technical characteristics of Mazda Xedos 9 2001 - 2002 sedan
Technical characteristics of the Mazda Xedos 9 2001, 2002: power, fuel consumption per 100 km, weight (mass), road clearance (clearance), radius of the turn, type of transmission and brakes, body size and tires
Engine characteristics
Modifications |
Engine volume, cm3 |
Power, kW (lp)/about |
Cylinders |
Twisting, Nm/(rpm) |
Type of the fuel system |
Type of fuel |
2.5 V6 |
2497 |
120(164)/6000 |
V6 |
212/5000 |
Multiple injection |
Petrol |
Drive and transmission
Modifications |
type of drive |
Type of transmission (basic) |
Type of transmission (optionally) |
2.5 V6 |
Front-wheel drive |
4-ACPP |
Brake system and steering wheel amplifier
Modifications |
Type of front brakes |
Type of rear brakes |
Power steering |
2.5 V6 |
Ventilated discs |
Disk |
there is |
The size of the tires
Modifications |
The size |
2.5 V6 |
215/55R16 |
Modifications |
Length, mm |
Width, mm |
Height, mm |
The track front/back, mm |
Wheel base, mm |
Road clearance (clearance), mm |
Trunk volume, l |
2.5 V6 |
4879 |
1768 |
1400 |
1519/1519 |
2748 |
- |
416 |
Car weight
Modifications |
Equipped mass, kg |
Maximum mass, kg |
Lifting capacity, kg |
2.5 V6 |
1470 |
1955 |
485 |
Modifications |
Maximum speed, km/h |
Acceleration time to 100 km/h, with |
CD (frontal resistance coefficient) |
2.5 V6 |
207 |
11 |
0.29 |
Fuel consumption
Modifications |
In the city, l/100 km |
On the highway, l/100 km |
Average consumption, l/100 km |
Extrication CO2, g/km |
Type of fuel |
2.5 V6 |
15.2 |
8.1 |
10.7 |
258 |
Petrol |
Prices Mazda Xedos 9 2001 - 2002 in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)
Modifications in G.V. |
Total cars on sale (in the Russian Federation) |
Average price, rubles |
Average price s Automatic transmission, rubles |
Total on sale with automatic transmission |
Average price s Manual transmission, rubles |
Total on sale with manual transmission |
2002 |
7 |
436 124 |
436 124 |
7 |
- |
6 |
2.5 l |
6 |
455 371 |
455 371 |
6 |
- |
6 |
Configurations Mazda Xedos 9 2001 - 2002