Audi Q5 test drive since 2008 SUV

The most expensive of the average size. crossovers - Audi Q5

Audi Q5 with a 2.0 engine T. Sports-commissioned car, not quite helpless in off-road. Audi Q5 has no competitors except the Germans. Infiniti EX and Volvo XC60, as it were, outside the game. Only the Mercedes GLK and BMW X3 remains. In any case, people from Ingolstadt think so.
Of course, they are mistaken, just like the Japanese who still do not see the Koreans among their rivals.
All members of the German three medium-sized premium investors, like birthmarks, are marked with characteristic features, and there is no getting away from the buyer from them. BMW X3 is controlled, dynamic and at the same time economical, but there is no exchange rate stability, it was simply sacrificed. Mercedes GLK is conservative, retains traditional smoothness and in every possible way helps to relax the driver. Audi Q5 is sports and representative as an office suit. If you want to put pressure on the pedal, clinging to the steering wheel and not letting it go for a second, buy X3. You just need to go well take GLK. To demonstrate solidity and at the same time racing habits is suitable for Q5.
Quattro loves a slip
He has a small motor, but there is a turbine, and it raises power to 211 liters. With. It would seem that the sense of a small unit, all the same, the peak of power will have to be at high speeds: while the turbine will be spinning but no. Thanks to FSI technology (direct fuel injection into the cylinders) there is a great craving. 350 Nm of the moment is available almost immediately, from 1,500 revolutions. This is the main advantage of the Audi Q5 on off -road.
I traveled in the snow, sticky dirt and sand. Everywhere a painful motor helped out. Why exactly he? There is nothing more to hope for. The Audi Quattro branded all -wheel drive loves high speed and strong slipping. The very idea of \u200b\u200ba neat, stealing ride is disgusting to him. If you dwell on a shaky or slippery surface, it is offended and goes into a refusal. Quattro heart, in fact, a self -locking mechanical differential. It is blocked in a mild version, far from 100%. This is enough in corners, but it is not enough to get out of the pit or pass through the log. The most gambling and exciting way to understand the capabilities of the Audi Q5 to find a snow track and give free rein to emotions in a controlled drift. Here is Q5 in its element.
What other joys in the crossed area? Oddly enough, the smoothness of the course. On the Audi asphalt, even on a relatively high profile (if I may say so about the size of 235/65 R17) is not calm enough. He does not like Russian asphalt, and he constantly reports this to the owner. He is worried about road little things. But large tubercles the size of a lying policeman and more is very comfortable. So the suspension is adjusted. Maybe the testers did not go through poor asphalt?
Rally instead of trophy
How many modes are in it! Comfort, speaker, individual and automatic. They affect not so much the work of shock absorbers as on the transmission of the gearbox, steering and electronic accelerator. Black with the settings quickly bothers: in the end you choose Auto, and electronics decide for you. But occasionally, the hand reaches out to turn on the dynamic in order to hold high speeds longer and it is better to feel the steering wheel that has been buried. Audi is created for fast driving. She is in a hurry harmoniously and obediently.
On roads, Q5 is more suitable for rally discipline than Trophy. Road clearance, like UAZ, 200 mm. However, geometric patency is parquet. The angle of the fracture is only 17.5 degrees due to the long base. The angles of the entrance/congress are indicated by the manufacturer as 25/26 degrees, but visually they seem less (one German magazine indicated the figure of 19 degrees). The maximum overcame rise is 31 degrees. The angle of roll is only 25 degrees. The depth of overcoming ford, like BMW X3, 500 mm.
Plus Audi has two off-rock options. The function of assistance when descent from the mountain, as we managed to check, works very effectively even on slippery hills. There is also an ESP shutdown button. She seriously helps to overcome the insidious areas of off -road, especially on sand dunes. On hard, frozen slides or stones, I would not climb. The bottom is weakly protected, only a thin and soft plastic.

Matter: Audi Q5

Gluttonous, gray, dear, controlled
Does Q5 go to all 1,800,000 rubles so much in configuration with a leather salon and a panoramic roof? A question that causes too many disputes in which truth is never born. Just at that moment, while I knock on the keyboard, the atmosphere has inflamed in the editorial office. The editor -in -chief shouts that he will never give ingolstadt monster so much money when there is a BMW X3. The photographer sarcastically notes that any person eventually comes to Mercedes. Then the conversation suddenly switches to Gelandewagen. And not a single voice for Audi. For us, he will be too official and will forever remain deputy transport. Even without a flashing light and mud.
It inhibits and accelerates perfectly (7.2 s to 100 km/h). It is pleasant to drive it in a sports manner, especially when it tenaciously holds on the asphalt in a steep turn. But where do they usually come on it? On an oster series. Therefore, the conservative decoration of the salon. Mouse color plastic. Soft but too official. I can add that fuel consumption is extremely indifferent to the owner’s wallet. I drove 670 km, and the average Q5 appetite was 15.7 liters per 100 km. The previous ride, judging by the on -board computer, was more aggressive and hit 17.5 liters per hundred. Turbine after all
Such is Audi. Dear, fast, controlled, gluttonous and some generally gray inside and outside in design and decoration. He does not have enough superiority. He will stand on a par with the Germans and take an intermediate niche in the middle. He would have at least some trump card, for example, in the form of air suspension, like the older brother of Q7. It is necessary to compensate for the long base with something, because of which it sits on the changes in the soil. Or at least make a more resource transmission, because the new -fangled DSG system overheats too quickly to the off -road.
Author: Dmitry Leontyev, photo of Alexander Ortnova-Baranov



Source: Magazine 4x4 [February /2009]

Audi Q5 Crash Test since 2008

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