Reviews Subaru Forester 1997 - 2000

Reviews Subaru Forester1997 - 2000 are collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of the reliability and features of the Forester operation.

Engine Problems with a blocking of a block of cylinders can lead to overheating of the engine. The engine overheating threatens to replace the head of the block or even the replacement of the cylinder block - the problem of engines 2.0 and 2.5.
Transmission Sometimes there are problems with the inclusion of the neutral transmission of the mechanical gearbox, the catalytic neutralizer of exhaust gases and gaskets of the head of the cylinder block. Transmission and neutralizer malfunctions can "ignite" the control lamp of the engine. Sometimes may refuse rear-wheel drive. Symptoms of malfunction: jerk, when applying gas. Cause: Faulty solenoid "C" or friction.
Control system and suspension minimum Repair Cost Problems
Brake system minimum Repair Cost Problems
Heated air and air conditioning May refuse the thermal protection device of the air conditioner compressor, which is why the whole system may fail.
Start and Charging System minimum Repair Cost Problems
Electrical components and other The burning light "Check Engine" reports on the interruptions in the ignition system when fuel supply. Frequently facing windows.
Body stability to corrosion There is no data
* Information collected from specialists from service stations

Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

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2012-07-20 14:47:36

machine 99 years. About half a year ago, CHECK caught fire. At first he was Morgall, then just burned constantly. At the same time began to stall on the hot. It is on hot. The diagnosis of nifiga did not reveal. Among you came across this?

To answer
2012-07-23 09:26:50

After a long work and warm-up it is worth checking the pressure in the fuel system. This error is most likely due to detonation sensor. Its probably will have to be replaced. At one time, I had water to immobilizer and the car constantly blahl. I think this is your hanging or wear of the fuel pump brushes, or the ignition coil from long-term operation.

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2013-04-24 20:03:20


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2013-04-24 21:13:16

If Forester is American, then, really, do not pay attention. In America, the most rigid environmental standards and costs 2 lambda probe, which measures the exhaust toxicity, its service life of about 40 thousand km. Usually this error burns precisely because this sensor requires replacement. And so that it is bad for hot, it is not connected.

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2015-01-17 19:57:33

Salam brother I also have such garbage. Specialists said the Voloymeter change.

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just Chuvak
2016-06-11 16:34:18

engine detonation sensor

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2016-06-25 12:57:56

Uniquely detonation sensor replacement 5 minutes

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2012-11-19 07:58:46

Subaru Forester 2000 ACCP, fuel consumption of 15 liters, which is why. Tell me if you know, thanks in advance.

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2012-11-19 12:57:18

I also have a consumption of 15 liters in the city. Although the ride manner is not particularly active. Candles twisted - normal color. I connected to the computer - the mixture is normal. I do not even know what could be

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2012-11-20 22:09:57

The fuel consumption affects the air filter, the filter of fine cleaning, as well as the nozzles and throttle. Filters change, nozzles and dampers clean. All the best.

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2012-11-21 23:01:43

dlya Forika Eto Norma, U Menya Do 20 Dohodit, Osobo Ne Vdavlivaya, SF5 Turbo SS 1999

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2012-11-21 01:52:41

Fuel consumption is very high, about 20l. on 100km. Valvo 740Gle (american). Where can I make inexpensive diagnostics and repairs according to this model.? Tell me people ... Thank you in advance.

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2012-12-07 06:45:08

It works normally on the cold engine and how the valve and the motor will begin to ring and the motor (EJ20 is not turbo) is not lucky at all. Please tell me what could be the reason.

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2012-12-08 16:53:13

Ran valve when he is heated? On the contrary, after warming up all the knocks should leave. It may be due to poor oil or a very worn engine. While the cold oil it is sufficient, and as it warms up, it lacks it already.

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2012-12-10 11:30:06

tell me please! Everything was good. With the morning I decided to start, and when the ignition is turned on, the starter does not work.

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2012-12-10 14:01:14

It seems that the starter needs to be sought! But if you have an automatic transmission, then make sure that the PPC selector is clearly in P mode, since the selector did not give to the end of the parking mode, the car did not give the owner of the car ... He brought him to us on the evacuation.

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2013-11-20 10:35:12

fork 98 years old, 2.5, American, Cruise does not work, the button is lit, and the lever does not respond on the steering wheel. What can be?

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2016-11-06 13:14:24

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2015-01-13 12:28:58

subaru Forerantter2000g.v Avtomat.Zheklal in the snow sat on the belly one rear wheel does not spin. How does an Avd work? Thanks in advance.

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2016-02-13 04:59:23

please tell me the 99g release is not turbo on me on the instruments Povere Power flashes what to do?

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2016-07-06 15:45:59

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2016-07-06 15:47:27

i have a forter 1, where there is a detailed dacha

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2017-04-18 14:25:33

Do you say what is the difference between the exhaust route Subaru Forester SF5 atmospheric from turbo?

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2017-05-24 14:22:40

Check burns on diagnostics shows detonation sensor changed not helped what to do

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2017-05-24 14:43:18

Subaru Forester 2 Cube Turbo 2000 year Lights Check on the diagnosis issues an error The detonation sensor changed it did not help. Wires sounded everything normally help to understand what's the matter

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