Test Drive BMW X3 since 2010 SUV

Spring mood

BMW X3 3,0D reveals the best quality ...
The day off, the sun, the birds are singing behind the opened window. And I sit at the computer, consistent only with fresh impressions - from how this morning with the breeze flew to an office from the suburbs in 23 minutes. After having broken a personal record, which, however, did not seek at all, it just happened. On the semi-desert MKAD enjoyed a smooth, impeccable course of X3, in a moment (I will not even speak, at what speed) turned out of the all-wheel drive in the rear-wheel drive car with an absolutely transparent and sharp steering wheel. Then he almost missed the turn, in which he fit at the last moment under the striking ABS and an intelligently flashing DSC indicator. Then I caught a green wave of traffic lights and very soon turned out to be parking near the editor. In a certain bewilderment from the thought that such a glorious day would be good to devote BMW X3 on the roads, and not at the monitor. Well, yes this issue of the newspaper Tomorrow must be prepared for printing, so nowhere to retreat
Universal and fast
In the first publication about BMW X3 3,0d (AI No. 5, 2005), I noted one of the main, from my point of view, the merits of the car - it literally charges the energy. She told about the system of full XDrive drive system, working in a pair with a dynamic stabilization system DSC and capable of anticipate the slip of the wheels and the loss of coupling stability. In two months, I was quite convinced of the effectiveness of her work and in such a way that in urban conditions to disable DSC does not make any sense: it is not able to prevent even the most active driver. Now, on dry asphalt, the intelligent xDrive pleases no less. With a strong start, and 410 Nm of torque is not a joke, the system still transmits it with all wheels, providing the most efficient acceleration. But at high speeds, a multid-sized inter-axis clutch completely opens, and X3 turns into a rear-wheel drive car. Moreover, this metamorphosis occurs completely unnoticed, but you feel somehow immediately, especially on a dry road, without mistaken on the drive. X3 goes gently and confident how only the machine can go with the rear wheel drive.
The front wheels are exempt from unnecessary concerns and focus on their main duty - make the car follow the desired course. This is where the magnificent steering settings are manifested, which is famous for BMW. In the usual life, the ram has three more turns from the stop until it stops, and personally, I sometimes think that I could work less (although the SUV should not be too acute steering wheel). Now, at speed, the slightest turn of the steering wheel causes a smooth, but fast and accurate reaction of the machine. Fine!
The only nuance that the BMW X3 should know with a three-liter diesel engine, is that the car is a little different behavior in turns at good speed. So today, fitting into the same turn, who almost did notice, I noted the desire to the forever of the arc. What is explained very simply: a diesel engine is heavier than gasoline, therefore weighing on the axes are a little different. There is nothing criminal in this, such a feature of diesel X3 should simply take into account. However, you understand this very quickly and act on the subconscious level. That is, an SUV behaves quite predictable.
Pleasant trifles
I do not know why, but in the spring, it will certainly be necessary to carry something large-sized, like a pair of computers with monitors. So, the luggage compartment X3 simply struck me with its capacity. Of course, the rear row of seats is consisted entirely or in parts, providing a volume from 480 to 1560 liters under the bloc. I have not been lazy and compared these numbers with the same data on the X5 model, and, imagine the younger brother surpasses the older on the volume of the luggage compartment by 15 liters with decomposed seats, and for 10 liters with folded! Although he himself is 10 cm in short, 4.5 cm below and 1.5 cm already already X-fifth. By the way, he is easier for 250 kilograms.
The harsh reality made me appreciate and complete the X3. Let me remind you that we are talking about the car in the BUSINESS package, in my opinion - optimal. At some point, the air pressure indicator in the tires highlighted on the instrument panel. I did not notice any changes in the behavior of the car. Therefore, I calmly reached the destination, I looked intently on the wheels - it seems that no one is so descended so that it was noticeably naked eye. Therefore, I clicked on the corresponding button at the bottom of the central console until the pictogram changed the color from red to yellow, and then not extinct. But the next day the indicator gave itself to know again, so I had to come on a tireage: And in fact, in the left front wheel the pressure was less than the norm. Got up, yes I went. A day later - the same story. Here I asked to remove the wheel - and not in vain: in the rubber, it was beating that I was caught where I was caught. In general, a very useful option.
Spring, in addition to other joys, brought a decrease in the level of fuel consumption by 0.1 liters per hundred kilometers of run. Now the on-board computer shows the average consumption of 11.3 liters. Moreover, I go to the day, like most Muscovites, I get into traffic jams, and when it appears the opportunity - I go for all the money. I am sure that the consumption of diesel fuel will be even lower when I finally change the winter tires on the summer. In any case, I visited the gas station times at one and a half years, which would do it, be under the hood x3 3-liter gasoline engine. Before this afraid, no problems with the quality of diesel fuel occurred. True, at our refueling for a diesel pistol should be taken in gloves. The 67-liter fuel tank personally grabs about 450 - 500 km. A calm driver will probably erupt at one refueling more. Although it is difficult for me to submit a person whom X3 did not start. Especially in spring
Text: Oleg Osipov

A source: Newspaper "Car Izvestia" [№8 (76), 2005]

Video Test Drives BMW X3 since 2010

Crash Test BMW X3 since 2010

Crash Test: Details
Driver and passengers
Active security system