Test drive BMW 3 Episode E46 1998 - 2002 Sedan

Three to four

It is sincerely pleased that Russia has finally tried all-wheel drive cars. And if a year and a half ago, the domestic consumer adequately perceived the 4x4 wheeled formula either for any type of parquet, or on uncompromising sports turbocharges, now All Wheel Drive for normal life get to our tests with enviable constancy. For BMW 330xi, Jaguar X-Type and Volvo S60 AWD, we went with special interest. Having any of these machines is pleasant and prestigious. But how will they behave in our conditions? And does it make sense to pay extra for two more drive wheels?
With the advent of the Audi Quattro in the early 80s, it seemed that the great all-wheel drive revolution had happened. Each concern considered it his duty to develop an all -wheel drive transmission for his model range. The number of Four Wheel Drive models grew like yeast. It seemed to many then that there would be very little time and monopoly vehicles, like dinosaurs, would go into the past, giving way to real cars on the roads. However, the car history put everything in its places the share of all -wheel drive modifications in the European market rarely when it exceeded 30% of the total number of sales. Why?
The advantages of all -wheel drive compared to rear or front are obvious, ceteris paribus, such machines are much more stable on the road, differ close to neutral controllability, allow us to optimally realize the dynamic capabilities of the engine, due to less traction in each spotlight, to a much lesser extent, they are prone To the exit beyond the clutch of the wheel with the road, which means that the car is under control much longer. Full -wheel drive machines are much safer than monoprodal. Moreover, the worse the weather and road conditions, the brighter the advantages of four drive wheels are manifested. Among the relative disadvantages, in comparison with the monotive, it is impossible not to note the increased fuel consumption, the complexity and lower maintenance of expensive transmission, a larger level of transmission noise and, most importantly, a significant difference in price, sometimes reaching several thousand euros. Full -wheel drive machines are more expensive than monoprodic, and under normal weather and road conditions, all their potential for active security, fortunately, is in the current reserve and often remains unclaimed.
That is why QUATTRO, AWD, 4WD, 4X4, 4MATIC, 4Motion, Syncro, Integrale in Europe can be found much more often on mountain serpentines Alps, Pyrenees, Tatra or Besky, or in severe scandinavia conditions. And on well -groomed and not tormented by badges, the prudent inhabitants of the Old World prefer greater comfort and insignificant economy of ghostly active security. From the point of view of weather and road conditions, Russia can hardly become an object of envy for Europeans. Long winters, torn roadsides of suburban Bolshhaki, the vagaries of nature and the slippery of our being, even in a dry asphalt, even in a dry time. Of course, all -wheel drive is not a panacea from all these troubles, but in operation it definitely looks preferable to classics or anterior. And our experiments with BMW, Jaguar and Volvo have once again confirmed the justice of such a statement. Separately, these cars have already visited our pages, and each of them left a good memory of himself. The impeccable quality of the Bavarian assembly, the exceptional Swedish comfort and the congenital British grace are unlikely to need a second recommendation.
BMW is surprisingly. Not related to the number of drivers fanatically in love with this car, I will notice from the side every new treshka manages Bavarians even better than his predecessor, although every time it seems that it can no longer be. Power, aggression, pressure do not even try to hide under her muscular contours. That outside, that from the inside, the series 3 is saturated with the spirit of youth and healthy egoism. In principle, I always perceived this machine as a purebred compartment, despite the decoration of two rear doors and a double rear sofa separated by a folding armrest. Ahead is quite cozy and spacious enough. The salon sits on you, like a suit tightly fitting on the figure, this should be the work of an expensive tailor. The only claim to ergonomics is a bulky multifunction steering wheel. The cross -section of the rim is too large, far from decorative castings are far from perfect and it is completely impossible to use the buttons without taking off your hands from the steering wheel. But from the operating experience of 325xi, I know that you can order another, much more ergonomic lamb. Otherwise, the company's advertising booklets extremely objectively reflect the luxury and quality of the Bavarian salon.
Jaguar was born a real jaguar. A predatory, graceful and sleek car animal. It’s a pleasure to admire them. Subbed inside, you feel like a true English gentleman. In terms of price/quality/pride in possession, I would call it an unconditional leader in our three. I can imagine with what love for the brand and with what respect for traditions this car made stiff British. Do not listen to cynics, claiming that X-Type is just an expensive English Ford Mondeo. Despite the common platform with the European flagship Ford Motor Co. And the obvious interpenetration of some constructive solutions (which in itself can be counted in an unconditional plus), Jaguar is distinctive and dazzling, as befits the offspring of a noble British family. And no photography, even taken by the best Russian automobile photographer, is able to convey an amazing sensation that arises in a person, by the will, whims or a conscious choice of his wheel. It seems that the whole world outside the car became different and incredible to cover massive doors and revive the key turning the key and a serene purring motor.
