Test drive BMW Z3 Roadster E36 1996 - 2003 convertible

By summer they are ready

Immediately make a reservation of acquaintance with Z3 was very short, although not the first time we saw the car. At first, of course, photographs appeared, then Rostster was put up on a salon in Detroit. In Geneva, a machine was already equipped with M. But what can be compared with the first sensations on Test-Drive. So, we will assume that this is our first meeting. And since the first, then a proverb comes to memory: they meet on clothes ...

We all wondered what color the car will be. It is good that the car turned out to be not like Bond, frivolous blue, but fire-red, this color goes both relatives in general and Z3 in particular.

According to the first photographs, it was clear that the designers of the new relatives are trying to preserve traditions, which began the famous BMW 328 (1937). I must say that now it turned out even better than when creating the Z1 relatives.

On the street, Z3 immediately gathered a crowd of curious. Open cars, and even more so relatives, are very rare in our country. On the road, the car seems very small. But his aggressive look of the lateral stamping, similar to the shark of gills, a low front spoiler and a huge hood of alligator type is able to frighten any gaping driver.

There are very few places in the car. At first glance, it seemed that it is possible to sit there quite conveniently. The only serious problem for people of high growth will be the upper cut of the windshield. I had it just on the level of the eyes with the threw roof, my head was frozen. You can, of course, throw back the back of the seat and sit reclining. But then there will be problems with the knees. In the end, it is difficult to demand special comfort from the Rodster.

The interior decoration of the car is classic for BMW. Bavarians did not follow in the footsteps of colleagues from Mercedes, who finished the SLK salon in an avant -garde style.

The steering wheel on the Z3 is very light. However, with such dimensions of the car, the steering wheel could well be made less. By the way, it would look more sympathetic.

The roof is folded manually, and quickly enough. Part of the luggage compartment is an awning, but a pair of medium -sized bags or a large picnic basket will fit in the trunk.

Cars are equipped with two 1.8 liter engines. and 1.9 l. We got more powerful. It seemed that 140 liters. With. They must make a rocket out of such a baby. But Z3 is easier than an ordinary treshka by only 25 kg, so the designers managed to win on acceleration of only 0.4 seconds. In terms of rigidity of the suspension, Rogster also looks like a classic three -lash. It’s hard to say anything about controllability. At least, attempts to hang the wheel for a spectacular picture were crowned with success. The car did not drop from the asphalt.

We hope that soon we will be able to work longer with this car. In the meantime, we inform lovers of original cars that the wealthy class cost $ 35-40 thousand, depending on the configuration. You should order a car now, since they are produced a little, and until the summer is very close.
Savva Simonov

Source: Motor magazine [No. 05/96]

Test drives BMW Z3 Roadster E36 1996 - 2003