Reviews Jeep Grand Cherokee 1999 - 2003

Reviews Jeep Grand Cherokee1999 - 2003 Collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of the reliability and features of the GRAND Cherokee operation.

Engine Periodically, the fuel pump fails (gas station - 3,176 rubles; work - 2.2 normal hours), crankshaft position sensor (engine 4.0). The crankshaft sensor malfunction leads to the impossibility of starting the engine.
Transmission Periodically, the breakdowns of the sensor of the rotation of the leading shaft of the five-speed automatic transmission, as well as the sensor of the speed of the slave shaft.
Control system and suspension Regular driving on the road will require frequent replacement of the front levers (suspension lever - 1 982 rubles; work - 2 norms-hour). Rules tip resource - 50 thousand km (steering tip - 690 rubles; work - 1 norm-hour).
Brake system Sometimes the brake rotors fail.
Heated air and air conditioning minimum Repair Cost Problems
Start and Charging System minimum Repair Cost Problems
Electrical components and other It may refuse the seat heating system (if installed) and the fan relay. Without regular lubrication fails the castle of the rear door. The rear door shock absorbers fail. Weak light from standard headlights.
Body stability to corrosion Perhaps the focal appearance of corrosion. Without regular lubrication fails the castle of the rear door.
* Information collected from specialists from service stations

Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

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2012-07-18 11:20:14

machine 2000. The water is flowing to the right to the floor over a gray plastic, coming from the threshold. Near the glass is dry, the hatch is also dry. Someone had it?

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2012-07-18 16:06:06

i scored and burst drainage (plastic corrugated hose) near Torpeda.

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2012-08-01 02:38:13

People tell me, the real trabl, please ... I do not know where to dig when it goes the lobuga rain very sweats, the cabin filter-new. Moisture as it is moving from below to enter the salon, that is, you can even drive around at the time when the rain does not go and she penetrates such a cloud to the salon and the lobuch all in the fog ... About the condo only do not remind ... he doesn't work I have.

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2012-08-01 12:04:40

The system is like this, it seems to me: if you get into the puddle, water falls on the brake disc and evaporates and falls into the salon, somewhere there is not enough plastic or seal. It is necessary to put two cunes near and compare

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2012-08-04 16:42:15

a transmission box, when switching gives a jerk, and in the morning it does not take the rear transmission (after warming up everything is normal) Advise what to do !!! \u003cbr/\u003e

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2012-08-09 16:52:12

Well, what covered your automatic transmission

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2015-07-28 22:08:19

replace oil in a box and filter Mopar oil Other do not

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2012-09-21 16:33:11

Senior Cherokee - the device is excellent, especially if from the last years of the release of generation ... only beetles appeared on the fifth doors, and so all the fire. And by the way, someone writes that gas equipment kills the Grand Cherokee engine: I have installed BRC 4 generation gas equipment, mileage on it 47 thousand km, normal flight!

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2012-09-24 14:39:57

Yes, I'm looking for an option for purchase. Better there is nothing, too kill them.

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2012-11-28 10:36:21

I was pleased, she pleased me, although it fell in a quiet, but after the last winter, I got out 3 beetles ... Now the rear window washer stopped working, although the front works ... I can't understand where the hose was departed, everything seemed to revise everything but the flow showedly discovered

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2013-05-03 21:23:17

on the panel lights up in the left corner the light bulb lights up in the form of a battery, I can not understand what cause.

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2013-05-04 12:21:15

The generator does not give enough charging, that is, when this light lights up - it means the battery is discharged. The generator for repair, repair is not expensive, most likely the brushes were raped

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2013-08-12 22:05:24

tell me the guys, 4 liters oil pressure on the hot engine drops to 0.5 points. Changed the pump, connecting rod liners, no changes. The oil was filled in Mobile 5-40, changed after 7000-8000km. Mileage 110000 miles.

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2013-08-26 10:12:32

measure the pressure than. or testing on dashboard

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2013-09-09 20:36:39

the pressure measured the fur. Datchik.

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2015-05-31 19:02:21

Connect mechanical and everything will become clear, the sensor will change ...

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2015-07-28 22:25:00

Remove the pallet cleansing the oil reflection mesh in the oil pump

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2013-08-22 21:23:46

i have a diesel 3.1 volume engine when the cold start well and at least a goal of the day not drowning the engine at first, but it will stop it, it will not start it until it does not waste or not lingering gasoline! What is the reason?

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2013-08-26 10:07:48

plunger on the equipment of the fields with cold water and try the creek (it is necessary to hide so that it is cooled)

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2013-08-25 21:28:48

I have Jeep Grand Cherokee, 1999, 4000, gasoline. Often the problem with the fuel pump is manifested. Do not know what operating pressure is the original fuel pump? Pressure of the installed pump 3.5 bar. After 90 km / h, the car does not go smoothly .... what to do?

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2013-08-26 10:10:33

depending on which injection system with the return or not from it will depend on the diagnosis

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2013-09-04 09:52:46

Alexey, please tell me. I want to take the Granda 2001-2004, about these years. On what to pay attention to the main, by hodovka, body, engine.

