specifications CHANCE Sedan since 2009 Sedan

Specifications ZAZ CHANCE 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013: Power, fuel consumption 100 km, weight (mass), road clearance (clearance), radius of reversal, type of transmission and brakes, body sizes and tires

Engine characteristics

Modifications Engine, cm3 Power, kW (hp) / about Cylinders Torque, nm / (rpm) Type of fuel system Type of fuel
1.3 Mt. 1299 ()/70 Inline - 4. (108)/3250 Injector Petrol
1.4 AT. 1399 ()/101 Inline - 4. (131)/4200 Injector Petrol
1.5 Mt. 1498 (86)/5800 Inline - 4. (130)/3400 Injector Petrol

Drive and Transmission

Modifications type of drive Transmission type (basic) Transmission type (optional)
1.3 Mt. Front-wheel drive 5-MCPP
1.4 AT. Front-wheel drive 4-automatic
1.5 Mt. Front-wheel drive 5-MCPP

Type of suspension and reversal radius

Modifications Front suspension Rear suspension Diameter of reversal, m
1.3 Mt. Independent - McPherson. Half-dependent -
1.4 AT. Independent - McPherson. Half-dependent -
1.5 Mt. Independent - McPherson. Half-dependent -

Brake system and power steering

Modifications Type of front brakes Type of rear brakes Power steering
1.3 Mt. Disk ventilated Drum -
1.4 AT. Disk ventilated Drum -
1.5 Mt. Disk ventilated Drum -

Tire size

Modifications The size
1.3 Mt. Front wheels: 175/70 R13, rear wheels: 175/70 R13
1.4 AT. Front wheels: 175/70 R13, rear wheels: 175/70 R13
1.5 Mt. Front wheels: 175/70 R13, rear wheels: 175/70 R13


Modifications Length, mm. Width, mm. Height, mm. Front track / rear, mm Wheel base, mm Road clearance (clearance), mm The volume of the trunk, l
1.3 Mt. 4273 1678 1432 1405/1425 2520 170 320/958
1.4 AT. 4273 1678 1432 1405/1425 2520 170 320/958
1.5 Mt. 4273 1678 1432 1405/1425 2520 170 320/958

Car weight

Modifications Curb weight, kg Maximum mass, kg Load capacity, kg.
1.3 Mt. 1010 1400 390
1.4 AT. - - -
1.5 Mt. 1197 1595 398

Number of seats and doors

Modifications Number of seats Number of doors
1.3 Mt. 5 4
1.4 AT. 5 4
1.5 Mt. 5 4

Volume of fuel tank

Modifications Tank volume, l Type of fuel
1.3 Mt. 48 AI-95
1.4 AT. 48 AI-95
1.5 Mt. 48 AI-95


Modifications Maximum speed, km / h Overclocking time up to 100 km / h, with CD (frontal resistance coefficient)
1.3 Mt. 162 17 -
1.4 AT. 170 12.3 -
1.5 Mt. 172 15 -

Fuel consumption

Modifications In the city, l / 100 km On the highway, l / 100 km Average consumption, l / 100 km CO2 release, g / km Type of fuel
1.4 AT. 8.6 5.1 6.4 - Petrol

Price ZAZ CHANCE Sedan since 2009 in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Modifications in G.V. Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with MCPP
102 231 550 160 333 6 231 793 102
1.3 L. 57 207 564 - 6 207 695 57
1.5 L. 57 255 344 - 6 255 344 57
273 251 182 232 180 6 250 927 252
1.4 L. 7 231 689 - 6 231 689 7
262 275 455 352 266 8 273 560 248
1.4 L. 8 320 205 366 017 7 258 470 7
108 336 230 432 209 22 312 010 92
1.4 L. 22 423 526 434 117 21 326 733 7
148 348 707 472 251 22 331 030 126
1.4 L. 25 457 253 469 627 21 422 790 7

Completenment ZAZ CHANCE Sedan since 2009