Cadillac SRX test drive since 2009 SUV

Cadillac SRX. Dreams Come True

Cadillac SRX. Price: 1 760 200 rub. On sale: from 2010

The prototype of this Cadillac crossover demonstrated in January 2008 at the Consumer Electronics Show exhibition in Las Vegas. Then, however, he was crammed with batteries and was driven by both electric motors and a hydrogen power plant. In 2009, on the same motor show, he changed the green color to a more traditional one and gained the status of a pre-production model. And now the second generation Cadillac SRX can be purchased from an official dealer

Test pilot
Oleg Kalaushin, 41 years old, automobile journalist, driving experience 22 years, personal car - Renault Logan

The new Cadillac SRX is a rare case when the new model becomes less than the previous one. It would seem, nonsense, but in GM they went consciously for this. Why? Yes, because Caddilac did not have a single real crossover. Cars that were considered crossovers were, to take at least the previous generation of SRX. But such that at least vaguely resemble European or Japanese models, not a single one. In this regard, if the company did not incur losses for this reason, then, in any case, it did not receive profit. And this is at a time when Lexus, for example, with his RX literally tore the North American market: the form, content, ideology of this car had everything to taste. And the people voted for him with their blood dollars. Well, since the people like it, then you need to do something very similar, but with emphasis on national values. As a result, the second -generation Cadillac SRX appeared on the market, the appearance of which does not allow you to doubt its origin and at the same time makes it clear who hung on the wall in the designers frame as a sample.

Yes, SRX has become different. And not only externally, but also conceptually. Take at least the platform. The previous model was based on the rear -wheel drive chassis, while the novelty has a front -wheel drive architecture. The old SRX is a sort of seven -seater walking yacht, the current one is already more like a walking boat. And even if the forms of this very boat are more reminiscent of the chatter, you can’t refuse to expression.

No less in the interior, but here the riot of fantasy had to be linked with ergonomics. Moreover, with ergonomics, which is familiar not only to North American, but also in European drivers. So, an electric parking brake appeared on the machine, and now there is no need to lift the left leg to the level of the instrument panel to fix the car during parking, and just pull the appropriate key on the central console. Lighting control has moved from the steering wheel switch to the instrument panel. Cruise control moved to the steering wheel. But the control of the climate installation and the audio complex remained almost unchanged, which should please those who are already used to such an interface. Of the amenities left as branded fichens, you can also note the adjustable pedal node. Thanks to this option, it is comfortable to get driving the new SRX as a ten -year -old child and the attacker of the basketball team. We think that it will feel quite comfortable in the second row. There are enough places there, despite the fact that the SRX is shorter than the predecessor both in total length and in the wheelbase.

But with a huge trunk, due to the reduction of the dimensions, I had to part. Now he is just big. And besides, it is equipped with a U-shaped guide, in any of the parts of which you can place mobile anchor rings. So it will not be consolidated to fix the load. The back door is equipped with an electric drive, which allows you to open it to any height and remember it. A very convenient function, especially if the ceiling of the garage is low.

But back to the salon. As it should be for new technical regulations, the car now communicates with the driver exclusively on his driver, his native language, which is very pleasant, because when setting up systems responsible for comfort, it is much more interesting to confirm or not confirm the inclusion of a particular function than to rustle the dictionary or manual. And you can configure a lot in Cadillac, starting with the volume of the warning signals and ending with the sensitivity of the air sensor (this sensor even determines the humidity).

