Tagaz Road Partner
TagAZ Road Partner: Characteristics and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on complete sets and prices.
Tagaz Road Partner Photo
Prices for TagAZ Road Partner (Updated April 22, 2016)
Year of issue | Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) | Average price, rubles |
The average price of S. Automatic transmission, rubles |
Total for sale with automatic transmission | The average price of S. MCPP, rubles |
Total for sale with MCPP |
2008 | 21 | 523 568 | 543 383 | 8 | 511 174 | 16 |
2009 | 21 | 547 973 | 538 348 | 8 | 551 992 | 16 |
2010 | 8 | 575 690 | 577 112 | 7 | 578 226 | 7 |
2011 | 6 | 639 943 | 684 136 | 6 | 551 575 | 6 |
2012 | 6 | 816 558 | 801 584 | 6 | 824 030 | 6 |
2013 | 7 | 748 363 | 801 584 | 6 | 738 701 | 7 |