CHEVROLET NIVA test drive since 2002 SUV

America Russia gave an all -terrain vehicle ...

Manufacturer: Ji-Em-Autsovaz
Year of release: 2003
In operation while driving: Since December 2003
Mileage at the time of the report: 11 thousand km
Previous publications in the journal: 2004, No. 2

Since December last year, the second Chevrolet Niva appeared in the editorial office. He works on the farm serves tire tests: he rolls up new tires, carries a heavy trailer with equipment and wheels. Over the past two months, the car ran 9 thousand km, and only 11,000. A little, but there are already some impressions.
A few years ago, we had the term Russian foreign car. Is it possible to classify Chevrolet-Niva to this category? The appearance and interior, good aerodynamics, technical level (fuel injection, neutralizer, hydraulic circuit of the timing chain, steering wheel amplifier, etc.) as if correspond to the world, foreign level. The components are mostly made in Russia. However, a modern car is not only fashionable appearance and advanced design solutions. This is the quality of the assembly, and reliability, and the level of service. This is where it was revealed how just the title of Ino is the justified by our brand.
The 2004 model in this way the car positioned in the future in the fall of 2003 appeared on sale, and soon as amended. How the updated model differs from the previous one, we told in detail in ZR, 2004, No. 2. In the official document received from the joint venture, among other innovations, the Tenneko company was also released. However, on the silencers of our car, the VAZ marking! The imported system, as it turned out, appeared only in February 2004. And by the way, this and other changes was motivated by increasing the price of a car when under the u. e. instead of the dollar, they began to mean the euro. Is the clinovoy belt, a simple Gur radiator, fog lights, electric mirrors and even replacing the Russian release system for German costs one and a half thousand dollars?
Old song about the main
Many beautiful words are said about the tireless struggle for quality. And what is actually? A car with a buzzing gearbox of the front bridge fell on sale! Thank God, in Togliatti, where the car carries a service, the gearbox was changed under the guarantee very quickly. But in Moscow, for such a procedure, you need to stand in line for two months. So the defect is serial?
The singing gearbox is not the only reason that forced to contact the warranty. On the second thousand mileage in the rear suspension, sad knocks appeared after a short disease, the right shock absorber died.
The search for a malfunction helped to detect another component of the quality of the plastic box of the exhaust ventilation valve simply lay behind the rear wheel arch.
The rear doors seals proper them so that the edges of the doors are puffing over the openings, and when moving, the salon ceiling is blinking, signaling that the doors are not closed. However, this is not scary for the seals will come out and everything will return to normal. And why do the rear door glass still slide down, like cars from the first batch?
Why, to control the heater control, the air damper lever still has to be thrown into the position following the desired, and returning it to the only way to resist the backlash in the drive?
At a speed of 60 km/h and higher, frosty air enters the salon, noticeably shake the front passenger. The chill runs through the heating and ventilation system, bypassing the heater radiator. It seems that the adjustment in the drive of the recirculation damper was disturbed. But in order to get to it, you need to remove the instrument panel. And the heating system itself is far from the ideal: the engine warms up quite quickly, but the driver’s right leg is like in the oven, and the left is freezing. We talked about this back in 2002, after a trip to the experimental car to the Russian North.
The deflector grille on the upper part of the instrument panel was already crumpled so that the damper control wheel plunged into its bowels. Now, in order to change the direction of air flows, it needs to be twisted with a carnation or vigorously pushing the grate with a palm.
The castle of the left side of the back of the rear seat after several clicks stopped working. Smiled, trained.
Soon the overall lights and the lighting of the devices blinked. Imagine a car moving in a dense stream, which, like a spy, periodically extinguishes the dimensions, and after two or three minutes they ignite them again. So, after all, it’s not far from trouble! Later they found a source of secret signals of the outdoor lighting key. Then she completely refused to work.
It happens that fog lights do not turn off. The counter -intake of the energetic riding on the bumps after ten minutes later works flawlessly.
By the eighth thousand, an breath of the rear left shock absorber and, as they say, to the heap, the rear oil seal of the handout. So if you go to the service, then with rich hotels!
Almost at the same time, the generator belt whistled. The same, reliable and durable clinova. Since then, in each small puddle, a belt, like a boar, grunts and yells joyfully. And what will happen if the puddle is deeper? Or is the American all -terrain vehicle not located for them?
For the same eight thousand from the radiator, a liter of antifreeze disappeared without a trace (as it is familiar), the wiper brushes stood, and a familiar knock reappeared on the back.
Well, the slogan of the Soviet five -year -olds will catch up and overtake America! The first part is confirmed. It seems that the Chevrolet Niva does not exceed our cars in quality, although it proudly carries an American emblem ...

Expenses for the operation of Chevrolet-Niva (011 thousand km)
Details and materials price, rub.
Winter cleaner brushes 300
Pigo-linen device 850
Then 2500 km (with rav. Materials) 5200
Gasoline 15 500
Anti -corrosion treatment 6000
Loadings 2000
Alarm 7000
Tosol 30
Total 36 880
Sergey Mishin

Source: The magazine "Driving"

Video test drives Chevrolet Niva since 2002

CHEVROLET NIVA malfunctions since 2002

CHEVROLET NIVA malfunctions: Detailed information
Niva since 2002
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability