Test drive BMW 3 Episode E46 1998 - 2002 Sedan

The second youth

Car cards in Moscow revealed a deplorable state in Moscow, in which after the crisis the most interesting industries of automotiveism - hot -related and autobastion. The audience, accustomed to seeing a dozen new products of these industries over the past five to six years, was forced to be satisfied with the contemplation of only two similar examples this year. Molotov garage put the carefully restored ZIS-110, and the workshop of Egorov and KO surprised the installation on the BMW body of 1937 by the release of modern engine and chassis.

Before falling into the hands of restorers, a double convertible was repeatedly repaired and redone, so that only a body with glasses, a frame and some decor elements were preserved from the original parts. In particular, the chassis was completely replaced by the GAZ-21 units, the wooden carcass of the tent was depressed, and the salon was eaten either moth or mice. The masters made a company decision - since there is no way to restore the car in its original form, it must be redone - using parts produced only by the native company.

The donor was the BMW 530, released in the early 90s. Since he has more track, the wings of the convertible and the footing connecting them were expanded by 200 mm. Then, the supporting elements of springs, levers and shock absorbers were fixed on the frame - and they began to collect the chassis. Everything went smoothly from behind, but the front arose: the upper supports of shock absorbers on modern cars are much wider than in old ones. Theoretically, it was possible, by changing the geometry of the levers, to squeeze the racks under the hood, but then there would have been almost no room for the engine. After some thoughts, it was decided to sacrifice an independent front suspension and install the BMW hub on the beam of the bridge assembly with the steering mechanism from GAZ-21. Apart from the rotation indicators on the front wings, this is the only thing that does not have a stigma of the Bavarian company.

After the chassis was completely assembled, the restorers took up the body. After cleaning the old paint and putty, he was a miserable sight. It seemed that it was impossible to restore it. In the lower part around the entire perimeter, Rusty passed the metal through. Where corrosion spared the iron, traces of numerous, not very skillfully performed pins and somewhat rude patches were visible. The bodywriters cleansed the metal of rust, replaced all hopelessly rotten elements and leveled the surface, in particularly critical places, using tin instead of putty.

Having prepared the body for painting, they began to mount an awning and salon. The most problems were the manufacture of a wooden frame. Its kinematics requires the absence of even the slightest distortions, while the slats and bars should be strictly defined, and the frame should be easy as possible. The variety of the tree, from which it was originally made, could not be determined (most likely - beech). Reiki are set - so that it does not lead in the sun and rain. In addition to glue, the joints are strengthened by wooden pins and cunning spikes and grooves. It seems that it was not easy to master the craft of a carriage master ... All metal elements - loops, guides, latches - relatives. In parallel with the assembly of the frame, an awning was sewn - a special multilayer fabric was used, from which all the soft roofs of modern convertibles are made.

The salon was re -covered, but in general it remained original. Of modern attributes - a radio with an amplifier and hidden under the skin of the dynamics. However, music, in order not to violate authenticity, is installed from behind, under the decorative panel separating the luggage interior, control - using the remote control.

Outwardly, the car looks very stylish. Significant wings look quite organic. The harmony is violated only by modern five -beam alloy wheels - they simply shout about the time of their manufacture. Otherwise, everything corresponds, especially blurred, yellowish glasses on the doors and headlights.

For the first time I saw this car before the start of work, and then regularly went into the workshop and watched the restoration. In principle, I was familiar with the car well, but I didn’t have to sit behind the wheel ... I open a wide massive door - and, stepping on the bandwagon, I walk into the salon. Almost flat in appearance, the soft pillow is strongly pushed under the weight of the body, however, the landing is very high, so the long and high hood does not interfere with seeing the road. I take the wheel, squeeze the clutch and turn the key in the castle. The motor instantly comes to life - works, rustling softly. The transmission turns on easily, as if by itself, the car is smoothly moving ...

The clutch pedal is rather tight and long -term, the clutch at the very bottom is triggered. The car accelerates very briskly - just have time to sort out the box. The handle is located low ... Just in case, I check the brakes. They migrated here from a modern machine, so their effectiveness is at a height.

The process of twisting the steering wheel is quite peculiar. The last small diameter, and, sitting in a standing car, it is quite difficult to crank it. Before the trip, I was all surprised: couldn't it be a larger steering wheel? In the movement, everything became clear - it is easy to control the machine, but the brush of the left hand squeezing the rim, when turning to the left, touches the inner panel of the door. So during the rule, you have to work more with your right hand, making short interceptions with your left - no more than ninety degrees. The steering wheel is directly returned to the position right at low speed. There are no other comments on controllability. The car clearly fits into turns, the rolls are much less than expected, the suspension is very hard, and the main irregularities of the road are extinguished thanks to the tires of a high profile. Suddenly the radius of rotation turned out to be small, due to which (as well as the look down) you can easily maneuver on narrow and saturated paths.

I have already mastered a little management - you can go quickly. The engine pulls evenly and confidently in the entire speed range. The machine instantly reacts to the movements of the accelerator, easily overtaking most of its much younger counterparts. Well, BMW is BMW - regardless of age ...

The features of aerodynamics are very interesting. The inclined grille of the radiator and the swept windshield, as it were, transfer the flow of air through the cockpit. Until a speed of 80 km/h, no drafts are observed in the cabin, and only with further acceleration over the doors small twists form. It’s easy to get rid of them - just raise the side glasses. All of them are equipped with electric drives, and this was the case initially. They are controlled by a complex eight -position joystick installed on a torpedo. Without the habit of getting to the desired position, it is quite difficult - especially during movement. I stop, I work with a joystick ... Now I sit, as in the aquarium - over my head, around the glass. The draft disappeared, but a faint whistle of air appeared, dissected by the rear edges of the glass. The engine at medium speed is practically inaudible, the most noticeable noise is the rustle of tires on asphalt.

On the way back I wanted to ride with the raised awning - again, it is easy to deploy it and fix it alone. The feeling of flight over the road immediately disappears. Not to mention the aquarium - although the crown does not concern the ceiling, you seemed to be crushed by something. The review deteriorated sharply, and the oval window, which loomes in the intransal mirror, seems to be just a mockery. But this is from habit - it was very good to go in an open car. Still, it is better to remove the roof ... I just enjoy the rest of the path. The car is obedient and light, the weather is excellent, and I am in the spotlight.

I part with the car reluctantly. For a long time, I have not met such stylish outwardly and pleasant on the move of the car - even among modern, prestigious and expensive. I foresee the friendly grunt of individual readers - they say, manual assembly, exclusive, and the basis is not from the worst manufacturer. Everything is so, but do not forget that the machine is assembled in half -busted conditions, by eye and on the knee. Instead of calculations - intuition, plus creative approach and taste: applause for masters -creatures. One can only hope that the autobastion in Russia will be able to recover from the consequences of the crisis, and such vehicles will delight us at exhibitions, and simply on the roads, more often.


Text: Evgeny Romatovsky


Source: Motor magazine [No. 9/1999]

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