But this is all statics, and what is the movement? Today, the car raises two power units. The first is a 3,0 -lit gasoline engine with a capacity of 265 liters. S., the second turbocharged 2.8 -liter already about 300 horses. But the latter is not supplied to our market yet, so dealers can only offer a car with a motor 3.0. In principle, this is not so bad, and that's why. As a rule, attracting the client, manufacturers say that the new motors, although they have large volumes, still consume fuels much smaller than their predecessors commensurate in terms of the volume of predecessors, and therefore the possession of such a car will not fall on a heavy fuel burden on the owner. Perhaps it is if this ownership has its own oil tower. And if not? Sorry, but even if you wake up on the SRX in the right row at a speed of 100 km/h, the route computer will not show you the figure less than 10 liters per hundred. And this is in the most gentle mode. It is worth adding a little or getting into the cork, as the cost of a run in the l/km doubles. Now imagine how your wallet will turn your purse a 2.8 -lifted turbo engine. In general, if you are not ready for such expenses, then it is better and do not stutter that you need a new SRX. A completely different thing if the issue of cost and quantity of fuel does not bother you. Then you turned to the address. Indeed, in all its glory, the SRX is revealed precisely at high speed. You just soar over reality and are surprised to note that the speedometer arrow is already very far beyond the boundaries that the traffic rules determine us. It's a shame, scary for the consequences, if, God forbid, traffic police, but I don’t want to interrupt this very flight. And the whole point is that even at a fairly high speed, the car remains absolutely subject to the will of the driver. To blame the car and nothing.

However, Cadillac SRX is not only a passenger car well adapted to highways, but also, albeit a little bit, an SUV. We turn off the highway from the highway and understand that the blows that the suspension takes on, and at the same time with it, we are also a retribution for a comfortable existence on the asphalt. It is impossible to quickly move along country roads, abounding snags and potholes, on SRX. The maximum that you can afford is to smoothly shift from a bump to a bump, and sometimes a rather large front overhang does not even allow to do this, and the next hill has to go diagonally. It was here that you can just feel the operation of the all-wheel drive system, which is able to distribute the torque not only between the axes, but also between the wheels. Simply put, at certain moments, all torque, up to 100%, can transfers to the wheel that has the highest grip coefficient with the surface. And then even the most diagonal hanging will not stop the car: SRX confidently goes forward.

But how confident the Cadillac SRX will enter our market, let's see. Sales on the merits have just begun. With this potential, the car should have their own admirers. Moreover, and the price is almost at the level of competitors.

From the conceptual Cadillac Provoq, which appeared in 2008, the current SRX is almost no different. The main difference is in movers. The concept, unlike a serial car, was driven not by a gasoline engine, but by the E-Flex power plant, which made it possible to drive 483 km without recharging, of which 450 on hydrogen fuel and 33 on the energy of ionic-literary batteries. The electric motors are installed for each wheel, which provides excellent handling. The maximum speed of ProvoQ was 160 km/h, and up to a hundred, the car accelerated in less than 8.5 seconds. To power other consumers on the roof of the crossover, solar panels were installed. The grille of the radiator is made on the principle of blinds. If the power plant required cooling, the sash was opened, and when moving at high speed, they closed, improving aerodynamics.

We do not love
The handle on the driver's door allows you to adjust the height of the opening of the fifth door, which is very convenient when parking in the garage. Conveniently
The shutdown key of the stabilization system is located from the passenger, and this can lead to its unauthorized shutdown. Unreasonable
The suspension moves are not large, but diagonal hanging is not a strong obstacle to continuing movement. Great

The car is pleasing with good dynamics and quite predict. He behaves quite tolerably on the lane. However, fast riding on such roads is contraindicated for him.

Spacious and coat. The quality of the materials is also on top, although there is more artificial skin than natural.

Excellent sound insulation. A large selection of personal settings in many respects.

At the level of competitors.

The car is in its price niche.

Advantages and disadvantages
+ Dynamics, comfort, sound insulation, Russification, spacious salon, large trunk.
- The suspension is not sufficiently adapted to driving on country roads.

Mark and model - Cadillac SRX 3.0
Dimensions - 4833x1910x1668 mm
Engine - gasoline, 2986 cm3, 265/6950 hp/min -1
Transmission - automatic, 6 -speed
Dynamics - Max 200, 0100 km/h 8.5
Competitors - Lexus RX, Subaru B9 Tribeca.

Our opinion
Undoubtedly, the new Cadillac SRX will find its buyer. The car is very well prepared for a meeting with it from a technical point of view and in pricing, however, it seems to us, the main obstacles for the massive SRX attack on our market will be a specific appearance and a large number of competitors who are more suitable for the Russian buyer in mentality.

Author: Oleg Kalaushin
Photo: Igor Kuznetsov


A source: Magazine 5 wheel [November 2010]