Reviews Toyota Prius 2006 - 2008

Toyota Prius2006 - 2008 are collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of the reliability and features of the operation of Prius.
Engine Electric cooling pump can leak or fail. Faulty electrical pump (electric cooling pump - 923; work - 7 norm-hours) leads to a breakdown of the inverter (new inverter - 164,000 rubles; used -16 500 rubles). Replacing the fuel filter requires a dismantling of the tank (the cost of the fuel filter is 304 rubles; operation - 0.5 norm-hours).
Transmission minimum Repair Cost Problems
Management and suspension system minimum Repair Cost Problems
Brake system Brake mechanisms require care. With each shift of the pads, you need control of all the anthers and lubricants of the guides (brake pads 1 pc. - 1040 rubles. Rub; work - 0.4 normal hours).
Heated air and air conditioning The short-lived compressor and air conditioner fan.
Start and Charging System minimum Repair Cost Problems
Electrical components and other Frozen windows rear doors fail.
Body stability to corrosion There is no data
* Information are collected from specialists from service stations
Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

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2012-06-20 23:03:10

H-yes, the buddy does not work one of the rear windows ... confuse, of course, this is a pump .. Maybe you can make her prevention somehow? Or just replace after the purchase and everything, the hook will be Hood.

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2012-06-20 23:04:38

BibIpeeds, write how much this pump is ...

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2012-06-21 20:04:33

electric cooling pump - 923; Work - 7 norm-hours)

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2012-06-22 13:22:21

The pump cooling system of the inverter is changing free of charge by the official dealer worldwide, and Russia is not an exception - a revital company. The combustion of the inverter is very rarely and the fault of the owner of the car, which continues to go with a faulty pump, despite the burning red triangle. \u003cbr/\u003e

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2012-06-22 13:24:20

Max, thanks!

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2012-07-20 15:37:47

I wanted to determine the check error, after connecting the scanner on the scoreboard, all the light bulbs were tanned, which for the brakes respond: ABS, TRS, question in a circle, triangle. The car was carried out in the morning the same. How to repay them?

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2012-07-23 11:17:05

You, of course, connected Chinese launch. It is impossible in no case. Now only the linear valve calibration will save you. Look for a service with a dealer device.

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2012-09-11 11:50:33

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that I go to 20-ke (2006 Restayl) for the 3rd year, I bought in Sweden, the mileage of the car 280,000, the replacement of the front hubs and the right internal anther. Otherwise, only the replacement of liquids and filters. The fuel filter bought immediately with the purchase of a car, but did not change it, because Consumption suits and tear off the native sealant I do not see the point (Europeans have a filter with the pump, the carbon filter changes with the tank). Air conditioning and beets. Feel perfectly. From the minuses I can only say about low clearance (especially with a full tank and 4 people) and weak paintwork.

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2012-09-11 11:58:45

I will add about the flow, in the urban cycle it is 4.5-5.2, depending on the intensity of the ride and it is mostly in the summer with the air conditioner on, in winter it comes to 7l. On the high-speed highway 90-120 km / h 4.2-5.0 l. Over 120 increases accordingly, but not higher than 6 liters, and this is again in the summer. In winter, on the highway, over 120, I do not drive about 5-6 liters.

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2012-09-11 18:47:43

I have consumption on the highway - 7 liters at a speed of 120 km / h. The battery checked, they say the ideal

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2012-09-19 09:02:31

Olya, on the highway, the flow rate is about all. What is the average consumption?

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2012-09-19 22:12:40

Maxim, how do you like video reviews and video test drives that appeared in Bibipeedia?

