Test drives Audi A1 Sportback 5 doors since 2012 Hatchback

Plus-minus two
Motor traveled at the Fiftemer Audi A1 Sportback with the disconnected cylinders. We love three terminals. Three-door hatchbacks are usually better managed to designers, they are obtained more sport and stylish than five-door models. Three-dimensions very much like young people it seems to them that buying such a car, they emphasize their age and attitude to life. But here is the company ...
One one
Audi continues to prove the soil in the subcompact car segment. Following the three-door Audi A1 Project Quattro appeared in 2007, a new, five-door, quadruple concept Audi A1 Sportback was released. First of all, the novelty attracts the attention of a characteristic design. On the one hand, it fully supports the existing Audi model line, on the other shows the laid ...