Test drive BMW 5 series F10 since 2009 sedan

United Colors of Business-Class

In Kaliningrad, Turin and Trolhattan, completely different cars are made. Different not only in their technical characteristics, but also in spirit, mood, philosophy. The heroes of our test today are noted only two circumstances of the highest quality of manufacture and belonging to a business class, in which these machines, without a doubt, settled seriously and for a long time. So, meet: Alfa Romeo 166, BMW 525i and Saab 9-5 Turbo. The fight is serious ...
Perhaps the 166th, the most stylish and extraordinary machine in our three. Any Alfa Romeo is always impeccable dynamic characteristics and bright appearance, designed to say to others about the explosive nature of the car without any words. Looking ahead, I note that both by engineers and designers are performed perfectly. Sometimes, even to the detriment of functionality and ergonomics, whether they had to be the task of bringing into the light of an amazing model 164, undeservedly deprived of attention in our snowy latitudes?! The appearance of the car did not have to indulge!. Indeed, when you find in the mirrors the alpha rapidly rushing along the highway, you have no doubt that it is better to give in to the predator the road, otherwise you will have to turn to the traumatologist. Probably, stylists also noticed how aggressive the appearance of the machine is. And, having worked with his face, they made it a little sleepy, it seems that the car covered his eyes-fara, about to take a nap a little. But even if the apparent drowsiness of the cunning and predatory beast did not mislead anyone to jump, and under a sloping hood tensed before the low start of 190 Apennine horses, direct relatives of the reared stallions from Maranello ...
Getting inside this far from a miniature car, you immediately remember that Alfa Romeo and Ferrari are children of the same manufacturer, Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino. Alfa has always occupied a special place in the production program of an Italian concern. And if her analogues from Fiat and Lancia, with all their sports merits, closed the niches of inexpensive cars for every day or prestigious crews for the owners of the pizzeria network on the Ligurian coast, then Alfa Romeo, even experiencing crushing defeats on racing tracks from much less titled European competitors remained the brightest automobile star of the automobile sky, which it ascended at the dawn of the automobile century. Despite the dull luster of the skin and a huge amount of small things pleasant to the eye and body, the 166th interior is unambiguously focused on a driver with an active life position. At the same time, the interests of passengers are not at all infringed on the spaciousness, comfort and comfort they get in abundance. But only at the wheel of ALFA you can feel like a real Romeo, ready to drive your swift chariot in all directions without sleep and rest at the same time, not doubting for a second that anywhere in the globe you will still be the first. Great seats with excellent side support reliably hold your body in corners, and a peculiar design of the pillow and back will allow you to even feel even during a very long and tiring trip how much you end and Alfa Romeo begins.
The steering wheel, the instrument panel and the design of the front panel are clearly from the automobile sports. And after small improvements, these design elements organically fit into the overall architecture of the interior, giving a large business class sedan exactly as much sports as it should be in every car with a false radiator grille in the form of a heraldic shield. True, it is not very convenient to control the ventilation deflectors of the ventilation system when convenience is sacrificed to style. And somewhat overloaded with buttons (38 pieces!) The central console appeared. As they say, the first time without a five -liter bottle of Sangria you won’t figure it out ... I will noted in fairness that there are 34 in the Saab, and in the BMW 30 (plus 9 duplicate on a multifunctional steering wheel). But already on the second day of acquaintance, all the problems of control of ventilation systems, navigation, musical accompaniment and all kinds of electric drives, for which these buttons are responsible, disappear forever.
In the back, two people will not be easily and comfortably accommodate, the third will not be superfluous, but a very undesirable interior detail. It is impossible not to note the ceiling slightly hanging over the tops of tall rear passengers, this minus has already become traditional for most cars of the end of the second beginning of the third millennium. In the unequal battle of ergonomics and aerodynamics, the latter confidently and unjustly wins ... Are the designers really not realize that among the 7-millionth population of people with an increase of above a meter seventy-eight more than enough, and some of them from time to time go on the back seats of their cars ?! By the way, the Saab 9-5 An unconditional leader of this test in terms of comfort provided to the rear passengers. In the Swedish sedan, literally with my head was enough space even with a height of 191 cm.