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2012-09-26 08:52:30

Unnotic than not to answer. In all, there is a share of truth and share of lucavia, which depends on the geographical position of test authors and their involvement in various commercial publications. \u003cbr/\u003e In German tests, the fact that naturally the most reliable and cheap in operation is a VW Golf. (for example, in this review: \u003ca href \u003d http: // PP \u003d Prius_2006 _-_ 2008). target \u003d _blank\u003e\u003dprius_2006 _-_-_ 2008). \u003c/a\u003e \u003cbr/\u003e Very played a list of faults that the Germans have spent: \u003cbr/\u003e Damage and repair \u003cBR /\u003e Mileage (km) cost (euro) \u003cbr/\u003e 26 019 The engine check light caught fire, but after a few kilometers went out. \u003cbr/\u003e 27 447 Engine check light caught fire again. \u003cbr/\u003e 27 473 Fault drive is also cleaned , replaced oxygen sensor. (202.32) \u003cbr/\u003e 57 322 The attachment of the sunscreen visor was considered. \u003cbr/\u003e 61 020 The mount is fixed. \u003cbr/\u003e 75 304 Replaced front brake discs and pads. 291.7 \u003cbr/\u003e 87 345 The upholstery of the middle armrest was hoisted. \u003cbr/\u003e The wiper brushes are polluted. \u003cbr/\u003e 90 980 Middle Armand is replaced. (246.45) \u003cbr/\u003e Front wipers are replaced. 33.41 \u003cbr/\u003e Rear brake discs and pads are replaced. 268.44 \u003cbr/\u003e 100 833 Various control lights on the dashboard are periodically lit. \u003cbr/\u003e 101 550 The troubleshooting drive is also cleaned (different brake switches defects). \u003cbr/\u003e \u003cbr/\u003e You can change the blocks with brake discs on any machine every 30 thousand mileage on any machine. On my arrival for the first time the front pads were replaced on a run of 180 thousand. And the rear do not take off at all, enough for all life. \u003cbr/\u003e \u003cbr/\u003e In general, any overview for any machine needs to be read with your head and adjusted to the publication.

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2013-05-20 14:23:47

The pump of the hybrid system is electric, I changed it in the garage for free (the old twisted normally) Machine 2006. I think the fuel filter is better to change, the more it is bought (I changed 150,000, I took about 100, I do not remember exactly), I don't need to change the pump separately, work is less than an hour.

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2015-01-26 15:29:55

I want to object to you. Paint and varnish coating, you can repainted the car. The fuel filter on the Europeans changes without a pump and stands symbolic pennies, the replacement itself participated

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2013-07-23 17:30:55

Hello everyone!!! Tell me the junior bought a prius 2007 (American). The error-Poa93 light up. I think that overheating inverter. In a tank with coolant empty. How to determine if the system does not lose weight and whether the pump email is befriended. Engine? Thank you in advance.

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2013-07-23 18:21:25

Need to pour antifreeze ... if after 70 km run the error will not disappear, then most likely the case is in the pump

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2013-07-23 18:22:01

Now overheating because there is no liquid

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2013-10-19 20:01:03

what is the reason to add gas machine slowly gaining speed engine yell

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2013-10-19 20:38:54

It looks like something with a variator, somewhere in it is lost power

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2013-10-20 15:39:01

Check the catalyst, possibly the reason in it. If it was scored, then so the car and will behave. I passed it on Nissan-Serena, I looked for a reason for a long time and expensive, then I accidentally drew attention to (the car was on the lift) that when you press The gas is strongly deformed by the corrugation on the exhaust system. Just for example, knocked out the catalyst and dareson disappeared.

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2013-10-20 18:15:48

Yes, I did not think about the catalyst, it may well be

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2013-10-19 20:08:30

Can there be a reason in lifting the car for 2 cm

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2015-06-02 10:48:57

what to do with a mistake P0011

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2016-05-08 20:47:02

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2016-10-19 05:52:44

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2016-12-13 07:27:01

I own a car for three years in the Russian Federation, the European Communist Party, but in 20 body. Mileage 180 thousand changed the pump and brake pads front. Otherwise, there are no problems, the best car from all the passenger (jeeps does not count) that were before. And there were more than 50 of them, from the 90s I go only on foreign cars.

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2017-03-24 20:58:18

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