CHEVROLET CAPTIVA test drive since 2006 SUV

SUV in a big city

Four oriental joys
According to the American proverb, God created different people, but Colonel Colt equalized the chances. The SUV class did the same, he equalized the chances of the owners of real SUVs with those who only look menacing. Today we have four SUV Chevrolet Captiva, Hyundai Santa Fe, Mitsubishi Outlander XL and Kia Sorento.
Who will shoot from his Colt more precisely the rest?

What is there
Hyundai Santa Fe
Price from $ 36990
Max. Power 189 hp at 6000 vol./min
Max. torque 248 nm at 4000 rpm/min
Acceleration 0100 km/h 11.7 s
Mitsubishi Outlander XL
Price from $ 39490
Max. Power 220 hp at 6250 vol./min
Max. torque 276 nm at 4000 rpm/min
Acceleration 0100 km/h 9.7 s
Kia Sorento
Price from $ 34500
Max. Power 170 hp at 3800 vol./min
Max. torque 393 nm at 2000 vol./min
Acceleration 0-100 km/h 12.3 s
Chevrolet Captiva 3.2 V6
Price from $ 38510
Max. Power 230 hp at 6600 vol./min
Max. torque 297 nm at 3200 rpm/min
Acceleration 0100 km/h 8.8 s
Hyundai Santa Fe *****
One of the main two in the tests for pedestrians. Santa Fe scored 0 points in this test. Otherwise, everything is normal. Frontal blow of 12 points out of 18 (75%), a side blow of 17 points out of 18 (94%), only 29. Protection of the child 4 stars, 37 points (75%). Protection of pedestrians 0 stars, 0 points.
Mitsubishi Outlander XL *****
It is noted that the structure of materials of the front of the salon can injure the knees of the sitting in front. But in the lateral strike, Outlander is impeccable. Frontal blow of 12 points out of 18 (75%), a lateral blow of 18 points out of 18 (100%), only 32. Protection of the child 3 stars, 35 points (71%). Pedestrian protection 2 stars, 17 points (47%).
Kia Sorento *****
Correcting the problem with the weak protection of the knees of the front passengers, Sorento again passed the test and received four stars. Frontal blow 9 points out of 18 (56%), a side blow of 16 points out of 18 (89%), only 25. Pedestrian protection 3 points (8%). In tests for children's safety, an excessive load on the chest of a mannequin imitating an 18-month-old child is noted.
Chevrolet Captiva *****
Like Outlander, there is a danger to the legs in front of the sitting and good protection during a lateral blow. Frontal blow 12 points out of 18 (75%), lateral blow 17
there were 18 (94%), only 31. Protection of the child 3 stars, 36 points (73%). Pedestrian protection 2 stars, 17 points (47%).