A ride to the 166th delivered a lot of pleasure to both car testers and passengers. Maybe a suspension behaves a little softer than you want, but by creating a city sedan, the engineers were primarily concerned about its comfort, and not whether he could pass turns on a suburban serpentine. The craving and elasticity of the V-shaped six in the entire speed rpm is excellent, and the reactions of the car to turn the steering wheel and work with gas in the turns of what you expect! 10 seconds and on the speedometer already 2-fold exceeding the speed set for the city. 7000 revolutions, 160 km/h, the fourth gear ... But there is also the fifth and sixth! Mama Mia, I have gone back! Thank God that gasoline quickly ends! .. True, when it once again suddenly snowed over the March Moscow, unfortunately, the dealers provided us with the summer tires with which the powerful Alfa completely explainably behaved about active driving. Absolutely helpless. Do not forget to change shoes to the car in accordance with the season! Bayerische Motoren Werke products in the view of 1/6 of the land does not need BMW at all and so dream of buying everyone who hate Mercedes. However, as for the fifth series, for official sales in Russia, only cars of the production of the Kaliningrad assembly plant of Avtotor and M5 Bavarian assembly have been certified. It was the Russian five who came to us for several test days, which without a doubt made the 525th most interesting for studying the car in the top three.
It is unlikely that it makes sense to talk a lot about the external data of the new 5th series: the authority and image of these machines on both sides of the ocean is almost unshakable, therefore the stylists only slightly corrected the appearance of the five in accordance with the evolutionary corporate style and began to sell it with no less success than than predecessor. The Bavarians sacredly honor traditions and quite rightly do not make revolutionary decisions during restyling. I open the massive door to the salon ... And I can’t get rid of the feeling that before penetrating inside, I will have to go through passport and customs control among strict German policemen. The salon is so deutchland gemacht that it doesn’t matter which country is the main country behind the windows that sitting in BMW, you are already in Germany ... ergonomics and the quality of interior execution are impeccable. I met a meticulously around, I am looking for signs of Russian assembly (alas, while I have to judge our assembly mentality by new Vasiks, Gaziks and Yuri Bezrukim) everything is perfect! I bend the rugs, tapping plastic and door cards, with my head, like a pool, I dive into a glove compartment and trunk and after the most close study, which is probably not capable of, even a gloomy headman of the graduates of the FSB Higher School, is ready to admit with a pure conscience that to admit that The Kaliningrad assembly from Bavarian is distinguished only by the geographical location of the conveyor!
The front seats provide the driver and passenger with exactly the level of comfort that you rightly expect from a thoroughbred Bavarian sedan worth $ 4,000. The number and ranges of the adjustments of the seats, a cold officialdom of the finish, the feeling of incredible security from any cataclysms that can rage as much as you like, but will never affect you while you are in the bowels of this elegant bunker at wheels at the highest level! In the center of the console, a branded system combining, as in the 166th, all possible information, ventilation and musical functions under one lid. So it is drawn to call her BMW Business Center! In general, in the ergonomics of the front, everything is so competently and balancedly conceived and made that it is impossible to highlight something especially: if you notice something outstanding, a holistic composition will immediately fall apart in perception and the Bavarians, in my opinion, sought to organically merge driver with inanimate nature. This contrast is especially striking against the backdrop of impressions of Alfa Romeo, it was made by temperamental southerners, the hellish mixture of the hot sun, involved in young wine! The thoroughbred Germans, on the contrary, the shocking is not peculiar in principle, the time itself will figure out who is the Chancellor Bismarck ...
