Chrysler sebring sedan test drive since 2006 sedan

Special opinion

Chrysler Sebring. The name in honor of the sebring racing highway, in Florida. With a claim. It is clear that the car is family, not sports, but you must answer for the name. We asked Boris Schulmeister, one of the leading pilots of the touring class, the Vice-champion of the VW Polo 2001 Cup and the bronze medalist of the European finals of the Polo Cup, to evaluate the car.

Workplace of the driver
The instrument shield is not overloaded, only the necessary dials and control lamps. Not impressive, despite the white sports scales. The left steering wheel switch is endowed with a much larger number of functions than the right one. But, I think, the day of driving and the habit will work out. The selection selector in manual mode works unusually. You switch to Sebring not from yourself to yourself, as in European cars, but from the driver to the passenger. You swing to the right, you go up one gear upward, left to the gear down. At first it is inconvenient, but you get used to it quickly.

Planting, seats
The driver's seat has an electric drive of all adjustments except for a lumbar stop. The range of adjustments is very large. I am sure that a person of any height and physique will conveniently accommodate at the wheel of SEBRING and, importantly, this will not affect the comfort of passengers from behind. On the seat, as a tribute to the sports name, there are vertical rollers of lateral support. They do not perform any functions besides decorative, if it were not for the safety belt on which I sagged the whole test, I would fly on the cabin of aka tennis ball.

Despite the long overhangs, no problems with visibility arose. The dimensions of the car are evaluated objectively when moving both forward and back.

The overall impression of the salon
It seems that when designing the salon, Chrysler specialists proceeded from the principle of reasonable sufficiency. There is not only anything superfluous, but also what this car would distinguish from millions of its star-striped counterparts. Device shield, torpedo, console with controls, climatic installation and an audio system are inexpressive, as, however, the entire interior. But for an ordinary family of four people traveling on a trip, supermodian designer finds are not needed. We need space and comfort, and they are available.

There are two of them. What else can be expected from a car equipped with a machine? The left leg rests on the stop integrated on the floor, and the right one unmistakably chooses either gas or a brake.

Steering wheel, control, suspension
The steering wheel is convenient to the touch, does not irritate with a large diameter. The control keys of the cruise control and the stereo system are attributed quite far from the steering wheel of the steering wheel, you will not hurt them with intense steering. The reaction of the car to the steering of the steering wheel is very predictable. Manageability for an American could be considered perfect if not for the rolls in corners due to a high and soft suspension. I would put the four with a plus: on such cotton racks, one could expect a sluggish reaction in the turns and pricing the front of the car, but in reality the rotation was almost neutral. Bravo, car! You are even Chrysler, but a little Sebring.

Engine, box, dynamics
I do not like American engines with their low liter power and large fuel consumption. But SEBRING has an amazing thrust at low speeds. This medium -sized car accelerates with an enviable temperament. The motor dashingly spins to 6500 revolutions, and a 4-speed adaptive machine clearly monitors the driver’s mood, and with dynamic acceleration, the next gear shuts almost without delay. Even more positive emotions were delivered by manual control. Up, transmissions are switched no worse than in automatic, and when moving down, impressive speed was found even when switching at once in two gear, the machine does not go into thought, but reacts surprisingly quickly.

Effective for a car of this size and weight, ABS comes to the rescue only at the very last moment before blocking the wheels.

For me, a sport-sedan is a low powerful car with spoilers, aerodynamic overlays on the thresholds and at least a small anti-winged trunk, a machine with a silly acute controllability and a 6-speed gearbox. No, this is not about Chrysler Sebring! Its belonging to sports is limited only by the name. But where will you find for 28 with a small thousand dollars a convenient family sedan with such a set of additional equipment included in the base?

Sebring first of all a car for your money. And if you need to get hoter, add the same amount and buy an all -wheel drive turbocharged monster, but, I assure you, from this acquisition you will enjoy only you, and your family will be longing to remember the trip to Chrysler your friend to him to the country.
Boris Schulmeister

A source: Motor magazine [June 2002]

Chrysler Sebring West Drive since 2006