Reviews Lexus RX 2004 - 2008

Features Lexus RX2004 - 2008 are collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of reliability and features of the RX operation.
Engine The resource of the inverter in the hybrid version - 150-200 thousand km. The cost of the new inverter is 160 thousand rubles (used from 30 thousand rubles)
Transmission minimum Repair Cost Problems
Management and suspension system minimum Repair Cost Problems
Brake system minimum Repair Cost Problems
Heated air and air conditioning minimum Repair Cost Problems
Start and Charging System minimum Repair Cost Problems
Electrical components and other minimum Repair Cost Problems
Body stability to corrosion From chips and road reagents, the hood is pretty quickly rust, Bibipedia recommends installing a protective film.
* Information are collected from specialists from service stations
Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

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2012-06-21 12:42:13

Inverter bu I bought last fall for 60 thousand with a car with a mileage of 30 thousand miles ... There are different price tags for it, it is difficult to make sure when buying from the car with what mileage it was removed.

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smart ass
2012-06-22 18:03:03

So they stated on the whole world there. What the most reliable!

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2012-06-27 16:38:00

Tell me, and this is normal for Lexus RX400, that it creaks when you press gas. Disgusting sound and how much did not hesitate to diagnose can not understand what cause

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2012-08-09 21:52:48

change the brake fluid - and all the sounds will immediately disappear ......

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2012-09-06 14:45:29

I changed, I ... Anyway, this nasty sound.

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2012-09-06 14:47:30

Comrade has such a car ... there is no such problem. You send to the service where not only the money will take, but in fact change the tormozuhu

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2013-07-05 15:04:15

What is the connection between the gas pedal and brake fluid? \u003cbr/\u003e

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2013-07-05 17:17:34

I wonder: Anya changed the brake fluid on the recommendation of Alexander's specialist? Or herself?

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2012-06-27 18:12:18

Well, consider that yes. This is not a feature of the hybrid. It seems due to the fact that the brakes are electrohydraulic. My friend like a similar problem was

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2013-02-06 11:54:54

Something I can not find an inverter for 160 thousand 230 - the cheapest price for found. I do not know whether it is for 70 thousand.

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2013-02-08 13:44:12

Bu can be checked for a hybrid service

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2013-07-31 22:13:13

started sometimes noise compressor on racks what to do

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2013-08-01 12:55:03

Air conditioning compressor? Try to replace the air conditioner bearing ... Rather, preexient the noise source. Most likely bearing

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2014-06-13 21:45:11

Rex - 2005 Hybrid. American. The inverter in Ukraine - Kiev - the inverter of the new 92000 UAH-at the rate of 8.00 UAH for 1S, but in 2006-2007, in the United States there was an revoclarated company in the inverter. For a hundred sent to Europe a request for the guilt (car hits in the company) those sent to the USA - I waited 4 weeks. Answer I was lucky to change the ball. Brother was lucky.

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