Reviews BMW X5 E53 2000 - 2003

Reviews BMW X52000 - 2003 Collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of reliability and features of X5 operation.

Engine Sometimes laying the gaskets of the distribution mechanism, the breather and pressure control units. The resource of the chain and tensioner in the engine N62 is about 200 thousand km. In V-shaped motors after 300-400 thousand km, the elements of the Double-Vanos system begin to knock, it does not affect the engine at operation, only acoustic inconvenience. The oil surcharge caps on the BMW N series engines after 150 thousand km dry, which leads to increased oil consumption (up to 2 l per 1000 km); Eliminated by replacing caps. The cost of the work on the replacement of oil-challenged caps is 30,000 rubles (in the official car service by 29.05.2012, at the cost of the norm-hour 3996 rubles).
Transmission minimum Repair Cost Problems
Control system and suspension The beam silent blocks of the subframe are often faced (cost of silent blocks - 495 rubles; work - 4500 rubles), the front hub bearings every 100 thousand km require replacement (the cost of bearings - 11434 rubles; work -7400 rub). There are problems with pneumatic suspension: fails the pump, work on replacing the pump of the pneumatic suspension costs about 12,000 rubles (in the official service on 05/29/2012 at the price of normo-hour 3996 rubles)
Brake system minimum Repair Cost Problems
Heated air and air conditioning minimum Repair Cost Problems
Start and Charging System minimum Repair Cost Problems
Electrical components and other In the V-shaped motor, due to the unsuccessful location of the box of the box under the hood in it, water is pushing. The block fails.
Body stability to corrosion There is no data
* Information collected from specialists from service stations

Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

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2012-06-14 23:40:29


To answer
2012-08-14 06:00:07

How much money is needed for service x5 2003 about a year?

To answer
2012-08-14 06:02:03

He rushes super. No other cars are so ruling.

To answer
2013-01-04 22:26:38

there is no equal! Bread Fire !!!

To answer
2012-08-14 06:39:35

approximately 120 thousand

To answer
2013-01-08 05:02:23

120 Really? What are these expenses? Is it really for a complete bulkhead suspension?

To answer
2016-10-30 11:00:51

To answer
2015-05-07 11:44:39

I have service worth about 40000 rubles per year. in year. European European.

To answer
2016-01-04 20:09:00

the problem is x5n62.Ob 4.8 oil leakage under the lid of Klapone

To answer
2019-05-27 06:53:29

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2019-05-27 06:54:42

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2019-05-27 06:55:05

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2019-05-27 06:55:24

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