Reviews Infiniti FX 2002 - 2008

Reviews Infiniti FX2002 - 2008 are collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of reliability and features of the FX operation.
Engine minimum Repair Cost Problems
Transmission minimum Repair Cost Problems
Control system and suspension minimum Repair Cost Problems
Brake system The short-lived and insufficient effective original brake system.
Heated air and air conditioning minimum Repair Cost Problems
Start and Charging System minimum Repair Cost Problems
Electrical components and other The attachment of the driver's seat (chassis) - the backlash appears (the cost of repair from 20 thousand rubles).
Body stability to corrosion minimum Repair Cost Problems
* Information collected from specialists from service stations
Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

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2016-10-24 22:40:49

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