If somewhere else is the size and matters, then in the automobile world. Today, many dream of a large, brutal and terrible SUV, so that everything is on the road at one appearance, tightening the exhaust pipes, with a plaintive squeak pressed against the roadsides. Big cars are not just a fetish, this is a cult. But there are two groups of people in the world who hate these monsters on wheels Green and mayors.
For the first, SUVs are the same red rag as a mink fur coat. Everyone accuses city officials of that they cannot deal with traffic jams, but how can you figure it out if mothers take their children to school on tanks?! SUV is a saving straw that can reconcile all three sides. Almost always in urban conditions, the SUV is monoprodic, which means that they do not consume so much gasoline and the air does not spoil as much as real SUVs.
They are also smaller in size, but at the same time in the mind of the majority, such a car is still a jeep, which means it is steep.
In our test, two purebred Koreans, a Japanese and an American, born in Russia Koreans came together. Let's start with him.
Metis from mestizos
The conflicting genealogical tree Chevrolet Captiva, already now in small batches in St. Petersburg, is impressive. On the Daewoo car developed by the Car, the Americans put the Chevrolet cross and chose this model for production in Russia. We just have a domestic assembly car.
Neither externally nor internally this affected quality. In Chevrolet, they are generally proud of this machine and they were forgiven her great success even called her conqueror. And there is a reason for pride. Captiva looks more expensive than it is worth it. In the parking lot at the supermarket (natural habitat of all SUV), for sure, many cast favorable views on it. Especially when they see how much it climbs into her trunk (volume 465/930 liters).
True, what will be before the eyes of passengers is impressive much less. Captiva salon is done well, but somehow too plastic-utilitarian. No, there are almost no complaints about ergonomics. There are excellent buttons to control the radio and cruise control on the steering wheel, boxes for small things on the central console and under passenger seats and well-reading devices. But the abundance of gray, booming plastic does not even dilute the inserts under aluminum, especially since they are also unpleasant to the touch. But besides this, there is nothing to complain about. Only the parking brake is inconvenient. The handbrake lever decided to make it original is not just a stick, but a curved poker with a handle intellatedly. But in addition to the form, the button is located not at the end in the design, but on top, which is very inconvenient. Yes, and the lever is somehow unjustified to reach almost to the place of connection of the back with the seat pillow.
But the seats themselves are moderately tough, but with noticeable lateral support. On the second row, there is even better place for knees that a person of medium height will even be able to put his foot on his leg, thereby causing the damage to the cleanliness of the salon. Adds comfort and flat floor. And on the long journey to the place will also be a armrest that can be used as a small table and the cup holders between the front seats.
Starts from the place of Captiva, as they say, for health, although in the 8.8 C promised by the manufacturer up to 100 km/h is hard to believe. True, the car continues its acceleration already for the rest: up to hundreds of it is frisky and responsive, but further the reaction to pressing the pedal is no longer so noticeable, and for overtaking at speed you have to remember the manual mode of the automatic transmission5.
On the other hand, in the city of captiva opportunities is always enough. Moreover, the perky nature and willingness to quickly go beyond the reds of 100 km/h can easily leave you without rights. Well, on the highway, when overtaking the truck, a manual mode with him V6 3.2 will harvest much more willing to harness all its 230 horses. So, apparently, the problem is more likely in the machine that does not like Kik-Dawn mode. True, with this engine in Russia, only it is possible mechanics only for phlegmatic 2.4 with a capacity of 136 hp.
By behavior on the Captiva road, a typical front -wheel drive car with a large mass and a high center of gravity. Rides predictably and quite comfortable. Well, in turns, where the car feels not so confident, ESP comes to the rescue, which is in the standard. Outside the asphalt, the picture shakes worse than we would like. Full -wheel drive is connected only in extreme cases when the front wheels are already slipping. But for trips to the cottage Captiva will fit, the clearance is more important there, and it has 200 mm Chevrolet.

