Test drive Audi A4 B6 2001 - 2004 sedan

Operation "Summer"

Because of a person from the garden Audi A4, I had to visit the service again
If the driving culture grew in proportion to the quality of the same Audi cars and their number on our roads, I would say that I drive at a happy time in a happy country. Experience, alas, makes us state a different situation. The development of many owners of Soviet motor models, as well as their attitude to the surrounding reality, as if it had stopped in the year of the appearance of these same models, when the foundation of the class struggle was still fundamental. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain the neglect of the laws, to themselves and to other participants in the movement, which you have to face the road constantly. The embodiment of such an attitude was a dented and scratched rear wing Audi A4.
... And what is especially insulting: I just torn A4 both inside and outside, polishing the body with the latest American polishes. But, apparently, the shining mother -of -pearl color is not to everyone's liking. And especially he turned out to be a hated driver of a rusty red VAZ 2104 with a brown trunk of a typical summer resident on the roof. He decided to go around the Audi peacefully standing as briskly as possible, but so ineptly that he dented the wing. But I didn’t even think of stopping - on the contrary, I pressed the gas to hide quickly.
To catch up with him, although there were cars ahead and on the right, labor, in general, was not. So the traffic police inspector who arrived in an hour - the traffic police said - they say, it was necessary to overtake, shake well, I would understand. However, the law prescribes not to leave the scene, and this is not my business - to chase the offender. And this is a police - a police or, in extreme cases, an insurance company in which the car is insured. The number (however, without the first two letters) I still managed to remember.
After long measurements and drawing up the protocol, I was invited to come to the analysis group for some reason ten days later. Well, maybe they will look for an accident, I thought. Knowing well such situations, before the visit to the traffic police, I visited the office of the insurance company and received a request with the incomplete form of the certificate. A special traffic police battalion met me with a crowd of nervous drivers and two days for two days. People were recorded in advance (!) To an appointment with the inspector. I admit, I took advantage of the official position and met the regiment commander, a police lieutenant colonel, a very pleasant person, moreover, a regular reader of car news. In a word, the case was Stryakov, and after a matter of minutes I got all the necessary papers. A little time was taken by receiving the direction of the insurance company to Audi the Center North, where they promised to quickly correct the damage. And, I must say, the line for the body repair is also not short there. But the master, after listening to me on the phone, invited me to come in a couple of days, on Friday.
On the appointed day, I drove up for a hundred and for about fifteen minutes I placed an order-order. Having examined the car, the master promised to eliminate damage in the weekend. Excellent! Moreover, on Sunday, Audi was ready. It was impossible to see any traces of the incident with the naked eye, the paint was just perfect. In a word, the consequences of an accident (albeit small, but extremely unpleasant) were eliminated in two weeks, of which the work itself took only two days. What ended the operation of the summer resident for the police, and indeed - whether anyone was looking for the culprit of the incident, I have not yet unknown.
A bucket on the road
There is another attack on Russian roads: extraneous objects in the lane, which no one is in a hurry to clean. I’m going to a presentation in one of the yacht clubs near Moscow, and I note to myself the amazing politeness of the VAZ 2109, which quickly releases the left lane in front of me. But only he was rebuilt, for an inexplicable reason immediately pressing the brake, as I saw a few meters at the rate of a tin bucket, not otherwise falling from some truck. So, what made the Zhiguli turn! And what should I do? Speed \u200b\u200b- 80 km/h, on the left - the oncoming strip with a dense stream of cars, on the right is the same nine. There was no choice but to sharply press the gas and skip a bucket between the wheels. It instantly crumpled, but did not get stuck under the bottom, only making an extremely unpleasant sound. Already upset, I stopped and decided to inspect the nature of the damage. But I found nothing exactly! For which special thanks to the designers. The lower part of the bumper is not painted in the color of the body and is a flexible gray plastic, which first crumpled, and then returned to its original position. The engine has a powerful steel protection, which crushed a bucket without any consequences for the car.
If you do not take into account these two incidents, Audi A4 gave all this time only the pleasure of driving and pleased with a high level of comfort. The climatic installation perfectly copes with its responsibilities on very hot days, providing a given temperature in the cabin in a matter of minutes. Of course, this affects the fuel consumption, which sometimes reaches 15-16 liters of the 95th. You can ride without air conditioning, but then literally in one day the salon is covered with a gray raid of dust, which says that Moscow has not yet become the cleanest city of Europe ...
Now on the odometer Audi is 5000 kilometers, the oil level is normal. I still decided to go to St. Petersburg, and in the following material I will introduce readers with the behavior of the car on the highway.
P. S. If you notice a VAZ-2104 beige with numbers 274 50rus, stay away ...
Andrey Osipov

Source: "Automobile Izvestia"

Video test drives Audi A4 B6 2001 - 2004

Test drives Audi A4 B6 2001 - 2004

Crash Test Audi A4 B6 2001 - 2004

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers

Malfunctions Audi A4 B6 2001 - 2004

Audi A4 malfunctions: Detailed information
A4 B6 2001 - 2004
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability