Test Drives Citroen Berlingo 1996 - 2002 Minivan

The night Watch...
... or 1500 kilometers on Citroen Berlingo If the reader thought that we, looking at night, went from Paris to Amsterdam only to see the creation of the Great Rembrandt, he was wrong. Each of the five (among them my friend from the student years, now Parisan, his buddy is Englishman, as well as their common buddies ...
Seemingly truck
Shelves, cells and pockets do not have a lot of Citroen Berlingo debut in 1996. Produced in France and in Russia. In the latter case, named DonInvest Orion-M /\u003e Doninvest Orion-M. Completed with a 1.4 l gasoline engine, 55 kW / 75 liters. from. or diesel 1.9 l, 51 kW / 69 liters. S. Tovar face Citroen Berlingo is produced in cargo and freight-passenger versions, ...
Between Ven and Heel
One on the alternate Kanga Renault Kangu first shown at the end of 1997. Released with four or five-door bodies, in a double cargo (with a conventional or large compartment, standard or increased up to 800 kg with carrying capacity) or five-seater cargo-passenger versions. Completed with gasoline engines 1.1; 1.4 liters, as well as a diesel engine of 1.9 liters and a five-speed mechanical ...
With benefit for business
For many years, the concept of the heel was associated with us with the nettical creation of the Izhevsk Machine-building plant and the Rodonachar of the domestic class of light trucks IL-2715. The tribe of entrepreneurs originated in our time also used this unpretentious old man in their market and larcous purposes for a long time. Our today's guests are a kind of reincarnation of the Udmurt car. They completely reflect ...
Doninvest Orion-M
Autopilot rates cars in five main criteria. The amount of advantages is indicated - b, flaws - Ch. The next subject scored 4 B, 1 C. This is Doninvest Orion-M. EXTERIOR. In the greatness, this hybrid station wagon and minivan is called Citroen Berlingo. It is difficult to attribute to some class of existing, but, agree, there is charm in appearance ...