Test Drive BMW M Roadster E36 1997 - 2002 Convertible

Let always be the sun

On the outcome of the summer, two stunning cars were in our hands - Alfa Romeo Spider and BMW Z3 Rooms. We have already written about the latter in the first engine, but Spider has become a novelty for Moscow. Z3 We took to him in a couple to compare the stylistics and the ideology of these machines. Dmitry Soskov, Grigory Kuznetsov


And Spider, and Z3 have a long history. The previous Alfa Romeo Spider was produced for almost 30 years, and the modern model appeared in 1995, along with the GTV coupe. From the coupe, it is distinguished by a retractable soft roof and no rear seats.


Without the roof, Spider looks breathtaking. After a while, besides delight, you begin to experience envy. It is envy to those who still have to get acquainted with Alfa Romeo Spider.


Imagine a hot summer day, an open car. Good? And if it is double? Even better. Specifies the girl of unearthly beauty? Generally wonderful. And if there are no girls? Boldly sit down at Alfa Romeospider - in such a wonderful car, loneliness can not be long. Oh, what beauties looked around at us ... Stop, it's time to take yourself in hand, remember strict editors and try writing an impartial report ...


Considering Alfa Romeo cars, gradually come to the thought that this company simply does not know how to make ugly cars. In the case of Spider, designers seem to even stopped. Look at the photos...


I look at the standing car, you understand how unnatural is immobility for her. And this addictive middle line is rising from the front bumper, it hugs the saddles.


But rather emotions. Jump out inside, fall into the sports seats and tear off.


The shocking motor will ensure excellent acceleration. Air flows are running.


The sensitive response of the car on the slightest movement of the wheel, the rigid suspension, the singing of the motor and the wind - in the blood-skinned adrenaline.


Yes, we kind of wanted to calm down ... stop. This Alfa, by the way, is very good brakes. We leave from the car, we translate the spirit and go to another beauty, although the handsome is probably a more suitable word.


BMW Z3 is definitely very beautiful. But the origins of the design solutions are completely different here. Alfa Romeo -Automobile, designed for the host, valued and serious dynamic characteristics, and stylish appearance. It cannot be said that Z3 is deprived of these qualities. No, but they are slightly expressed. The fact is that, though3 and produced in the United States, he must conquer the English buyer.


The German company BMW has long tried to capture this market sector, and it is worth noting, it works well. One of the most striking examples is the purchase of the British Rover Concern. More -Ceproarchief with the Holy of Holy British Automotive, Rolls-Royce.


The next strike of the Germans in the island bridgehead was the release of the model Z3. It looks like this car as if they made it in Britain. The origins of the design of this rhodster are in such classical English machines as MG, Austin Healey. Moreover, Z3 pushed out in the famous TV series about James Bond British legend, car brand Aston Martin.


Apparently, James Bond Although Superman, but clearly low - with a raised roof, even people to sit in Z3 are inconvenient. But everything else is satisfied with 100%, BMW cars have always differed a thorough work of a driver's seat. Salon Z3 is less spacious than the Alfa Romeo, it is not so stylish and seems too simple.


The accelerated dynamics of Z3 is a little worse than the Spider, but still it is impressive. And the rest of the running quality should be a BMW brand - clear steering, excellent brakes.


Honestly, in Alfa Romeo Spider still more style, besides, this machine is more spacious and dynamic.


But when we rushed through the Moscow streets, surrounding clearly liked Z3, the BMW brand in Russia is more known than Alfa Romeo, respectively, and interest in it more.


A source: Motor magazine