The rear sofa spoils the idyll. In general, I was always surprised why the five offers the passengers so little space behind me? No, I did not even expect that it would be as spacious as in the representative model 750 Lang, but still, for such a rather big outwardly, the car is clearly closely crowded. But above the head of the place, as in a convertible with a folded roof along with Saab 9-5, this is a rare case today when the ergonomists did not follow the capricious circuits. And yet, I would gladly use the five as a car for two adults with children or my beloved dog, but I would prefer to politely refuse from a trip in the back seat ... I did not disgrace the genealogy in the driving of Bimer. It is a pity that in the world there are now very few companies that are so impeccably working on refinements of classical layout cars. The suspension works very stiff enough, perfectly coping with road irregularities. With a KP-automatic, a more powerful BMW is slightly inferior in the dynamics of both Alfa Romeo and Saab, but in this class of machines acceleration to 100 km/h was never a decisive factor when buying, isn't it? I really liked the algorithm of the machine of the machine. All switching occur in a timely manner and without delay. Do you want more life? Put Tiptronic into manual mode and go! Only it seemed to me that it was enough to transfer the shifter to the Sport position and not to torment the expensive mechanism with its not very skilled intervention in its affairs Bavarian electronics anyway, it is better to know us through which transmission to give to the rear wheels the torque of the Munich motor.
For measured and safe drives on 525i, the manufacturer sets the DSC course stabilization system. I will allow yourself to keep it constantly turned on, you do not need to play with fire and release 190 frisky German horses to the feet of 190! Even with a rather aggressive driving on a slippery road, the DSC perfectly assists the driver, confidently holding the rear -wheel drive car within its line of the road. But when a sliding machine and the inscription DSC OFF appears on the dashboard display, BMW seems to break away from the circuit, every turn is trying to go backwards and even when touched from the place to a straight rear axle, striving to run ahead our old acquaintance and kind friend who fell on wheels of power and moment ... Saab 9-5. Strong, fast, warm and cozy, successfully balanced in all respects the car. In the third millennium, Svenska Aeroplan flew as well and stately as he first appeared in public in June 1997. Over the four years of its existence, the nine-fifth is already so closely studied by the car press and dismantled by rivets that to say something new task about it is practically impossible. Therefore, first of all, I will try to compare Saab with competitors in the test.
To argue about tastes, as you know, the matter is completely useless. Therefore, personally, I would express my impression of the appearance of these cars. If Alfa Romeo 166 is an expertly tailored and fitted outfit, and BMW 525 is an impeccable strict business suit, then Saab 9-5 comfortable, discreet and stylish clothes for every day and all occasions in which you can appear without any constraint at a fashionable party , a business meeting, in a college of a child or to leave with his family for the weekend to the river in any setting of the Swede will look absolutely harmonious. Inside, 9-5 makes an impression, so to speak, the closest to the person of a car among competitors, the warmest from the point of view of ergonomics. Nothing outstanding, except for the signature location of the ignition lock with a built-in carto-lice on the tunnel between the front seats and the rarely demanded function, the night panel, which allows one pressing the button to put out the entire salon illumination and leave only a speedometer lighting from 0 to 140 km/h. At the same time, the 9-5 interior not only seems to be the most spacious, spacious and comfortable among spectacular, but slightly crowded competitors, but also equipped with all possible ergonomic frills, including ventilation of seats, which is neither in Alfa Romeo or BMW.
In the ride 9-5 traction, like the 166th, and fast as 525th. Very accurate work with the fuel supply pedal requires turbocharges when an overdose of gas overdose the front wheels so willingly break into the box that they can, in my opinion, can only be an exclusively sane and sensible driver, and not expensive electronic strands from the manufacturer. Saab was also given to us on summer wheels, and to keep it within the road canvas on the snow was not an excess reason to recall that having spent 30-40 thousand one-dollar banknotes on the purchase of a good car, it is ridiculous to save a thousand on the set of tires corresponding weather. Nine to fifth perfectly holds the road, sticking to it, like a fighter during landing. In steep turns, the suspension allows the car a little large rolls than we would like, but I repeat, in this sector of the market, cars do not appreciate the racing settings, but for the ability to comfortably move the owner and passengers from the business lunch to the country and in the morning to the office.
