Test drive BMW 5 series F10 since 2009 sedan

BMW 5-Series. Bavarian hope

BMW 5-Series. Price: from 1,765,000 rubles. On sale: since March 2010

The BMW of the 5th series has always been, there is and will probably remain the bestseller of the Bavarian concern. At least, German marketers hope for this who do not hide rainbow hopes about the new car. Partly points over I will be arranged this spring, when the sales of the applicant for the crown will begin in our country

Test pilot
Stanislav Pavlov, 38 years old, editor -in -chief of the magazine, driving experience for 20 years, personal car - Mazda6

The BMW 5th series has become one of the main exhibits at the recently ended Geneva Motor Show. Unlike many others, the Bavarian engine factory brought to Switzerland not environmentally friendly concepts, but a real car. If you want to order tomorrow. A string of new models, located along the wall several meters above the floor, was an interesting move at the BMW booth. It looks spectacular, but from afar it seems that absolutely the same cars soar in the air. I’m approaching, and a strange sensation does not disappear. Even closer, UV, of course, there, of course, here are different cars from the smallest to the largest. But the sediment, as they say, remained. And the point is not that the thickness of my diopters exceeds the thickness of the glasses of the cars of the presidential motorcade, and not that I was 93 years old at dinner. It’s just that all the exhibits were painted white, and therefore, even a trained eye does not immediately notice the difference. All modern BMWs are really damn similar to each other. I do not mean character, but appearance.

If you return to the subject of our article from lengthy reasoning, then the sixth generation of the new five is no exception. When you watch Anfas, neither give nor take the 7th series. Further even more interesting: on the design, the similarity is not limited. Both cars are created on a single platform, that is, the components from the older brother were installed on the top five. We are talking about unified elements of suspension, transmission and engines. History knows many examples when larger ones were made from small machines, but the reverse process is used much less often. Is it good or bad? Honestly, I don’t know, but the fact that the 5th series looks like a real limousine is for sure. Considering the body, it is easy to guess about the desire of designers to make a solid and at the same time dynamic car. A long hood, short overhangs and a compinent falling line of the roof, which make up the wedge -shaped shape are responsible for the sports component. The silhouette, if you move away a few meters, looks absolutely balanced, which indicates a successful distribution of mass between the front and rear axles.

One glance inside is enough to understand an important thing: this car is created for the driver. No, do not think that passengers will be inconvenient. On the contrary, the salon of the 5th series will give odds to the highest standards of aviation comfort. But the one who is sitting driving is given special attention. For example, cockpit is deployed in his direction 7 degrees. The asymmetric central console emphasizes orientation to the driver. And with the help of multifunctional keys on the new steering wheel, from now on, you can control the cruise control. By the way, all the controls and indication of the instrument panel made using Black Panel technology are clear and visible. In this case, important information, including the speed and indications of navigation, are projected onto the windshield. The driver sees this, and the passengers on the right and back remain in ignorance.

Despite the sports appearance, the five cannot be perceived as a sports car. Of course, the dynamic capabilities of four gasoline and three diesel engines with a capacity of 184 to 407 liters. With. They delight, but the 5th series, sorry for the repetition, is more reminiscent of a limousine than a racing car. This managed to make sure during the tests on the Portuguese racing highway Estheril. Even when the stabilization is turned off, the electronic mind continues to monitor the unreasonable person, now and then interfering in the management. You cannot completely get rid of control!

We will not dwell on controllability and dynamics for a long time. These indicators are close to the ideal, a limousine ideal. The car lost the reckless sharpness inherent in its predecessor. I remember how hot heads were surprised on the Riga highway, when my test turbow -verbal in the blink of an eye turned into a point on the horizon.

The current modernized 6 -cylinder turbodiesel develops 245 liters. With. The diesel engine is really good: at the speed of the crankshaft 4000 min-1, the maximum torque is 540 nm in the range of 1750 3000 min-1. To accelerate from a place to 100 km/h BMW 530D, only 6.3 s is required at a maximum speed, which, of course, is limited by electronics, 250 km/h. Now attention: the average fuel consumption is 6.3 liters per 100 km of run. In the urban cycle, this indicator will increase by only 1.7 liters, and in suburban will be reduced by 1.0 liters. In other words, even at the nearest gas station, you are unlikely to be able to remember the faces of the tankers. The new diesel five does not know equal in economy.

Operation Clean finger
Oh, how this option was not enough for Russian owners of BMW. It seems that the suit is from the best couturier, and the coat is not from the Cherkizov market, and the clock is for a tidy sum, but you will have to close the trunk with your hands, like a Lada driver. Now life has become better and more fun. Press the button you get the result. And this is only one pleasant trifle of thousands of others offered for the new five.

We do not love
Passengers from the rear seat gained full access to climate management and media center. Cool

It became simple to place a longer in the trunk as ever. Pull the seat section for the handle and open. Comfortable

Electrolyuk will not seem superfluous to warm spring days, when the human body lacks sunlight. Sunny

The car is distinguished by calm reactions to the driver’s commands. It still accelerates well, maneuver and slows down, but this happens more smoothly.

The salon is distinguished by excellent ergonomics inherited from the predecessor.

The BMW 5 series has never been such a convenient car.

The new car is unlikely to be an exception in a series of 5-star BMW models.

The announced prices are presented quite adequate.

Advantages and disadvantages
+ Unsurpassed comfort, excellent dynamics, small fuel consumption.
- Loss of a former sports nature.

Mark and model - BMW 5 -Series
Dimensions - 4899x1860x1464 mm
Engine - turbodiesel, 2993 cm3, 245 hp/4000-1
Transmission - automatic, 8 -speed KP
Dynamics - 250 km/h; 6.3 s to 100 km/h
Competitors-Mercedes-Benz C-Class, Audi A6.

Our opinion
The BMW of the 5th series is not a sports car. Accents are shifted towards comfort and respectability. It will seem boring to someone, but many will perceive this fact positively. The sixth generation of five, as never before, resembles a limousine, only smaller and cheaper seven.

Author: Stanislav Pavlov


Source: Magazine 5 wheel [April 2010]