Lexus GS.

Lexus GS: Characteristics and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on complete sets and prices.

Reviews Lexus GS from specialists

Feedback GS detail
GS 2005 - 2008
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Heated air and air conditioning
Start and Charging System
Electrical components and other
Body stability to corrosion

Crash Test GS 2005 - 2008

Crash Test GS 2005 - 2008: Details
Driver and passengers
Passenger children

Prices for Lexus GS (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1993 8 256 318 261 284 8 192 405 6
1994 10 267 675 267 675 10 - 6
1995 10 321 842 321 842 10 - 6
1996 8 330 959 330 959 8 - 6
1997 10 389 382 382 550 9 513 101 6
1998 35 473 731 473 718 35 - 6
1999 25 505 609 506 465 25 429 724 6
2000 22 525 588 528 871 22 423 296 6
2001 30 562 819 562 819 30 - 6
2002 21 614 469 614 469 21 - 6
2003 10 662 996 662 996 10 - 6
2004 10 707 817 688 857 10 788 881 6
2005 99 1 010 830 1 010 942 99 969 753 6
2006 102 1 064 187 1 063 700 102 1 128 805 6
2007 132 1 192 918 1 193 846 131 1 099 890 6
2008 124 1 365 533 1 365 131 122 1 286 335 6
2009 30 1 467 422 1 459 015 30 - 6
2010 33 1 819 631 1 809 830 31 - 6
2011 20 1 973 328 1 968 649 20 - 6
2012 63 2 670 111 2 677 934 63 2 112 248 6
2013 46 2 922 855 2 909 119 46 3 127 322 6

Buy Lexus GS.

Lexus GS.

Debut in 1993, Lexus GS. Today is represented by the fourth generation of the model. His exterior was developed by Katsyukhiko Inomomy. The technical characteristics of the model were subjected to significant changes: the volume of the body increased, new power units were installed, the exterior was supplemented with an expressive radiator lattice and advanced optics. Thanks to high-strength steel frame and ten airbags, a car with honor comes out even from the most difficult situations on the road. In Russia, two gasoline and one hybrid version of the model can be purchased; The hybrid is equipped with gasoline and electric motors with a total capacity of 343 hp