Reviews Ford Focus 5 doors 2001 - 2005

Reviews Ford Focus 5 doors2001 - 2005 Collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of reliability and features of Focus 5 doors.

Engine Problem fuel system diesel engine 1.8. Sometimes the fuel pump fails (fuel pumps - 9 615; operation - 1.2 of the norm-hour) and the pressure drop sensor for the recycling system of exhaust gases.
Transmission minimum Repair Cost Problems
Control system and suspension The short-lived steering rail (diagnosis of the problem: "Very light" steering wheel or tapping). The stabilizer racks are ragged on bad roads - replacement is required (Stabilizer flow - 375; work - 0.6 norm). Rear hubs on this model made of poor-quality metal - the wheel can fall off right on the road.
Brake system minimum Repair Cost Problems
Heated air and air conditioning minimum Repair Cost Problems
Start and Charging System minimum Repair Cost Problems
Electrical components and other Sometimes the engine wiper engine fails
Body stability to corrosion There is no data
* Information collected from specialists from service stations

Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

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2012-07-11 19:04:19

i somehow on the country's country road burst the front right. It is better to pass the irregularities

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2012-07-11 20:26:15

I, too, somehow burst the front spring in Ford Focus Universal 2002 American, with a 2.0 Zetec engine ... and I was sold, radishes, springs, in my opinion, with a diameter of 20 mm. So they asked in 2 months. I had to change again ... The faithful thickness, as far as I remember 22.5 mm. 20 mm on engines that are easier

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2012-07-11 23:10:18

What mileage the spring burst with you? I just just think about buying a wagon with this engine ... and in general to what mileage autos relatively trouble-free?

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2012-07-12 16:06:48

Up to 250 thousand km autos was reliable. Began to drive when the mileage was about 180 thousand 2.0 there are two engines from American universal: ZETEC and like twinspot (or something consonant). Zetec is the most reliable and trouble-free, Twinspot speak marks. With Zetec 2.0 Autos surprisingly traveled. The machine is reliable (as it was that when you put on the Drive, all the autos began to vibrate, called the service in the machine guns, said such that the car, and so There is nothing to break!) ... But I still came to them to diagnose - it turned out: just a troit engine and you need to change the candle! After 250 thousand km, a slightly suspension fell, the ignition coil went to replace, the thermostat body began to flow ... and even the fan began to work at maximum speed .... It is fixed by replacing the stove resistance (you remove the blades) and remove the wires Wires and changing that crap into which these wires include ... It all happened with a mileage of 250-270 thousand km, before that, almost nothing broke, only this spring is somewhere 230 thousand km and the United States, after too, recently changed the brake discs changed But this is already preparation for the sale ... I choose a new wheelbarrow.

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2012-07-12 16:16:52

Americans are distinguished by the fact that a more comfortable suspension in the universal, cool acoustics and better noise insulation.

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2012-08-23 03:05:42

Does the wheel really can fall off? Can this be happening to Europe and Russians?

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2012-09-01 01:08:30

The defect is purely Russian filtering, it seems to be in the last years of producing it was not

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2013-10-30 20:57:07

Problem with automatic transmission, tell me what could be. Ford Focus 2.0 2002 American, first it is very difficult to start pressing a button that is necessary for switching gear (on the lever itself). Now on the mode D, the box started to go to the neutral

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2013-11-01 23:29:01

Not familiar with Ford machines. Does any light bulb light up on the panel? If not, it is possible that the problem is not in the automatic transmission and in the sensor of the selector position (gear selection lever).

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2014-09-15 11:03:57

i have a focus wagon 2005 does not work the stove in 123 Positions in the 4th work. Help disassemble

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2014-09-15 11:07:58

i have a focus wagon 2005 does not work the stove in 123 Positions in the 4th work. Help disassemble

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2015-01-17 13:50:23

the problem is idle. Turns fall to a minimum or completely stall.

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2015-09-07 18:05:18

If the trunk lid does not open on Ford Focus C-Mah. How to open?

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2016-02-21 23:11:41


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2016-05-18 04:22:14

i have a focus of 1 se, 2001, in amerikos two-liter. The guys honestly darned with him, I changed everything that only you can, the whole chassis replaced the levers barely found, the bearings of the hub cushion, the fuel pump is replaced, the washing of the injector and the nozzles is changed to the timing, the candles and the electrician everything changed, cut and cooked catalyst. Now I began to stall and eat antifreeze. And it stalls as it has just called when in the traffic jam you pull it out. Who will tell Skrenali she stalls?

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