In general, each car from our three can give pleasure to the owner not only by driving and comfort. The diverse and versatile talents and the capabilities of these cars will find use in various living and operation conditions. We mentioned the downsides during the test. As for the pluses, Saab 9-5 has a quality and impeccably worked out ergonomics, BMW has the quality and image that you can safely make the highest rates, and Alfa Romeo has no doubt, character and amazingly competitive among not less eminent classmates price.
Alexey Mochanov, 2 hp
Photo by Alexander Nozdrin
How do they look:
Nikita Rozanov
The corporate style of the whole three at once is five stars at once. Indeed, the identification of each car requires only minimal knowledge in the history of cars and normal vision. The machines are easily distinguishable and recognizable from a long distance from both the face and from any other side. Each has its own corporate grill: BMW nostrils, Alfa Romeo shield, Saab is a characteristic and constant pattern of radiator cladding. The silhouettes of cars are dynamic and indicate each line of their magnificent speed abilities. It may seem that the exception is Alfa, in front resembling a lazy and dormant beast. However, in the form in the profile, the predator comes to life and is already in a powerful jump. Such an apparent discretion of style is not at all a miscalculation of designers, but evidence of their highest skill. This is how the high window sill line is characteristic, which, together with the horizontal of the threshold, forms a dynamic and assertive wedge. The entire trinity of sedanov equally imitates a sports coupe, and therefore the side racks are painted black. And in BMW, the general outline of the window opening will also be emphasized with a thin chrome molding with a proprietary bend of the line in the opposite direction of S. The most characteristic view of the rear, as well as the most original and memorable, squinted nature of the optics in Alfa Romeo. Alfa Romeo stylists also paid the most attention to the wheel drawing, which is understandable: Italians always work in design comprehensively, without disregarding any smallest detail.

Alfa Romeo 166 has a very original and characteristic design, with sophisticated stylish details. However, it may seem that the drawing of the front (face) is somewhat indifferent in relation to the main topic of expressive and dynamic body design. BMW 525, as always, looks solid, and the design honestly practices the money paid for the car. Some suspicions of the conservatism of the style will probably disappear with the advent of dusk, when the car's neon rings of the front overall light will have linked. Saab 9-5 The dynamic silhouette of a sports orientation sedan is characteristic and does not allow us to be mistaken in the identification of the model. A solid style and high -quality performance remain signs of this model for five years, but soon the car may need to update the design.
The interiors of the entire triple are buried in folded skin, performed in the style of Hand Made (handmade). The composition of the panels of the devices, which is traditionally for this class of cars, is subordinated to the dominant role of the driver. This explains the abundance of instruments, switches and indicators on the central console, the composition of which is completely built under the driving process. In addition to this, the working surface of the console in Saab and BMW is slightly deployed, and the driver’s workplace at Alfa Romeo is also highlighted by a powerful relief that forms a kind of semblance of the front passenger of the cockpit. The devices are functionally round, and the tree is only traditionally present in the decoration of the panel and upholstery of the BMW doors, while the lower console Alfa Romeo casts cold metal, which very subtly harmonizes silver anthracite with the skin of the color of the color. In general, in the style of the seat, all cars are oriented towards the chair of the director of a small but prosperous company. Both rows are equipped with a central armrest in which Saab has two retractable cup holders and a closed container for trifles.

Alfa Romeo 166 is extremely stylish and sophisticated, which sometimes reduces the functionality and ease of use of individual governing bodies. BMW 525 is a traditionally solid and functional design, some repetition in which is compensated by the highest quality of execution. Saab 9-5, a long-standing adherence to the aviation style of the layout and detailing of the instrument panel creates a slight sensation of conservatism of style, which, however, is leveled by the general intention of design and its color-player solution.
How they sound:
Maxim Rakitin
For testing, we will use multi-gang music recorded on a chrome cassette and a CD. Rock Americans Papa Roach, Orchestra from the movie My affectionate and delicate beast (composer Evgeny Doga) and blues from Chizh and CO.