Marketing rasting
If Captiva is the debut of the Korean Chevy in the Parnish class, then other manufacturers from the country of morning freshness have more experience in Suvo construction.
The same Hyundai Santa Fe is already a second generation of bestseller. Accordingly, appetites have grown. According to the developers of the machine, creating Santa Fe, they were equal to the Lexus RX300 and Volvo XC90. But, it seems, not only on them.
Inside Santa Fe, a tone sets a tree insert embracing a salon. It has something from Subaru Tribeca and Mercedes S-Class. And although the quality is not at the level of the latter, the eye is pleasant, and this is already good. Pretty soft seats are stitched with red thread, and this trifle is also remembered as a distinctive part. In general, the interior makes a more expensive impression than a competitor from Chevrolet. But in reality, seats do not have enough side support familiar in Captiva.
By the way, in Santa Fe, they also decided to wipe with a handbrake and eventually converted him to the scabbard in Mercedes, placing another pedal under his left foot. Also not the most convenient solution. But the space between the front seats there was unloaded there a armrest with two boxes and cup holders, which nothing blocks.
Worse with the central part of the cabin behind. Unlike Captiva, the central tunnel could not be hidden, and it proudly rises in the middle of the floor. As a result, sitting in Santa Fe is not as convenient as in Chevy. But if there are two passengers to them, they will not hurt to get a complete comfort.
The solid supply for the legs remains even with the front chairs pushed to the maximum, but the impression of the back of the rear sofa complements, which can bend at different angles in a ratio of 40/60. That is, each of the two passengers sitting from behind will be able to throw it back at its discretion. At the same time, in the armrest, a box with cup holders opens in general, you can fall apart as on a sun lounger by the pool, and even capture the cocktail. Behind the backs of vacationers in the back seat there is a trunk of 774 liters. With folded seats, it grows to 969 liters. Well, the underwear divided into cells helps to keep things in order. True, this detail in our test can only be surprised by Outlander XL, all other cars have a place for underground stocks too.
Santa Fe is not as nimble as Captiva. A machine with a machine gun and V6 2.7 (189 hp) will definitely lose Chevrolet in races for a while. Which, in general, does not hide the manufacturer, indicating the numbers of 11.7 from to hundreds that are quite similar to the truth.
The four -speed automatic transmission is as thoughtful as the first participant in the dough, and on the highway the presence of a manual mode is perceived not as a toy for fans who, having bought a car with a machine gun, stubbornly switch manually, but as a vital option.
By the behavior of the suspension, the car is also similar: comfortable on the highway, on bad roads, Santa Fe begins to be capricious, and comfort in the salon no longer seems so obvious. Both noise and vibrations are transmitted from the wheels.
With maneuvers at speed, the car becomes a roll, and the steering wheel, which in the city seems to be tight and informative, is unexpectedly empty.
Apparently, the American roots of Santa Fe are named after the city in New Mexico.
Among the off -road capabilities of the automatically connected rear axle and forced blocking of an automatic coupling. This, along with a road clearance in 201 mm, allows you to feel a little more confident outside the city, but it’s better not to climb into a serious impassability with such potential.
The frame returns
If we talk about off -road ambitions, then it is easier to implement them on another Korean bestseller Kia Sorento. The recently surviving Sorento restyling is confidently standing on his four not only on the road, but also on the world car market. And the people who chose it can be understood. Asian flavor no longer cuts the eye, and the number of decisions borrowed from other brands no longer goes off scale. Sorento even in the course of restyling received a minimum of changes: they corrected headlights and bumper. Why change something, if everything is not bad?
Where asphalt will end, Sorento will pass further than all participants in the test. A frame SUV with a clearance of 203 mm and the ability to connect a lowering confidently through the snow-gryaze mess. If the wheels of the electronically controlled handout is in the Auto position, then the front bridge is connected automatically when the rear leaders begin to slip. There is also the possibility of forced inclusion of all -wheel drive and the Low mode, which activates the reducing, however, the latter is possible only during a stop.
On a good road in Auto Sorento, it goes confidently and somehow more serious than other cars in the test. It seems as if he is larger, heavier and more solid. A 170-horsepower diesel with a volume of 2.5 liters with a torque of 393 nm accelerates a car weighing more than two and a half tons to 100 km/h for 12.3 s. But even after the more nimble competitors, KIA does not seem phlegmatic she has just a different character. Sorento, for all its external freshness, turns out to be a machine of old hardening. He, for example, has such a vintage thing as a telescopic antenna with an electric drive. I had one at Mercedes-Benz (W124) of 1988, the release of 1988 ... But when I sat on the rear sofa Sorento, I realized that associations with the merin were not accidental.
In my Mercedes, who, before getting into Russia, plowed in one of Germany’s taxi courses, there was a wonderful rear sofa. Over the years of service, he became soft and comfortable, like a favorite chair. It was possible to sit on it for hours. So, in Sorento the rear seat is exactly the same. You don’t sit in it, but you fall into, and you want to swing on its soft springs forever.
