Crash Test Renault Fluence since 2009 Sedan

Krash test Renault Fluence 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013: Labotor assessment of the car safety: ranking in points, test report (photo and video crash test)

Driver and passengers
Passenger children
Active security system

Driver and passengers. Total score 26 | 72%

Frosting (9.8 points)

 crash test
 Passenger safety
evaluation of the crash test - Fine
 Krash test Renault Fluence since 2009 - Good
 Satisfactorily - Satisfactorily
Badly - Badly
Very bad - Very bad
Driver's Head Contact with Airbagunstable
Passenger's head contact with airbagstable
Passenger branchstable
Displacement front rack back43mm.
Shift steering wheel back35mm.
Shift steering wheel up7mm.
Chest contact with steering wheelno
Top of legs, knees and hip area
Contact with firm elements of the front panelsteering column with position lock and panel
Kneessteering column with position lock and panel
Lower leg and foot
Foot recess compressionno
Displacement pedals backbrake pedal - 94mm
Pedal shift topno

Side collision with car (8 points), and with post (6.1 points)

 Collision with cars
side collision with post
Head Airbagyes
Breast Airbagyes

Blow from behind (spinal protection) (points)

renault Fluence Spine Protection since 2009
Description of the chairStandard, manual adjustment in 4 positions
Type of head restraintpassive
Geometric assessment1
- Strong kick1,9
- Middle Stick1,6
- Weak strike0

Children's passengers. Common score 41 | 83%

Child up to 18 months
Brand chairritax R.Front shock
Emergency Group0, 0+Head move forwardprotected
Locationface backScald accelerationmaximum rating
FasteningISOFIX Mounting and Support FrameChest loadweak
Side strike
 Renault Fluence Protection Assessment since 2009Evaluation of protection10,8Fixation of the headprotected
Marking Evaluation4Scald accelerationmax Evaluation
Evaluation of fastening2
Child older than 3 years
Brand chairritax R.Front shock
Emergency Group1Head move forwardprotected
Locationface forwardScald accelerationmaximum rating
FasteningISOFIX fastening with a safety cableChest loadmaximum rating
Side strike
 Evaluation of protection12Fixation of the headprotected
Marking Evaluation4Scald accelerationmax Evaluation
Evaluation of fastening2
Assessment of car6Airbag Prevention WarningWarning on a sunny visor

Pedestrians. Common score 13 | 37% System Act. Safety Common Score 6 | 84%

safety pedestrians
Renault Fluence since 2009 - Fine
 Good - Good
Satisfactorily - Satisfactory
Speed \u200b\u200blimiteractive, standard
Stability Course (ESC)3
Signaling about unatigned safety beltsTwo: Driver and Front Passenger
Hip area0,1

Protection of adult passengers:

With a frontal impact, the Renault Fluence Ze passenger salon retained the integrity, however, there was an insufficient pressure in the driver's safety pillow, which prevented preventing the head of the head with the rim of the steering wheel through the pillow fabric. For this car was fined, and the manufacturer told Euroncap that he would examine this question in more detail and makes the necessary changes. The structure of the dashboard was the danger to the knees and the hips of the front passenger and the driver. In the side of the lateral collision with overlapping, the protection of the chest received the estimate - well, the protection of other parts of the body is excellent. In a more severe side collision with the post, the protection of the chest was recognized as very weak. In the test for protection against the injuries of the cervical spine and the occipital part of the head in a collision of the back is recognized as critical. After each test, the electric vehicle was checked on the possibility of human damage to electric current, as well as the possibility of fire due to a short circuit, based on the results of which signs of danger were not detected.

Security of passenger children

Based on the research of the conducted tests, Fluence Ze scored the maximum number of points for the protection of a 3-year mannequin. The displacement of the mannequin forward as a result of the strike was not significant, and with the lateral collision, the mannequins were well retained by fixing children's chairs. The risk of head injury is minimal. The front passenger airbag has a functional possibility of shutdown, for transportation in the front seat of children in special chairs facing back. Information indicating the functional status of the pillow is not clear enough, nevertheless, there is clear information about the danger of the carriage of children in the special circles facing the face back when the airbag featured.

Protection of pedestrians

In pedestrian safety tests, the maximum number of balls scored the bumpers of the car, they provided pedestrian legs with good protection. The hood showed weak safety in places of possible contact of an electric vehicle with adult and child heads. In addition, the front edge of the hood showed insufficient safety in the field of the top of the legs and pelvis pelvis.

Protection of pedestrians

Car Stability System (ESC) is standard equipment and meets the expectative requirements of Euroncap. The reminder of the non-unspecified driver safety belts and the passenger is also standard for this car. The system of forced speed limit is not a mandatory function in many of the equipment, but as expected in the future, the requirement for its presence will be regulated much more stricter.

General information about the car

Tested model Renault Fluence Ze, 'Expression', model with left tower
Body type sedan
Year of data publishing 2011
Curb weight, kg 1569 kg
The results are valid for VIN, starting with ... applicable to all models Fluence ZE of this generation

Safety systems:

Pretensels of front seat belts double pretensioner
Front Belts Load Loaders There is
Driver Front Airbag Single-stage
Passenger Front Airbag Single-stage
Side airbags There is
Side Head Airbags There is
Driver's knees airbag No
Dynamic stabilization system There is
Reminder of non-profitable safety belts Driver and Front Passenger Places

Photo crash test

Video crash test