SAAB 9-5
The car is equipped with a Harman-Kardon audio system with a tuner, a cassette player and a CD player. The speakers in the system nine eight in regular places and the speaker of the central channel on the instrument panel. Managing a few buttons, slightly overloaded functions (for example, three commands hang on one key at once), and rotary regulators. Volume adjustment, search and selection of the source are duplicated on the steering wheel. Information in the form of clear characters is displayed on a large information display. The tuner operates in the AM and FM ranges, is equipped with RDS, which recognizes 19 (!) Types of programs, and a steady technique provides an active antenna on the rear glass of the car. The search is carried out first in automatic mode, and the stations are located in turn, that is, from the lower frequency to the highest. The microlift of the cassette player smoothly, but persistently absorbs the cassette and quickly removes it from the bowels of the system. Search for paths is carried out by pauses, empty places are passed, during the search the device does not make a single sound, but simply performs its work.
The disk is loaded, and leaves its nest very smoothly. In the absence of Ceiner, Sidyuk reproduces tracks in free mode, loses the first 15 seconds of each track, has an automatic reverse function. Papa Roach hit a lot on acoustics, but did not put it into a state of overload. The midbassed speakers in the rear shelf responded to the beginning of the composition with a well -coordinated BAM!, Almost forcing the rear window to break out of the seal. The sound is powerful with a clear emotional coloring. Evgeny Doga Music immerses the conservatory in the atmosphere of the concert hall. All nine speakers are included in the work, the midbasses pull large drums and litaurus, the middle is responsible for the violins, and the central channel unexpectedly took over the winds.
Chizh also played one hundred percent. Its blues guitar, rolling along the collection of a car, turns listening to the disk into a rock concert for five. The cassette player in terms of sound quality is no different from the disk (subject to the proper quality of the film).

Alpha Romeo 166
The control is entrusted to two rotary controllers, one is responsible for the volume level, the second for working with extensive, but, unfortunately, confused menu. Any settings, including temporary mutation, are made after a small walk along the endless fields of the menu. All operations are accompanied by the appearance of colorful icons. The tuner is looking for stations in automatic mode. In order to go to manual mode, you need to find this function in the wilds of the computer. However, in the machine, the tuner does not miss a single range of the range, and all memory banks are filled for 30 seconds. The reception is very confident, and the interference is practically absent. RDS with 10 types of programs.
The cassette part, which is distinguished by a soft loading mechanism, is capable of (in addition to playback) to pass free places and find a track for a pass for more than 1 second. All operations with a cassette are also performed using rotary regulators and menu. The declared capacity of the system 200 watts, plus ten sources of sound and two amplifiers. The fatal composition introduced an alpha sound into a state of light overexcitation. The weak study of the lower frequencies makes all the speakers to crack together. At the same time, high frequencies begin to whistle, clogging the middle. Orchestral music suffers the same, although to a lesser extent. The lower classes are also not enough, but the clear middle and good upper frequencies partially compensate for this drawback. The quality of reproduction is quite high even without noise -given, and overloads are minimal. Blues and rock and roll performed by Mr. Chigrakov best. If the volume is not close to the peak, then each tool is worked out clearly, and there are no visible flaws in the sound.

BMW 525
The system is called BMW Business and consists of a tuner, ten speakers and a cassette part hidden under a decorative cover. The system control is difficult, since there are no characters on the keys, and each of them is responsible for several functions. Information is displayed on a long display, consisting of several sectors. For ease of use, the main functions are duplicated on the steering wheel. The tuner with two ranges was pleased with the lightning -fast search for stations in automatic mode and excellent quality of admission to the internal active antenna. In each range of four memory banks for six cells, there are RDSs and active nozzles. Opening the cassette cover, we find the Dolby system button and the socket itself with good backlight. A second of thoughtfulness and reproduction begins. Of all the musical works, the most BMW was a success. Rock overloaded the low -frequency speakers, but this nuisance was fixed with a simple adjustment. The music of American bars sounded slightly cold, without much emotion: the German BMW rejected the Americanism alien to him.

Source: Cars