Test drive BMW Z3 Roadster E36 1996 - 2003 convertible
A very strong drink

And a powerful relatives is a dream.
Three versions of the BMW Z3 can be compared with different stages of ripening of good wine. As wine acquires its properties over time, so Z3 from year to year becomes more stronger, more refined and thinner to taste.
The two -year excerpt, which gave a progressive version of the version with engines of 1.9 and 2.8 liters, can no longer satisfy gourmets. In the first look, the macho does not correspond to the running qualities of the car, in the second - this difference is smaller, but in version 3.2 it is practically reduced.
The M-Druster based on Z3 belongs to the model range of 1998. But something told us that in our, which, a long-lovingly loving BMW, this machine should appear about the country. And our searches were rewarded. The only copy of this car in Russia was provided by the BMW Bavaria for the test.
This small, almost toy, double machine contained under the hood in a row 24-valve six with a working volume of 3201 cubic meters. See power - 321 l. with. Acceleration to a hundred takes less than 6 seconds. The maximum speed is 250 km/h. If not for an electronic limiter!

The 1.9-liter version has 15-inch wheels, dressed in tires with a profile of 205/60. They would also suit the Z3 with a 2.8 liter engine, but the Bavarians, as a standard, install 16-inch wheels and tires with a 205/50 profile on a 2.8-liter version. And on the 3.2-liter already 17-inch, with ultrashiki, as in large, tires. The only plausible excuse for such replacements is huge arches in which huge wheels should be standing, ”the famous English automobile magazine wrote. We will not argue with this. If comrades with left -handed traffic have a desire to try how such a beast will keep the road on narrow tires with small discs, let them try.

When you are dealing with a hell of a machine, considerations of comfort, as it were, fade into the background. The tiny, at first glance, the salon when landing turned out to be very convenient: enough space for the legs, the seats can be adjusted exactly by itself, the instruments on the panel are well read, a good overview in the rear view mirror. The sound of the stereo installation is calculated - clean with high power, which is necessary when driving in a convertible. In other words, everything is like in the present BMW.
At the same time, Rogster is a machine in order to show yourself to everyone who goes and traveling past you. And the BMW Z3 M Roadster is not the worst option for this.
Even when you rush under two hundred and no one has time to distinguish Litera M on board.
The editors thanks the BMW Bavaria (095) 488-1107 for the car provided for the test, as well as the Vyacheslav Zaitsev models agency, (095) 971-4141.
Everyone knows that Z3 is a James Bond car. The question is how much it cost the Bavarian company.
Her leaders with a naive look assure that Pierce Brosnan chose a car for himself. But somehow everything is too successful-here is the world premiere of Z3, and James just chooses BMW, and it was the car, the sales of which did not begin in short, so that the hero-reconnaissance prefers Z3 and the new class united in the customer Consciousness with a courageous, slightly dull face of the famous agent, the Bavarian company had to pay, according to unofficial information, $ 2 million. Plus, of course, the free provision of a car. Or, rather, cars - who does not know how Bond treats the equipment. But success exceeded all expectations. Hundreds of orders fell on the company, people now have to wait for the supply of a new car for 4-5 months, regular customers are seating, demanding a special approach to themselves. BMW even conducts special lotteries, which is not even Z3 itself, but the right to buy it without queue!
In general, the idea was successful. And it is already known (again from unofficial sources) that in the next issue, James (still by chance) will cross the luxurious sedan of the 7th series, the renewal of which is just prepared by the Bavarians.
Interestingly, Mercedes also went along the same way. In the Spielberg lost world, an M-class SUV that has not yet been on sale appears. Its participation in the filming cost the company not cheap - $ 7 million. The fact is that the first of the machines provided was broken on a concrete wall by an inappropriate actor, and Mercedes had to urgently send a replacement at his own expense.
The leaders of the German automotive industry can only envy Porsche, who received a similar advertisement for a long time and for a long time: in the 550th, Spider at one time, the famous James Dean crashed.
By the way, it is Porsche that turns out to be one of the main rivals for the new Rogster Z3 M. Roadster BMW is closer to me, ”says the owner of the BMW-Bavaria car dealership.“ It accelerates to hundreds in 5.4 seconds. This is two tenths of a second faster than Carrera. The difference for the specialist is very significant. And in general, in the dynamics of Z3, the Porsche is ahead of the Porsche. For the first time. But Porsche has prestige. The Porsche club, meanwhile, believes that one thing is the number declared by the manufacturer, and the other is what the machine is capable of in reality. And still, Carrera Z3 cannot be overtaken.
Не только в России, но и во всем СНГ владелец Z3 M всего один. Сказать пока он ничего не может, потому что еще не получил машину: согласился подождать до сентябрьского салона. А мировая пресса хвалит Z3 (без особого энтузиазма) и Z3 M (вдохновенно). Нашелся всего один оригинал со своим особым мнением. Вот как разгромил баварскую разработку австралийский Daily Telegraph: Кто-то запустил детсадовскую группу в дизайнерскую студию BMW, а потом собрал детские рисунки, и то, что получилось, запустил в производство. От уродства этого автомобиля захватывает дыхание. Blimey!
Фирма-изготовитель Bayerische Motoren-Werke AG Германия
Тип родстер
Количество дверей/мест 2/2
Тип бензиновый с многоточечным впрыском
Расположение спереди продольно
Рабочий объем, куб. см 3201
Число, расположение цилиндров 6, рядно
Диаметр цилиндра х ход поршня, мм 86,4х91
Степень сжатия 11,3:1
Мощность, кВт (л. с.) при об/мин 236 (321) при 7400
Момент, Нм при об/мин 350 при 3250
Число клапанов/цилиндр 4
Привод на задние колеса
Коробка передач пятиступенчатая, механическая
Передняя независимая
Задняя независимая
Передние дисковые, вентилируемые
Задние дисковые, вентилируемые
ABS стандартная комплектация
Размер шин передние 225/40 ZR17, задние 245/40 ZR17
Длина/ширина/высота, мм 4025/1740/1270
Колесная база, мм 2460
Колея передняя/колея задняя, мм 1420/1490
Снаряженная масса, кг 1600
Максимальная скорость, км/час 250
Разгон до 100 км/час, сек 5,4
Расход топлива, (л/100км)
При 90 км/ч 7,9
По городскому циклу 16,6
And what else
Z3 M, безусловно, отличная машина для летних выездов, но для тех, кто хотел бы использовать подобный автомобиль круглый год, есть смысл рассмотреть вариант приобретения Mercedes SLK. Последний, хотя и не является таким мощным, как Z3 М-родстер,- на него можно установить двигатель максимальной мощности только в 193 л. with. - по престижности не уступает ВМW. Наличие же металлической крыши все-таки придает большую уверенность в завтрашнем дне в том случае, если вы оставляете ваш автомобиль на улице даже на короткое время.
In fact, it all depends on your tendency to a particular brand. Say, Porsche Boxster is quite fit into classmates, although the company installs a lower power engine compared to Z3, but its own weight of the machine is smaller. So if you are a fan of Ferdinand Porsche ideas, you definitely have something to think about.
The third among classmates and the most exotic of them (given only for the completeness of the picture) RinSpeed, accelerating to 100 km/h slightly slower than four seconds, and the lightest of the mentioned models, of course, is the dream of many fans of a quick ride. Which in the Fatherland are more than enough.
Andrey Bakuta,
Dmitry Novokreshhenov (photo)
Source: "Autopilot"