The front seats are not so volitional, but it would have fallen asleep for the best other otherwise, having not yet left the parking lot. And so in front are quite dense chairs with a slight hint of side support. When everything is bad under the wheels, it is quite possible to live in the cabin. Part of the suspension work take on seats, and as a result, passengers, gently swaying, swim over potholes, paving stones and tram tracks with minimal losses in comfort. On bad roads, Sorento allows you to ride quite quickly without any problems for this indicator, it is the best in the test.
In the front panel of Sorento is also a raid retro. What are at least two doors located under the climate unit, opening like boxes in some chest of drawers?! And even quite dynamic and modern look of devices, updated after the last restyling, do not violate the general feeling of the comfort of an old, inhabited house. Leather, wood and diesel, rumbling like a cat. I so want to put on slippers, lay thick carpets instead of rubber rugs and, covered with a checkered blanket, climb into the back seat.
As for the trunk, folding armchairs and expanding its space in Kia is not very convenient, especially since the perfectly flat loading surface still does not work. However, in volume it will not yield to competitors (890/1900 l).
So what happens? Three Korean heroes came with the obvious intention to restore their orders. What will Mitsubishi Outlander XL do? The latest participant in this test is actually older both Santa Fe, Captiva, and even Kia Sorento, if we count her age from last year's restyling. In Japan, Outlander XL could be bought back in 2005, but for Outlander XL, a novelty, and very pleasant.
Mitsubishi has always been sold well in our country, and even when the company tormented the brutal crisis, our market stably swallowed thousands of lancers, Pajero and Outlanders. Therefore, in the fact that Mitsubishi survived and returned to life, there are also our five cents, or rather millions of dollars.
Outlander XL is perhaps the first Mitsubishi in history, whose salon can be called truly cool. High -quality plastic, light skin and a lot of aluminum. Where the competitors of plastic, imitating winged metal, has a real aluminum in Outlander. Layers on the steering wheel, inserts on the torpedo and the ears of manual speed switching are made from it. By the way, the XL roof is also made of aluminum and it is no longer about beauty, but in the character so that the car retains passenger habits, the center of gravity had to be lowered.
As a result, you can manage XL without any discounts on dimensions. A small steering wheel lies comfortably in the hands and at any speed allows you to feel the car well. In turn, to recruit this very speed of XL with a three-liter V-shaped six with a capacity of 220 hp. ABOVE AND LOVE. 9.7 from to hundreds on paper look a worthy indicator, and in life, acceleration seems even more rapid. This is especially noticeable on wet and slippery spring asphalt, where Outlander at each traffic light is the first to go forward.
Not only muscles help him in this difficult matter, but also brains of the AWC all-wheel drive control system and the M-ASTC course stabilization system.
In general, all the automation in the XL works so clearly that I do not want to climb with her advice. This is the only machine in the test whose adaptive six -speed automatic is thought at the same speed with the driver, so the manual mode is not needed. This is even a shame, because I want to twitch the already mentioned ears on the steering wheel just so that they do not disappear idle.
There are no other reasons to pull Outlander by the ears, he has already grown enough. XL, compared with the predecessor, added 95 mm in length and 50 mm in width and height. In addition, the wheelbase has become more than 45 mm. So the spacious salon does not surprise it and XL to be roomy, but the convenience of planting was even at the best level than expected.
The front seats, like all other participants in the dough, have a sufficient number of adjustments in order to get a job in them. The back row is more interesting. He, except for the back of the Santa Fe, is already familiar with the corner of inclination, also offers the opportunity to move the seats 80 mm back and forth. It is convenient not only sitting from behind, but also baggage, which will easily be accommodated in a 774-liter trunk. If there is something truly huge to be transported, for this you do not need to open the rear doors and take turns folding the backs in the trunk itself, there are buttons, when pressing the rear row chairs, the backs are first lowered, and then completely lean forward. Well, the rear door complements the picture of the general convenience. It consists of two parts: one opens upstairs, the second down.
The result is a small additional loading site.
This service was not offered by no other car in the test. And Outlander did not even have to lay out their trump cards as the Bluetooth telephone with voice control and the RockFord Fosgate audio system with a capacity of 650 watts with a subwoofer lurking in the trunk! And he got the victory.
It’s just that the XL is the most predictable and pleasant to control, it will quickly think the machine gun, it has the most comfortable salon and the most convenient trunk. In general, he has everything that you expect from SUV. Well, if you want to tinker in the mud, next to the automatic transmission lever there is a circus of Smart-Elect, which is responsible for off-road capabilities. It has three 2WD modes (front -wheel drive), 4WD AUTO (when slipping, rear -wheel drive is connected) and 4WD Lock.
You can change the settings on the go. In principle, the off-road strength should also provide a 215 mm clearance, but behind everything spoils the reserve not in the trunk, but under the bottom, which is why the road clearance is reduced. But, given that the majority of SUV in life does not storm anything except for the lying policemen and borders, and winter snowy courtyards remain the most terrible off -road for them, you can’t call it a big minus.
Chevrolet Captiva 3.2 V6

