Test drive BMW 1 series F20 since 2011 hatchback

Test drive BMW 1st series: Full Unisex

The new BMW penny was registered in Russian salons in September last year. And if you do not surprise anyone with a gasoline version, then diesel variation with a two -liter engine is still not frequent on our roads.

When it comes to choosing a car, men and women approach the solution of the problem in a completely different way. They pay attention to different details and nuances, but they value the dynamics of the car the same way.

Female look
For whom was the BMW penny created? I came to the conclusion that this car is a bright representative of the Unisex. Why? Let's understand together.

The BMW 1 body is what girls love so much. It is women who prefer hatchbacks. The shorter the car, the easier it is to park. At the same time, a long, characteristic of BMW, the muzzle nullifies this advantage.
The version in an attractive red color that we got is the only bright in the entire line. Everything else: gray, blue, green metallic is happy to choose men.

Let's look into the salon. Sports seats with a spectacular stitching for the driver and passenger provide excellent support, there is no dispute. But the space from the back, although increased by a couple of centimeters, still cannot be called comfortable. It will not be convenient for an adult or a child in a children's chair to the front in the front row.

We return to the driver's place. Bright, easily read devices are always small, of course, but still an occasion for joy. However, the main one is the display with the output of numerous systems. Navigation and configuration for business, the opportunity to post on Twitter for advanced ones. You can delve into the punch and subparagraphs of the menu endlessly

In move
Having met a car, you can go on the road. In Comfort BMW, it goes smoothly, realizing how much valuable cargo is lucky. But it is worth switching to any of the two options for the Sport mode, the car is trying to literally jump out from under you. I would not dare to say that the number of horses does not determine. Still, 184 horses harnessed in a two-liter diesel version pull the chariot quite cheerfully. If you want, then you can click the programs: you will not notice a big difference in the behavior of the car or the very difference in the behavior of the car. The passage of turns on the BMW in sports mode would be almost perfect if it were not for a wide stand, the concealing part of the view in especially steep places. You can enjoy excellent dynamics endlessly. Well, or almost endlessly. Until the gaze rises to the on -board computer reporting on the consumption of fuel.

It's time to recall that the car also has an ECO Pro movement mode, which provides the opportunity to save fuel and your money. It will turn off the engine on traffic lights and in traffic jams, and in order to awaken it enough to remove the leg from the brake pedal. And when braking, the released energy will charge the battery. The beauty! Yes, you will lose in the dynamics of acceleration, but save on gas stations. It would seem that here it is happiness. One but: Eco Pro works only at an air temperature from +3. If we take into account that, as the people is sung, we have 9 months of winter, the rest of the summer, all the attempts to save come to naught.

Was the start? Now stop
The fact that representatives of the weaker sex will surely be appreciated is an excellent system that assists in parking. Data to the obstacle around the entire perimeter of the car is displayed on the screen, there is an image from the rear view camera and sound signal.

What do we have in the dry residue? The beautiful half of humanity for purchases will go to such a car is not shameful. The trunk is ready to accommodate, if not half the hum, then a significant part of it. You can safely buy everything fragile and beating in Comfort mode all this will reach the destination intact. Yes, and with the parking, as already mentioned above, there will be no problems, even if you forget that the car has a rather impressive hood in length. But family ladies are unlikely to look closely at this car. Even if you put the child in a penny, you will have to pull the covers on the front seats that protect their backs from nimble and often dirty legs.
A sharp man who chose the BMW 1 series will also not be disappointed. To overtake and cut into such a car is a pleasure. True, under one condition, never think about fuel saving.

Male look
There are cars that can forever change your worldview. And, contrary to common opinion, most often these are not sophisticated sportsmen or luxury SUVs. A striking example is the BMW of the first series.

The financial side of the issue
I got a set with a two -liter diesel engine - the most interesting, first of all, from an economic point of view. I chose it, based on financial reasons, despite the fact that the 120th is the most expensive of the presented cents. I reasoned as follows. It costs almost a million two hundred thousand. That is, 300 thousand more than a basic gasoline model with a 1.6 engine. On the one hand, at current prices it is almost ten thousand liters of fuel. Or, given the difference in consumption between 116i and 120D, about 250 thousand kilometers. But this calculation does not take into account the list of additional options that are present in the diesel engine and are absent in the database. If you count them, then overpayment becomes quite justified.

However, the price of the issue fades into the background as soon as you get into the car. How he is going! By default, the settings of the motor and transmission suspension are put into Comfort mode. In it, the balance between dynamics and efficiency is almost perfectly verified in it. But, as it is not trivial, this is precisely what is its main drawback. He is unlikely to be involved in the driver who has tried other modes. I will explain why. Those who want to truly save will choose the Eco Pro mode. In it, the potential of the Efficient Dynamics system is maximally implemented, in addition, electronics will tell you how you can spend a minimum of fuel. At traffic lights, the engine will turn off, however, only if the temperature above the side is plus three degrees Celsius.

Well, those who at least once try Sport mode will also forget about basic settings forever. In this mode, the car opens up new facets of its character, and, right, a liter of diesel one hundred kilometers of the journey is not the money that is worth saving, denying yourself pleasure. 380 Newton-meters of torque turn a penny into a small missile. The 184 horsepower hidden under the hood is not even important here - the moment available from two thousand revolutions definitely solves both in traffic lights and with sharp overtaking on the highway. And there is also an advanced sports regime in which the stabilization system is disconnected, but there remains a trakesh-control. In it, the machine moves perfectly in a controlled skid, and only when the demolition of the front axis begins, the electronics begins to straighten the situation.

Everyone chooses for himself
As for the space in the cabin, the volume of the trunk and other purely domestic nuances - here everyone should try on everything. Now there are enough car dealerships where you can sit behind the wheel, evaluate the interior and finally understand how this car is suitable for you. One thing can be said confidently - on the road it will not disappoint you. And it may well turn out that the BMW of the first series is exactly your fate.

Hatchback body type
The number of doors 5
Sum of places 5
Length 4324 mm
Width 1765 mm
Height 1421 mm
Road clearance 140 mm
The type of drive is rear
front: Disco ventilated
rear: disk
Gas tank volume 52 l
Acceleration to 100 km/h* 7.2 s
Max. Speed* 228 km/h

*Data for the BMW 120D version with a 2.0-liter turbodiesel.

Text: Margo Boyko, Pavel Sudoplatov
Photo: Margo Boyko

Source: Cars and prices 04/17/2012.

Video test drives BMW 1 series F20 since 2011