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2013-09-04 10:41:06

Jeep Grand Cherokee. Buy or not? \u003cbr/\u003e \u003cbr/\u003e \u003cbr/\u003e In one time, Jeep Grand Cherokee was considered 100% gangster machine. However, the times are now others: the racketeers who survived in the 90s became businessmen, and the Grand Cherokee is gradually cleaned from the negative image. Today, the second generation of "Grand" is most popular, released from 1998 to 2004. \u003cbr/\u003e \u003cbr/\u003e Almost all presented on the Russian secondary market Grand Cherokee brought from America. If desired, you can find both European cars, as well as SUVs with the Russian "Propean". However, they are quite a bit, and the price of "Europeans" is usually noticeably higher than "Americans". Buying Grand Cherokee, first of all you need to decide on the package. Most likely, you will have to choose between Laredo and Limited (other limited series has been issued). Simple Grand Cherokee Laredo can be distinguished by black bumpers, the presence of an ordinary air conditioner and most often the absence of a leather interior trim. Such a car in 90% of cases has a 6-cylinder engine with a volume of 4.0 l, which issues 190 hp. (197 hp on American standards). But if you need all the traditional "beams" type of leather interior or electric drives, then you need to take the Grand Cherokee Limited. It is he who has an engine V8 of 4.7 liters, outstanding 223 hp (238 hp in the USA), and in 2002, a 258th strong version of this unit was released. Grand Cherokee Limited not only has a high level of comfort, but also due to the engine is a stunning speaker. \u003cbr/\u003e \u003cbr/\u003e As already mentioned, under the hood of Jeep Grand Cherokee can stand gasoline engines with a volume of 4.0 and 4.7 liters. But exclusive lovers can search for diesel "Granda" (they were sold exclusively in Europe). Moreover, diesel power units are two. At first, under the hood, the "engine" of the Italian company "VM-Motori" was 3.1 liters, which issues 140 hp. Cars with such a diesel game are better not to buy at all. First, 140 "horses" are not enough for a large and heavy Grand Cherokee. A…

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2014-06-10 00:31:06

And overtend then what?

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2015-07-28 22:31:41

I have a jeep 2000 volume of 3.1 liters Excellent apparatus I go for 4 years and rejoice here !!!!!

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2013-09-04 15:02:57

I would pay special attention to the body, the beetles for 5 doors already, probably, at all. The question is, they stole them before selling or good made

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2013-09-05 10:21:32

Sergey, thank you.

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2015-07-28 22:33:17

No bad cars have bad owners

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2015-07-28 22:38:40

And did not try to handle from the inside

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2013-09-11 08:40:48

who came across such a problem so that from Babina with the inclusion of ignition went continuous spark

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2013-11-01 23:34:20

Spark is an impulse. It can not be continuous. This is already welding%). It is not clear what

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2013-10-20 23:13:34

In the upper right corner of the instrument shield, a red zipper is fastened. The car does not take the momentum more than three thousand, the malfunction is retained by the rhin when you are going along the highway, tell me what to do who can face the thread from the dealers who cannot find anything.

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2013-11-01 23:33:39

You need to connect the dealer comp at the moment when the light is on. Based on the type of error detected. There may be a mistake both by motor and automatic transmission (if any)

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2013-12-02 07:19:59

Good morning, please tell me, I bought the Grand Cherokee, 4 VD, a small lever stands for the position of 2 VD, I want to ride a full drive for what position to put that not kill the box?

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2013-12-22 00:38:13

hello everyone tell me someone please the car of 1999 4 liters of DV. Sometimes there is a failure in the gas pedal when you click smoothly on gas, it starts to shoot, then you press up the polish starts normal acceleration, then you press the same smoothly all the good gas listens. Who says that this is the absolute races sensor. Air. This is sinful to the throttle, sometimes you touch the speed as a bullet picks up the speed and sometimes as if someone keeps the ass to the brain, everything shows any errors well. waiting for an answer!!!

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2014-10-05 19:02:38

machine Grand Cherokee 2000 release with volume 4 generator does not work

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2014-10-05 19:11:28

grand Chirals 2000 release by volume 4 generator does not work

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2014-12-10 06:17:38

Generator has its own resource

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2015-05-13 23:22:42

It surprised me

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2015-05-14 20:36:20

The condush does not work, the gas has a compressor does not turn on the lamp A / s Lights what to do ???

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2015-06-18 20:26:11

There is a problem writes service 4 × 4 what can be

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2015-10-03 09:45:27

hello Tell me please what happened to the Grand Cherokee 2003 Motor 4.7 after repairing the automatic transmission began to knock as if the motor could happen

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2016-03-09 06:33:51

Drive fee burst or weakened.

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2016-05-17 00:34:07

All is full in oil. Where to seek leakage? Grand Cherokee 2000 year. Diesel 3.1.

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2020-05-22 13:48:33

Guys sho robiti isley engine b_lche 2500ooth not twist і b_lche 40km not _de іkoni trimaєsh gas in the floor і through De_lka Kwilin Vіn ignite okay ok and through De_lka Khwilin Dali not _de

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2020-05-22 13:48:44

Guys sho robiti isley engine b_lche 2500ooth not twist і b_lche 40km not _de іkoni trimaєsh gas in the floor і through De_lka Kwilin Vіn ignite okay ok and through De_lka Khwilin Dali not _de

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