Type gasoline, v6
Working volume, cm3 3195
Max. Power, l. With. at about./min 230/6600
Max. moment, NM at about./min 297/3200
Maximum speed, km/h 204
Acceleration 0100 km/h, from 8.8
common data
Fuel consumption (EU), l/100 km, city 16.4
Fuel consumption (EU), l/100 km, highway 8.6
Fuel tank volume, l 65
Wheel base, mm 2705
Length, mm 4635
Width, mm 1850
Height, mm 1720
Diameter of the turn, m 11.5
Clearance, mm 200
A mass of equipment/full., Kg 1805/2440
Price, $ 38 510

Captiva will accelerate faster than all, up to 100 km/h is a real lighter
The expensive version with 3.2 from simple with 2.4 distinguishes turns on the mirrors
Top V6 with a capacity of 230 hp It is offered only with automatic
Outwardly Chevrolet looks more expensive than inside
Captiva habits are typically anteroplative, and all the flaws correct ESP, without which the machine is not sold
Chevrolet confidently storms the curbs, but it is better not to climb in the off -road

Hyundai Santa Fe
Type gasoline, v6
Working volume, cm3 2656
Max. Power, l. With. at about./min 188/6000
Max. moment, nm at about./min 248/4000
Maximum speed, km/h 179
Acceleration 0100 km/h, from 11.7
common data
Fuel consumption (EU), l/100 km, city 14.4
Fuel consumption (EU), l/100 km, highway 8.4
Fuel tank volume, l 75
Wheel base, mm 2700
Length, mm 4650
Width, mm 1890
Height, mm 1725 (1795 with rails)
Diameter of the turn, m 11.3
Clearance, mm 201
A mass of equipment/full., Kg 1750/1843
Price, $ 36 990

The clearance of Santa Fe, compared with the past, has become less than 6 mm. A trifle for such a car
The Santa Fe engine is called MJ, but despite such a frivolous name, this is a good hard worker with a gas distribution phase adjustment system
At the speed of Santa Fe steams uncertainly, confidently rides just directly
Hyundai speakers are enough, only mutual understanding of the motor and machine gun is missing

Kia Sorento 2.5 Crdi
Type turbodiesel
Working volume, cm3 2497
Max. Power, l. With. at about./min 170/3800
Max. moment, NM at about./min 393/2000
Maximum speed, km/h 192
Acceleration 0100 km/h, from 12.3
common data
Fuel consumption (EU), l/100 km, city 11
Fuel consumption (EU), l/100 km, highway 7.3
Fuel tank volume, l 80
Wheel base, mm 2710
Length, mm 4590
Width, mm 1863
Height, mm 1730
Diameter of the turn, m 11.1
Clearance, mm 203
A mass of equipment/full., Kg 1985/2610
Price, $ 34,500

