Test Drives Cadillac CTS 2002 - 2007 Sedan

Cadillac for old light
Model CTS trained European standards of behavior Actually, we planned to take this car for a whole week. Introduce to ride, slowly figure out that yes, as it is arranged in it, to squeeze for our television heading. However, this Napoleonic plans prevented a visit to Moscow Sir Elton John, for which General Motors CIS officially secured immediately ...
Perfect illusion
BMW 530IQ since 2003. In this present, the BMW of the 5th series is equipped with 2.2 l gasoline six-cylinder engines (520i), 125 kW with a manual transmission; 3.0 l (530i), 170 kW with mechanical and automatic transmission and most powerful V8 Valvetronic (545i) 4.4 liters, 245 kW, as well as diesel 3.0 l (530d), 160 kW. Autumn ...
Mechanical Cadillac
Cadillac due to the adaptation of the brand under the tastes of European consumers continues to mutate. And today we get acquainted with the youngest representative of the Europeanized CTS rule. ATTENTION, this is he Caddy without a machine, the first in 20 years! Caddy, which, as they say in the driver's environment, ruls! It is also necessary to remember about the front sofa, Laerge ...
Reboot to Europe
Listen to the sound of this word Cadillac! The imagination draws an image of a luxurious car, with a white leather interior, front sofa (in which, it seems, you can drown) and the Giant V8 under the hood. This is a machine with a glossy magazine Life Style magazine, a sign, emphasizing the social status of the owner. There was a time when each brand of bluing his image and ...
Cadillac Renaissance era
At the end of the nineties of the last century, one of the oldest departments of the GM-Cadillac corporation, traditionally specialized in the production of expensive cars, turned out to be in a deep crisis. In 1996, after removal from the production of Fleetwood model in the Cadillac program, there are no classical layout cars. Conservative buyers have poorly accepted new front-wheel drive models. It even reached ...
Guest from the Future
Suddenly, for many, the new model of Cadillac has become a unique symbiosis of American traditions and European technologies. It is worn in our verse, everything is very impressive. Somewhere in the depths of the dilapidated stone hangar, cutting a thick veil of centenary dust, two bright beams of xenon light lit up. After a few seconds, bizarre appeared from the gate of the building of the beginning of the XIX century ...
Movie star
Quite often, the debut of the new model is trying to reinforce it with its participation in a fashionable blockbuster. In the superpopular film Matrix: The reboot could be seen a new Cadillac CTS.Ont one of my friend in response to the question about your preferred style in clothes, two years ago I answered simply: Well, you know how to the matrix. Somehow our meeting was appointed near ...
Knindskaya Marilyn
Among our cinematographers, probably there is no person who would be better understood in cars than Ivan the troubled. And among people with gasoline in the blood - a man who shot the film with a car in the lead role. That is why the white dance of the overall kinodiv chose him. In principle, I do not like American cars. Therefore, giving consent ...
Riding a star
Va-au, Cadillac This magic word produces a rapid flow of associations to the will. Skyscrapers, endless highways, Miami beaches, Texas sands, Atlantic City Casino and so on. Two-hundred percent America. Glamor, Spacious, Rock and Roll. Cheap gasoline and dollars packs. After some time, the warmed fantasy gives a template image: you are in a noisy company carrying Frank Sinatra on ...

Video crash tests Cadillac CTS 2002 - 2007