Reviews BMW 5 E39 2000 Series 2000 - 2003

Reviews BMW 5 Series Sedan2000 - 2003 Collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of reliability and features of operation 5 series sedan.
Engine In diesel engines M47 and M57, the damping gum on the crankshaft pulley is broken after 300 - 400 thousand km of mileage. The symptoms of the cliff of damping gum: Charging will disappear, the steering wheel will stop rotating (the cost of the pulley is 4650 rubles; work - 0.5 normal hours). The resource of the main pump and pump in the tank is 300-400 thousand km - will have to change. In the engine 525 TDS weak place - high pressure fuel pump (plunger pair wear and a hot motor cannot be started; the cost of the pump is 14225 rubles).
Transmission minimum Repair Cost Problems
Control system and suspension The steering rail is broken on bad roads - the backlash appears (the steering rail - 156500 rubles; work on replacement - 2 rate-hours). Leakage in the pressure center of the hydraulicer - you will have to replace the hoses.
Brake system minimum Repair Cost Problems
Heated air and air conditioning minimum Repair Cost Problems
Start and Charging System minimum Repair Cost Problems
Electrical components and other Sometimes in the ABS block displeased contacts.
Body stability to corrosion There is no data
* Information collected from specialists from service stations
Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

your comment

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2012-06-12 17:45:57

with Double Vanos, you are competently noticed! To know what to do with this knock ...

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2012-12-03 13:35:03

hello everyone. Tell me.

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2012-12-03 13:52:03

Looks like a hub bearing

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2012-12-03 19:20:23

I agree, with the most likely thing in the hub bearing

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2013-12-14 21:44:04

i have trouble .. The sensor ABS and the ACS is .. well do? 97 year 25 TDS E 39

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2014-11-11 18:20:51

replace the ABS sensor and most likely left rear.

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2016-03-01 12:22:58

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2016-06-19 19:36:42

can pillows that balance the engine

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2015-02-16 14:30:33

increased radio and radio, what is the reason?

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2016-01-04 18:24:34

Maybe you have the antenna damaged, or in the wiring something began to interfere with the radio and body receiver. Try the battery terminals to clean, as well as the wire from the terminal running on the mass of the car body to unscrew and also cleaned the place of contact (remove the oxide).

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2019-06-16 10:23:15

Guys, tell me, I want to purchase a BMW E39 2000 2.5 diesel, is it worth taking or will be popoden?

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2021-10-01 23:03:41

In Speed \u200b\u200b120, Pacts on the ABC

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