specifications Peugeot 208 5 doors since 2012 hatchback

Specifications Peugeot 208 5DV 2012, 2013: Power, fuel consumption 100 km, weight (weight), road clearance (clearance), reversal radius, type of transmission and brakes, body sizes and tires

Engine characteristics

Modifications Engine, cm3 Power, kW (hp) / about Cylinders Torque, nm / (rpm) Type of fuel system Type of fuel
1.2L VTI (82 hp) 1199 60(80)/5750 3 118/2750 Direct injection Petrol
1.4L VTI (95 hp) 1397 70(94)/6000 4 cylinders 136/4000 Direct injection Petrol
1.6L THP (155 hp) 1598 115(154)/6000 4 cylinders 260/1750-4000 Direct injection Petrol
1.6L VTI (120 hp) 1598 115(154)/6000 4 cylinders 260/1750-4000 Direct injection Petrol
1L VTI (68 hp) 999 50(67)/6000 3 95/3000 Direct injection Petrol
1.4L E-HDI (LAN 68) 1398 50(67)/4000 4 cylinders 160/1750 COMMON RAIL. Diesel
1.4L HDI (68 hp) 1398 50(67)/4000 4 cylinders 160/1750 COMMON RAIL. Diesel
1.6L E-HDI (115 hp) 1560 84(113)/3600 4 cylinders 285/1750 COMMON RAIL. Diesel
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) 1560 68(91)/4000 4 cylinders 230/1750 COMMON RAIL. Diesel
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) 6 Speed \u200b\u200bGearbox 1560 68(91)/4000 4 cylinders 230/1750 COMMON RAIL. Diesel

Drive and Transmission

Modifications type of drive Transmission type (basic) Transmission type (optional)
1.2L VTI (82 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCPP
1.4L VTI (95 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCPP
1.6L THP (155 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCPP
1.6L VTI (120 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCPP
1L VTI (68 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCPP
1.4L E-HDI (LAN 68) Front-wheel drive 5-MCPP STT (electronics control)
1.4L HDI (68 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCPP
1.6L E-HDI (115 hp) Front-wheel drive 6-MCPP STT
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) Front-wheel drive 5-mkp STT
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) 6 Speed \u200b\u200bGearbox Front-wheel drive 6-MCPP (electronics control)

Brake system and power steering

Modifications Type of front brakes Type of rear brakes Power steering
1.2L VTI (82 hp) Disk ventilated Drum
1.4L VTI (95 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
1.6L THP (155 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
1.6L VTI (120 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
1L VTI (68 hp) Disk ventilated Drum
1.4L E-HDI (LAN 68) Disk ventilated Disk
1.4L HDI (68 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
1.6L E-HDI (115 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) Disk ventilated Disk
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) 6 Speed \u200b\u200bGearbox Disk ventilated Disk

Tire size

Modifications The size
1.2L VTI (82 hp) 185/65 R15, 195/55 R16
1.4L VTI (95 hp) 185/65 R15, 195/55 R16
1.6L THP (155 hp) 185/65 R15, 195/55 R16
1.6L VTI (120 hp) 185/65 R15, 195/55 R16
1L VTI (68 hp) 185/65 R15, 195/55 R16
1.4L E-HDI (LAN 68) 185/65 R15, 195/55 R16
1.4L HDI (68 hp) 185/65 R15, 195/55 R16
1.6L E-HDI (115 hp) 185/65 R15, 195/55 R16
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) 185/65 R15, 195/55 R16
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) 6 Speed \u200b\u200bGearbox 185/65 R15, 195/55 R16


Modifications Length, mm. Width, mm. Height, mm. Front track / rear, mm Wheel base, mm Road clearance (clearance), mm The volume of the trunk, l
1.2L VTI (82 hp) 3962 1740 1461 1,476/1,471 2537 311
1.4L VTI (95 hp) 3962 1740 1461 1,476/1,471 2537 311
1.6L THP (155 hp) 3962 1740 1461 1,476/1,471 2537 311
1.6L VTI (120 hp) 3962 1740 1461 1,476/1,471 2537 311
1L VTI (68 hp) 3962 1740 1461 1,476/1,471 2537 311
1.4L E-HDI (LAN 68) 3962 1740 1461 1,476/1,471 2537 311
1.4L HDI (68 hp) 3962 1740 1461 1,476/1,471 2537 311
1.6L E-HDI (115 hp) 3962 1740 1461 1,476/1,471 2537 311
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) 3962 1740 1461 1,476/1,471 2537 311
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) 6 Speed \u200b\u200bGearbox 3962 1740 1461 1,476/1,471 2537 311

Car weight

Modifications Curb weight, kg Maximum mass, kg Load capacity, kg.
1.2L VTI (82 hp) 975 -
1.4L VTI (95 hp) 1070 -
1.6L THP (155 hp) 1090 -
1.6L VTI (120 hp) 1090 -
1L VTI (68 hp) 975 -
1.4L E-HDI (LAN 68) 1060 -
1.4L HDI (68 hp) 1050 -
1.6L E-HDI (115 hp) 1090 -
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) 1080 -
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) 6 Speed \u200b\u200bGearbox 1090 -


Modifications Maximum speed, km / h Overclocking time up to 100 km / h, with CD (frontal resistance coefficient)
1.2L VTI (82 hp) 175 12.2 0.65
1.4L VTI (95 hp) 188 10.5 0.65
1.6L THP (155 hp) 216 7.3 0.69
1.6L VTI (120 hp) 216 7.3 0.69
1L VTI (68 hp) 166 14.5 0.65
1.4L E-HDI (LAN 68) 166 16.2 0.61
1.4L HDI (68 hp) 163 13.5 0.65
1.6L E-HDI (115 hp) 190 9.7 0.65
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) 185 10.9 0.65
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) 6 Speed \u200b\u200bGearbox 183 11.8 0.65

Fuel consumption

Modifications In the city, l / 100 km On the highway, l / 100 km Average consumption, l / 100 km CO2 release, g / km Type of fuel
1.2L VTI (82 hp) 5.5 4.9 3.5 104 Petrol
1.4L VTI (95 hp) 7.6 4.5 5.7 129 Petrol
1.6L THP (155 hp) 7.4 4.5 5.7 135 Petrol
1.6L VTI (120 hp) 7.4 4.5 5.7 135 Petrol
1L VTI (68 hp) 5.3 3.7 4.3 99 Petrol
1.4L E-HDI (LAN 68) 3.6 3.2 3.4 87 Diesel
1.4L HDI (68 hp) 4.4 3.4 3.8 98 Diesel
1.6L E-HDI (115 hp) 4.6 3.4 3.8 99 Diesel
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) 4.5 3.4 3.8 98 Diesel
1.6L E-HDI (92 HP) 6 Speed \u200b\u200bGearbox 4.5 3.4 3.8 98 Diesel

PRICE PEUGEOT 208 5 doors since 2012 in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Modifications in G.V. Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with MCPP
37 805 715 840 149 25 744 517 16
1 L. 7 651 961 - 6 651 961 7
1.2 L. 10 784 726 810 698 7 777 295 9

Video crash tests Peugeot 208 5 doors since 2012

PEUGEOT 208 5 doors complete sets since 2012

Test drive

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PEUGEOT 208. With Russian accent
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Peugeot 208. Button
What was to do, was called a consumer test drive. The use of the car in the natural habitat. I started, crawling out of the underground parking and then a button on my sleeve landed in a gap between the hub of the steering wheel and the airbag lid. Where and stuck! Comedy with Pierre Richarom! And why we are so fun when in French ...