Hyundai Elantra 5 doors 5 doors - 2003 hatchback

Hyundai Elantra Krash Test 5 Doors 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003: Laborator Car Safety Assessment: False rating, report on the test (photo and video of the crash test)
Driver and passengers

Protection of the driver and passenger

damage to the driver during a frontal impact
Frontal blow, driver
damage to the passenger during the frontal impact
Loba blow, passenger
damage to the driver during a lateral strike
Side blow, driver
Excellent - Excellent
Good - Good
Satisfactorily - Satisfactorily
Badly - Badly
Very bad - Very bad

Children's holding devices

Child up to 18 months Kiddy 2000, face forward
A child over 3 years old Kiddy 2000, face forward

Safety of pedestrians

the result of the crash test is excellent - Excellent
the result of the crash test is good - Good
the result of the crash test is less - Satisfactorily


Elantra did not show itself in tests well: the airbag and the belt could not normally protect the driver. In addition, the knees were also in danger, as a result there was a danger of damage to the legs. Although the body turned out to be durable, the bottom was deformed during the frontal blow, as a result of which the driver’s chair moved forward and to the door. During a thorough examination, it turned out that due to such a shift of the chair, the safety belt did not slip off the driver and allowed him to hit his head and chest on the steering wheel. The door that opened during the side hit also increased the degree of risk.

Frontal blow:

The airbag worked, but the driver’s head and chest still reached the steering wheel. This indicates the danger of damage, and under other circumstances of the clash, the consequences can be much more serious. Under the front panel, rigid elements were discovered, which can lead to injury to the legs and knees. The clutch pedal moved far back, threatening the feet and ankles. When the driver’s chair was hit, it shifted forward and to the side, which is why the safety belt slipped, and the probability of injury increased. A positive moment was a three -point belt for the central place of the rear seat - it provides much better protection than a waist.

Safety of passenger children:

The safety pillow of the front passenger is included in the basic package and poses a threat to the child placed in this place in the chair “against the direction of movement”. However, text and graphic warnings regarding the location of the holding device did not satisfy the experts. The icon on the edge of the front panel was not accompanied by the text, but in the one that in the sunscreen, nothing was said about the degree of risk. Finally, the seats themselves were unreliable.

Side blow:

The back door opened with a lateral blow, so that the passengers who are behind the risk of falling out. Otherwise, Elantra proved to be well, with the exception of a slight probability of an injury to the driver's abdominal cavity.

Pedestrian safety:

Elantra did not stand out from the total mass of competitors and provided weak protection for pedestrians.

General information about the car

The location of the steering wheel Left
Tested model Hyundai Elantra 1.6 GLS
Type of body 4-door sedan
Year of data publication 2001
Curb weight 1265

Safety system equipment:

Front seat belts There is
Front seat belts load limiters There is
Front Pillow of Safety of the driver There is
Passenger front pillow There is
Side airbags Not
Side pillows of head safety pillows Not
Knee -off pillow and legs of the driver Not

Photo of crash test

Video Crash test