While Sorento still knows how to delve into the mud, but the next generation is promised to wean from this
Sorento was named in honor of the city in Italy, sung in songs. Apparently, they hope that poetry will write about their SUV
After restyling Sorento, the diesel 2.5 CRDI became 30 hp. more powerful than before.
You can choose a diesel version with mechanics, but the machine operates well
Sorento acceleration is the most phlegmatic, but in it does not pull on high -speed exploits

Mitsubishi Outlander XL

Type gasoline, v6
Working volume, cm3 2998
Max. Power, l. With. at about./min 220/6250
Max. moment, NM at about./min 276/4000
Maximum speed, km/h 200
Acceleration 0100 km/h, from 9.7
common data
Fuel consumption (EU), l/100 km, city 12.2
Fuel consumption (EU), l/100 km, highway 8.5
Fuel tank volume, l 60
Wheel base, mm 2670
Length, mm 4640
Width, mm 1800
Height, mm 1680
Diameter of the turn, m 10.6
Clearance, mm 215
A mass of equipment/full., Kg 1650/2175
Price, $ 39,490

XL is sold simultaneously with the old Outlander. Letters indicating the size, in the name so that there is no confusion
Outlander cars did not even take the prefix XL, he does not seem large and clumsy
A three-liter 220-horsepower engine seems even more powerful due to a successful box
The high price of Outlander is partly redeemed
Despite all -wheel drive, Outlander loves solid soil under the wheels
LED rear lights look fashionable and expensive
On Outlander, nothing prevents you from parking in a snowdrift: unless the reserve hives low

Nikita Rozanov
Mitsubishi Outlander
The first show 2005
Design under the leadership of Akinori Nakanishi (Akinori Nakanischi)
Hyundai Santa Fe
The first show 2005
Hyundai-Kia Europe design under the leadership of Michael Kink (Michael Kink)
Chevrolet Captiva
The first show 2004
GM design.
Kia Sportage
The first show 2004
Hyundai-Kia Europe design under the leadership of Michael Kink (Michael Kink)
One of the conditions for a successful game in any niche class is the strict observance of its rules. That for the style and design of niche cars is expressed in canonical details, techniques and even certain colors. The smaller such a niche, the tougher these rules, and the framework already. The class of universal SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) type of cargo-passenger sports and economic vehicles began to develop relatively long ago. During this time he managed to form his norms and taboos, but also expand significantly. Today is other times. And if at the time of its appearance the SUV class was a specific product of the North American market, now it symbolizes the internationalism of the entire world -class. But the stereotypes remained, how the dreams remained to get on the capacious US market to immense. What is needed for this? From the face, of course, brandedness will come in handy: the size of the emblem is appreciated. But the preservation of traditional features of the model here is treated without food. This is not Europe for you. The recognition of the genus Mitsubishi consists of a form formed by two inverted trapezes (radiator cladding), and three ruby \u200b\u200bemblem crystals in the center. Chevrolet has long been associated with its identification with a horizontal bar and a golden cross. The breed of other participants in the dough is expressed in slurred and completely subordinated to changeable fashion. Silhouettes set the tonality of perception from the side. Unfortunately, they are secondary and somewhere we have already seen this. For example, on the side of Sportage, the first-generation Mercedes ML is almost spilled, and Santa Fe and Captiva, each in their own way, exploit the BMW X5 image on the market ... Only the Chevrolet lovers were only the back of the front wing. Fashion! The view from the back of the SUV car should not cause anything but satisfaction from the amount spent on its acquisition. The luggage door is wide, the loading height is sufficient, and the visibility of the posterior optics is functional. Everything is true Utility! But take a look at how the rear lights of Outlander are emotionally painted true Sport, and even a great Vehicle.
Not even dedicated to the sacraments of design and style, the degree of similarity of architecture, composition and drawing of 4 devices presented on the tests (this is perfectly noticeable in photographs) will be surprised. A professional can accept each of them for painting options for one idea. Not surprising. This works, and in all its glory the features of niche design. A peculiar reckoning for success and popularity. It remains to look for the nuances. There are few of them. These are tasty details of Captiva, from which the integrity of its design is made up. This is the Outlander steering wheel, which forms the sports component of its style.
Look for the nuances! While they still have ...
Mitsubishi Outlander XL