Volvo S60 belongs to the category of beloved children in the family. A prosperous, successful and, without a doubt, one of the most attractive cars in the lineup of the Scandinavian concern. I well remember how positive energy was charged with his first release in the autumn of 2000. Designer Peter Horbury then did not compliment to the car, he patiently waited for eyewitnesses to praise her. Sit behind the wheel, configure the driver's place for yourself, shade in the vicinity of Stockholm and feel peaceful, Peter smiled. We did everything so that the words of comfort, comfort, calm and Volvo become synonymous to you!. It is really very nice to be in this car. It is really nice to manage it. The only thing that cannot be noted, getting into the S60 salon, is too monotonous gray interior design. I have no doubt that the Scandinavians, at least as the options for aluminum, carbon or veneer as the material of the linings on the central console and not such gray dials for the instrument panel, would pleasantly pleasure the eye with new colors, which Volvo now is clearly not enough.
X-Type the most powerful car in the top three. 234 cats (in our test 1 K.S. \u003d 1 hp) 3-liter V-shaped six accelerate it to hundreds in 7 and a half seconds, and acceleration ends at 229 km/h. The maximum torque 284 Newton is issues at 3,000 rpm. The transmission of the moment to the leading axes occurs with the help of an asymmetric self -locking differential with the WISKOFTA as a blocking mechanism. In a loose state, 60% of the moment arrives on the rear axle, 40% on the front. Bavarians are removed from the traditional 3-liter in-line six per 3 hp. Less, but the XI accelerates one tenth naughty and flies 13 km/h faster. 300 Nm arrive at 3,500 crankshaft speeds. A free center differential distributes the moment between the rear and the front axes in the ratio of 65/35. The Volvo has long and successfully mastered the turbocharged 200 hp. With a row five of 2.5 liters and 285 nm in the range of 1800-5000 revolutions, they create that you are not a driver, but a diesel locomotive driver. 0-100 km/h in 8 seconds and the maximum speed of 210 km/h look more modest than that of competitors, but the characteristic sound of turbo when accelerating morally compensates for a barely noticeable loss in dynamics. The Swedes built a new all-wheel drive transmission instead of their own AWD fellow countrymen from Haldex, equipped the S60 rear bridge with an electronically controlled coupling, which, if necessary, includes the feed, when the front axle does not cope with an over the moment and begins to slip. Three fundamentally different approaches to the transmission explain three completely different images of the thought of these machines during movement.
On clean dry coating, all three cars behave equally confidently. Excellent acceleration, logical and predicted reactions to the actions of the steering wheel, effective braking. In such a situation, BMW looks a little more stable due to the fact that the car in the non -navigated Michelin Alpine tires. Volvo and Jaguar prepared for winter with the help of the last Scandinavian development of Gislaved NordFrost 3, and as soon as the asphalt under the wheels was replaced by a suburban porridge and an ice crust of the training ground, BMW surrendered to competitors almost without struggle. We have already said that the advantages of all -wheel drive are the more obvious the more difficult road conditions. JAG is the best in this test. The most logical, obedient and safe all -wheel drive, close in characteristics to the reference Audi A4 Quattro and Subaru Legacy 4wd. Volvo requires the habit and understanding of the logic of thought of electronic brains of the Haldex coupling. At times, it seemed that with a front -wheel drive sixty, a common language is easier to find. And only after a systematic training we made sure that AWD is still preferable than just S60. The Bavarians did not seek the overwhelming majority of the company’s customers initially tuned in the control of the rear -wheel drive car. Therefore, engineers deliberately put the emphasis back on the transmission. And BMW remains BMW even in the 4x4 version. The failure in the absence of gas on the slippery coating and the development of drift in response to the accelerator, provided that you did not have time to accurately and quickly work by the steering wheel ahead of the lead. But if you compare this car with a simple rear -wheel drive analogue of itself, then the XI has become an order of magnitude easier and safer in management. Having removed part of the giant moment from the rear axle and connecting the front to the fight against drift, the Germans very correctly smoothed out the explosive nature of their car, taking a noticeable step from excessive rotation towards neutral. And if you are not obsessed with the development of a rally technique of passing turns by car worth under 60 thousand dollars (and most likely, if you honestly earned this money, it is) and you are a convinced fan of Bayerische Motoren Werke products, the XI modification is exactly what you need In our latitudes.
