Chevrolet Lacetti sedan reviews since 2004

Reviews Chevrolet Laceti 2004 - N.V. Collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of reliability and features of Laceti operation.

Engine Weak place - aluminum pallets on engines 1.4 and 1.6, Therefore, the drain plug must be clamped carefully and not strongly, as well as with each twisted, change the plug-in puck. If you pour a little, the crack is formed and along the pallet begins to flow oil. Sometimes, due to poor quality fuel, complete gas neutralizer fails (catalyst) - Inside it melts. The symptom of the failure of the catalyst - the thrust disappears. Sometimes after the second, the third replacement of the timing belt begins to leak the ring under the water pump and begins to leak antifreeze. Sometimes throttle valve is locked. Sometimes it appears from under the gasket gasket.
Transmission Sometimes cylinders on the clutchTo change the cylinder you need to remove the box.
Control system and suspension The front racks of stabilizers require replacement, on average, after 30 thousand km. Sometimes coming with balloons, as well as rear silent blocks in the front suspension. The rear suspension is complicated, but reliable - very rarely anything fails. Sometimes on the rear suspension there is a transverse backlash that disappears after the car's rise on the lift - this backlash means the failure of the rear shock absorbers (transverse depreciation wear).
Brake system Rust guide calipers, Therefore, it is necessary to periodically clean and lubricate them. Front pads, on average, serve 45 thousand km. (But there is a prescription of the manufacturer's plant that, with the residue on the front and rear pads, 6 mm, their replacement is required, since the lining on the native pads after this residue has the property to spacing iron). On the pads of the handling rust lever to which the cable clings After that, the handbrake begins to climb.

Specialist recommendations:

1) periodically carefully clean the installation pads (springs) brake pads, otherwise corrosion is also formed and the pad itself ceases to walk and starts to close (that is, no caliper, namely the shoe itself).

Heated air and air conditioning minimum Repair Cost Problems
Start and Charging System minimum Repair Cost Problems
Electrical components and other Sometimes the driver's seat breaks: The bottom of the seat on the left side falls down.
Body stability to corrosion Rusting Cope Cape Near the castle, because of what the hood is impossible to close. In order to restore the performance of the hood lock, you need to remove the lock and lubricate the cable near the lock (you can make preliminary prevention: that is, it is pre-lubricating the hood cable, after which the situation with an impaired hood will not arise).
* Information collected from specialists from service stations

Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

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2012-07-02 18:04:06

Electrical components and other. \u003cbr/\u003e Conduct the air conditioner turning buttons, recycling valve and rear window heating. (For machines without climate control). Well manifests itself in crude weather. The reason is a bad opposite of control board contacts. The solution to the problem is the disassembly of the beard, the removal of the board, the propaganda is again. \u003cbr/\u003e \u003cbr/\u003e The engine \u003cbr/\u003e to 40-50 t. Km The valve cover cover can give a flow. Oil appears in the candlestones and oil fogging is formed on the engine near the gasket.

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2012-07-04 17:21:01

Is it in what engine oil appears in candlestones?

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2012-08-10 19:51:47

In 1.6.

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2012-08-10 14:41:36

Drove 40 thousand km. At Lacetti 1.6 MT. \u003cbr/\u003e I didn't break anything, the suspension is almost ideal. \u003cbr/\u003e The only complaint - the transmissions are tightly stuck. Dealer could not do anything. Well, these are already soldiers of course. \u003cbr/\u003e Oh yes, the front windows are still scratching - if you often open / close. This is all Lacetti.

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2012-08-10 16:22:08

Pavel, this is probably for some perfect roads, I am 43 thousand km in St. Petersburg, changed the racks of stabilizers a second time, and before that I changed the ball.

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2012-08-15 17:15:22

Well, maybe you just do not need to drive on the pits and the wipers for all the money?! \u003cbr/\u003e traveled the same thing in St. Petersburg and the region. Moreover, drove on it in Crimea and back. Nothing changed. In the sale was diagnosed in the car service - they said the suspension in principle in order for such a run.

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2016-04-28 18:56:10

i have 98,000 and everything in the port

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2012-08-16 01:25:23

In jokes: I have 92 kg - broke the seat! Rather, it broke when I stretched for the belt .. Tryndets than GM thinks. Interestingly, warranty will replace it? The day after tomorrow I will unsubscribe

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2013-06-28 14:27:21

The same problem with the seat after a year of driving. I go very neat. I sit in the car on the seat smoothly and evenly, but still the left corner of the sidewa provisis and strongly strains when driving. My weight is 115 kg, but I do not think super heavyweight. I went to different machines, but the problem with the seat arose for the first time. Korean engineers are obsessed with something on their dystrophic weight. In Russia, there are many people of normal weight (for 100 kg) and that they only ride on bulldozers. In general, the auto-entertainers think so - just morons. If they just went to the Russian car market, the parameters of the salons of their cars are tied to the majority of people with good, normal weight, and not just for dystrophics.

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2012-12-26 17:09:05

Tell me please, in the feet blows cold air, and at the top blowing fine, the feeling that air conditioning is blowing at the bottom.

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2012-12-27 18:34:10

Perhaps the damper or cable

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2012-12-29 10:44:33

Then, after 15 minutes, the cold air disappears and everything is fine. \u003cbr/\u003e

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2012-12-29 21:09:17

I also have for Ford, maybe it should be

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2012-12-30 11:15:50

I was advised to put the cardboard under the grill of the radiator, but I did not try \u003cbr/\u003e

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2012-12-30 13:43:34

Yes, thanks to the carboard, the car will warm up a little faster. But by blowing in the legs will not particularly affect

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2013-01-01 04:12:23

And spare parts for diesel problem find?

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2013-01-02 02:22:34

Yes, they are without slipping

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2013-10-09 22:26:08

i have a third position in 2009, 21-people have passed the problem: in summer, from two attempts, it starts up, and now in the morning +8 with three attempts, in the service of the candle, I changed and the injectors were washed and keen. But you can tell me what to do.

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2013-10-09 22:28:32

interesting situation, Mileage 21 thousand Reaen? 4 years old car, thousands of 100 has already had to drive

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2013-10-09 22:39:27

Check the pressure issued by the fuel pump

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2013-10-09 22:39:36

yes, I also forgot to say that we always have problems with 95-Mbenzin, I will not find something, so there they do something through the computer so that the gasoline does not choose, everything is done with us and go to the 80th, but there is no problem with the launch The engine, and I have this, only with the third attempt, but snubs did not come.

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2013-10-09 22:50:32

I wanted to add: if the pump is normal in the pump, then check the relevance of the firmware of the engine control unit and update it with the possibility. But, in connection with the newly revealed facts, without options. 92th where it was not going, and 80 is ... in modern engines it is impossible to pour

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2013-10-09 22:41:42

ride only work home

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2013-10-28 14:37:03

Who can tell? Sometimes the car is twitching, it seems that there is a lack of fuel toli, air shoulders. The check lights up, but after some incl. and off Check goes out. All the filter is all, and it sometimes is tupit and everything, 2006.1.4

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2013-11-01 23:29:41

Check first of all fuel pressure, in the second place - spark plugs and wires, and the third - the operation of the air flow meter

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2014-04-01 17:16:29

Valve EGR under replacement or firmware

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2016-05-27 20:50:59

Lacetti 2012 birth. The adjustment of the rear view mirrors and heated the front seats. I understand that the case is in the fuses, but I can not determine: what. In the manual about this nothing. Please tell me. Thank you in advance.

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