Outlander has a seven -seater version, but we are not for sale. But the salon and trunk at Mitsubishi really xl
Finally, Mitsubishi has a salon for which it is not a shame. Moreover, they can be proud of
The rear seats can be folded using a button in the trunk. Facilitates loading and leaning platform
All that needs at hand. In addition, at the bottom of the door a large pocket in which you can put a bottle
Between the two wells of the devices, a bright and clear screen of the computer. By the way, it is finished with real aluminum

Hyundai Santa Fe
The first Santa Fe was stuck in armor made of cheap plastic scratch I do not want to. The new armor took off, under them was a pretty, but much more vulnerable car
The interior turned out to be interesting. The tone sets an insert under a tree embracing the salon. Better materials would be better ...
For the fact that we were deprived of a seven -seater version, Hyundai apologized as a capacious trunk and thanks for that
Insert under aluminum on the background of a dick under a tree ... at least the real buttons
The devices are glittering, and the computer screen is uninformative and illuminated by a terrible blue

Chevrolet Captiva 3.2 V6
The air intakes on the wings are distinguished by the top version. If in their place the turn signals the car costs $ 10,000 less
The salon is comfortable for everyone and ergonomics almost perfect, the plastics are rather soft. But there is some feeling of saved intonations
Captiva is also seven -seater, but in this case only a memory remains from the trunk. In a five -seater performance with a place for luggage, full order
Invented the bike, but everything is comfortable and it works clearly. What else do you need?
Such devices are already a recognizable feature of Chevrolet similar to both Aveo and Epica. Family value!
Kia Sorento
Restyling almost did not affect appearance. However, Sorento from the very beginning looked good and was sold too
Soft armchairs, a bunch of drawers and cup holders. Everything is at home, I don’t even want to get out. Well, from the back, deeply spinning sofa, it is generally not easy to get out
Trusher with underground and separately opening glass. What else does a person need to meet ... mother -in -law?
Near the wiper of the windows niche-handle. On the road there you can keep, for example, a mobile phone
There are no delights here, but everything is read well, and thank you
Outlander will inspire those who are waiting for Peugeot 4007/Citroen C-Crosser. The platform is common!
There are no weaklings in this four. Each of the cars will be a good choice and, probably, a favorite toy of its owner. But, if you look for a car that allows you to get a maximum of driving pleasure, it will be Outlander XL. This, together with a convenient trunk, an original salon and a rich equipment, makes Mitsubishi, as they say, must have. Captiva does not steam so accurately and cannot boast of such expensive materials, but she has a very spacious salon and it is possible to choose a version with seven chairs. She is the optimal choice for home, for the family: a pretty, not show -off, honest car. However, it will be better to go to the cottage to Kia Sorento bad roads, she will take on to herself: he will pass on the off -road, and the bumps will soften as much as possible. True, lovers of dynamic driving with her will not get along. Santa Fe is also good, but fuzzy reactions to the steering wheel at speeds and a slow automaton spoil the overall picture.
Mitsubishi Outlander XL
+ Passenger habes, good materials, original design and convenient trunk
- There is no choice of engines and a seven -seater version
Chevrolet Captiva
+ Very frisky up to 100 km/h machine. The salon is very spacious, especially the place of the rear sofa passengers
- A thoughtful machine gun. The interior is convenient, but some gray and faded
3 seats

Source: Cars

Video test drives Chevrolet Captiva since 2006

Chevrolet Captiva Crash Video since 2006

Chevrolet Captiva Crash Test since 2006

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