, he could not assign a place and time for a long time.
I don't know where I will be tomorrow. No wonder I always have such a backpack with me, there is a change of linen, a toothbrush, all sorts of little things.
The main commercial secret is known: Dmitry is ready to spend on a new car from a million rubles to one and a half, which opens up quite wide choice.
There is an opinion that solid all-terrain vehicles like a Volkswagen-Tweg or Nissan Posterer to face an active and courageous individual. But our hero is not an avid fisherman and not a gambling hunter, so he has nothing to do on a serious off -road. However, Maryanov’s experience still has such an experience in Isuza in impassable dirt, he searched for a tractor for several hours, after which the interest in such adventures decreased. Well, on a decent road, extra gears, ramparts and couplings (not to mention the frame), you yourself understand, use nothing.
Intermediate, cottage version of now popular crossovers. Of the dear love, customers are used, in particular, the CH-7 Mazda is standing favorably in the stream, and the salon is such that a charming girl can be safely invited to it. The Volkswagen-Tiguan, the younger brother of Tuareg, the design is more built, smaller horses, but the price is significantly lower than about 300 thousand rubles (Mazda costs approximately 1 million 265 thousand rubles).
Both cars are good both on the tanned lanes and on the highway, but on the primer are still inferior to all-terrain vehicles, and on the asphalt sedans. Like it or not, the most beautiful crossover compromise between the tractor and Ferrari. So is it worth it in our case to sacrifice comfort, stability, controllability, etc. for several summer mirms? We preferred to continue the search.
It would be nice, of course, to transplant the reckless charming Dmitry, for example, to the prestigious Jaguar X-Type. A predator with a two -liter engine, classic lines, luxurious and comfortable what is not a car for a movie hero? Honda in configuration 2.4 Executive is even more powerful. But the road clearance of the chord is 150 mm, for Dmitry this is the end of the country life. Jaguar has a little more than 170 mm, but this does not save the situation.
But do not offer him a new Citroen-S5 with a smart hydropneumatic suspension? With one click of the button, the car is pressed to the road no worse than a sports car and rises just as easily, opening a 215-mm road clearance, which will allow you to get to the gate of the most inaccessible cottage. In size, the Frenchman is close to the prestigious BMW of the 5th series and the Mercedes of the E-Class, and its impressive dimensions will only delight Maryanova. Sitroen’s design is special, you won’t confuse it with any other car: the honed body lines, the concave rear window, the stationary hub of the steering wheel.
The salon should be leather, beautiful and practical. Still, a star at the wheel, besides, a dachshund usually occupies an honorable place next to the driver, and dogs, as you know, do not always wipe their feet. As for the color, out of nine possible black pearls look more spectacular. From gasoline engines 1.8; 2.0 and 3.0 liters select the latter (215 hp, 224 km/h, 9.2 s to hundreds), since our client loves the speed of the biker after all. Such an engine for C5 is offered only with a six -speed automatic transmission and in the only EXCLUSIVE configuration. The name speaks for itself a car at a price of 1 million 300 thousand rubles is packed with options for the eyeballs, which, however, does not contradict the status of the hero.
At the appointed hour, the actor went out into the yard and, seeing a black sedan, smiled slyly. This? No, this one decided to joke and pointed to an dusty six in the neighborhood. Dmitry was not at a loss: no question! I can also on this one. A few minutes later, the actor was happy to disperse Citroen along a deserted street. Substitite, very acceptable! It was evident that he did not expect such agility from the sedan. Maryanov’s driving manner is boyish: sharp accelerations and braking, confident turning. The suspension at the same time stably holds a horizontal position, the car does not peck with his nose and does not give rolls. The chair is comfortable, the steering wheel is unusual, the tester notes. How much does it cost? It can be seen that the car made a strong impression. We leave Citroen Dmitry for three days, during which time he must appreciate him and make the final decision.
Little time, little. I would have to ride a week, our last, decisive meeting began with these words. However, Maryanov managed to visit the theater twice, visited the restaurant, rolled friends, went shopping and even managed to drive the Moscow Ring Road to the other end of Moscow.
Dmitry praised the sound insulation, which is really good: in the equipment of Exclusive, triplex side glass does not even miss the noise of the wind. From the adjustable suspension, of course, he was delighted. Near the theater, when there are not enough places for parking, you have to call on the sidewalk, and on Citroen-C5 this is as easy as on Lexus. According to Dmitry, C5 is a model of comfort: the chair remembers the position convenient for the driver, in the cabin is comfortable, as at home.
A little wolf, a little heavy, so the tester appreciated the maneuverability of the Frenchman. Turn sharply, and the steering wheel returns so thoughtfully. On all my previous cars, he quickly spun. I was looking for a hand brake for a long time: I got used to the lever, and then a little thing, similar to the one that opens the door on the microwave. Unusual, but elegant. But, as I understand it, the handbrake is automatically triggered, so you could not look for it. The brake pedal is as sensitive as the gas pedal. With my driving manner, Citroen will not let down. But, alas, there is one significant flaw for me does not go, but soars over the road. It does not shake, that’s what a thing! When he rode the Moscow Ring Road, he almost fell asleep. Of course, not Citroen is to blame, but my way of life, but excessive comfort to me, apparently, is contraindicated. I’m not a person with a case, but with a backpack.
That's truly an unexpected result! This means that much more factors affect the choice of cars than we suggested at the beginning. Well, next time we will dig deeper.
Our certificate
Dmitry Maryanov is a popular theater and film actor. For the first time, he hit the set at the age of fourteen. Today, Dmitry’s shoulders are more than fifty roles in the cinema and two dozen in the theater. His most striking works in films: dear Elena Sergeevna, Love, Countess de Monsoro, a snake source, what a wonderful game, a performance day of the election, participation in the project glacier, paired with the world -figure skating champion Irina Lobacheva, was brought by the popularity of Dmitry Maryanova to a new round. Currently, he is a leading actor of an independent theater project, acts in films, and conducts television programs.


Source: The magazine "Driving"

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