In any case, the country, in which the winter and bad weather runs the ball and bad weather, must consciously stop its choice on all -wheel drive. Fortunately, today we have something to choose from. Down with thoughts about sports, driving in turning fans and pursuit of seconds on any more or less winding suburban path! Give a complete control of the machine in any road situation, confident acceleration and stable behavior of an all -wheel drive iron horse in those sections of the track where the classic and front -wheel drive are helplessly lowering their hands and diving into a ditch! All -Russian movement all -wheel drive for complete security! Gains strength. They promise that already this year in version 4x4 even Mercedes-Benz S-Lass will appear!
Text Alexey Mochanov, 2 hp
Photo Alexander Nozdrin
How do they look:
Nikita Rozanov
At the first glance, I would like to call these three cars sedans for angry men. After all, it seems that there is every reason for this: serious motors, and all -wheel drive and dynamics up to a hundred within seven eight seconds. However, having looked closely, you understand that everything is not so simple, and as it should be true athletes and gentlemen, feelings are still not in sight. Everything is inside, in the depths. And outward emotions will spill out only when extreme circumstances require this. Therefore, the style is only a little betrayed by the true purpose and nature of cars. All three have small, but developed front spoilers, full -sized fog lights and significant air intakes under the bumpers. It is just right to put alloy wheels at some specialized art exhibition. With proprietary affiliation, everything is also normal, and the whole three proudly demonstrates its, which has become canonical, facing radiators. Silhouettes are truly sports and dynamic: more muscular in Jaguar and resembles a sports coupe in Volvo. In the back of recognition, German and Swedish cars are leading behind: BMW thanks to the usual drawing of the rear lights, Volvo because of their originality, and we just have not managed to get used to the new Jaguar design.
BMW 330xi, although the design of the third series is more than ten years, frequent and professionally conducted style modernization allow the car to look fresh enough. But still the age is solid, and this cannot go unnoticed, especially in comparison.
Jaguar X-Type perfectly conducted styling on the historical heritage of Jaguar. The car is extremely large -scale, and stylistics absolutely correctly reflects the essence and capabilities of the car.
Volvo S60 AWD is a very clean and truly modern design, the style of which will surely become a branded VOLVO car for many years.
Inside, cars are not so clearly expressed their sports inclinations, as is manifested outside. Jaguar in every detail subtly develops the ideology of a classic British car with a wild cat on the emblem (even the color of the green British Racing). BMW is also true to a characteristic detail: there is a self -valuable support for the left leg and decorative inserts for new -fangled carbon fiber. It seems that the Volvo design is less than all conveys the hot character of all -wheel drive modification, but this is not so, and the S60 AWD style is an ultra -modern reading and the traditions of the Scandinavian automobile design, and the objective parameters of ergonomics. The compositions of the instrument panels are diverse and very national: from the classical horizontal of the English board of Jaguar devices to Swedish laconicism Volvo and the functional German judgment of BMW. The steering wheels of the entire three three -spoke, which once again hints at the fervor of the character of the tested. The most organic upholstery of the doors of Jaguar, whose plastic is solid monumental and is consistent with every detail and even with a chubby cut of seats. In this round, BMW loses again, and the fault is exclusively age. Places for the rear passengers for all participants in the test were resolved in full accordance with the ideology of the class of sports-oriented sedans. And for everyone except Jaguar, comfort is dangerously balancing on the verge, beyond which only severe functionalism and where a comfortable sedan is more logical to give way to a four -seater compartment.
BMW 330xi Excessive prudence of the design leaves too little space for the level of comfort and luxury, which becomes mandatory for this market segment. And also age ...
Jaguar X-Type is probably a standard of synthesized together of the past and dynamically developing present. Plus the quality of materials and the amazing safety of the spirit of a classic English car.
Volvo S60 AWD If there was a certain standard of quality of design, this design would be very close to it. There is everything: integrity, style, and even a successive connection with all previous experience of a laconic Scandinavian design.


Source: Cars

Video test drives BMW 3 E46 1998 series - 2002

Test drives BMW 3 Episode E46 1998 - 2002

Crash Test BMW 3 Episode E46 1998 - 2002

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers

Malfunctions BMW 3 E46 1998 - 2002

BMW 3 series of sedan: Detailed information
Episode 3 E46 1998 - 2002
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability