technical characteristics Porsche Cayenne 955 2002 - 2007 SUV

Technical characteristics Porsche Cayenne 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007: power, fuel consumption per 100 km, weight (mass), road clearance (clearance), radius of reversal, type of transmission and brakes, body size and tires

Engine characteristics

Modifications Engine volume, cm3 Power, kW (lp)/about Cylinders Twisting, Nm/(rpm) Type of the fuel system Type of fuel
3.2 3189 184(250)/6000 V6 310/2500 Multiple injection Petrol

Drive and transmission

Modifications type of drive Type of transmission (basic) Type of transmission (optionally)
3.2 4x4 (all -wheel drive) 6-MKPP 6-ACPP,

Brake system and steering wheel amplifier

Modifications Type of front brakes Type of rear brakes Power steering
3.2 Ventilated discs Disk ventilated there is

The size of the tires

Modifications The size
3.2 235/65 R17V


Modifications Length, mm Width, mm Height, mm The track front/back, mm Wheel base, mm Road clearance (clearance), mm Trunk volume, l
3.2 4783 1928 1699 1656/1669 2855 - 541

Car weight

Modifications Equipped mass, kg Maximum mass, kg Lifting capacity, kg
3.2 2160 2945 785


Modifications Maximum speed, km/h Acceleration time to 100 km/h, with CD (frontal resistance coefficient)
3.2 214 9.1 0.35

Fuel consumption

Modifications In the city, l/100 km On the highway, l/100 km Average consumption, l/100 km Extrication CO2, g/km Type of fuel
3.2 17.8 10.6 13.2 320 Petrol

Prices Porsche Cayenne 955 2002 - 2007 in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Modifications in G.V. Total cars on sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
Average price s
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total on sale with automatic transmission Average price s
Manual transmission, rubles
Total on sale with manual transmission
2002 6 788 254 808 125 6 - 6
92 981 791 982 485 92 - 6
167 1 027 876 1 025 006 165 1 154 466 6
99 1 189 111 1 187 489 99 1 111 710 6
77 1 403 034 1 403 841 77 1 290 830 6
97 1 759 718 1 753 666 95 1 690 010 6
3.6 l 22 1 634 110 1 631 162 22 - 6

Reviews Porsche Cayenne 955 2002 - 2007 from specialists

Reviews Porsche Cayenne in detail
Cayenne 955 2002 - 2007
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability

Video test drives Porsche Cayenne 955 2002 - 2007

Configurations Porsche Cayenne 955 2002 - 2007

Test drives

1000 s for three
Recently, the choice of cars for the rich in the market has become much wider. And in Russia, where social stratification is especially large, increased expensive demand pushes manufacturers and importers to the maximum expansion of an expensive offer. And why a person who is not constrained in the means, a car exclusively for a flat road? Isn't it easier to take an all -wheel drive crossover ...
Here he is! The most anticipated car of the beginning of the century. The fastest SUV on the planet. The most perfect and technological! Some even like him! Porsche Cayenne - From the other name, others will tremble and tears will perform ... But we are jeepers, we are not like that! We are porsche, that Bentley is not loud names ...
Overland values
520 l. p., 5.2 seconds to hundreds ... No, these are not indicators of the racing car. And not even the data of any charged sportkup. We are talking about the serial Porsche Cayenne Turbo S SUV with an forced B8 bitourbin engine. Why did German engineers create this very powerful SUV in the world, it is difficult to understand until the right leg ...