Complete set of Skoda Superb 2008 - N.V. petrol

Information on the basic and optional configuration of Skoda Superb 2008 models - N.V. petrol.

Sound, Communication and Entertainment

Modifications:1.8 TSI DSG AMBITION1.8 TSI DSG Comfort1.8 TSI DSG Elegance1.8 TSI MCPP AMBITION1.8 TSI MCPP Comfort1.8 TSI MCPP Elegance2.0 TSI DSG Elegance3.6 DSG 4x4 Elegance
8 speakers or more:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
CD magnetol:YesOptionYesYesOptionYesYesYes
CD changer:OptionOptionYesOptionOptionYesYesYes
Multiculor with petals:OptionNotOptionNotNotNotOptionOption
Hard disk navigation:OptionNotOptionOptionNotOptionOptionOption
Radio Preparation:NotYesNotNotYesNotNotNot
There is There is Not Not Option Option There is no data There is no data


Modifications:1.8 TSI DSG AMBITION1.8 TSI DSG Comfort1.8 TSI DSG Elegance1.8 TSI MCPP AMBITION1.8 TSI MCPP Comfort1.8 TSI MCPP Elegance2.0 TSI DSG Elegance3.6 DSG 4x4 Elegance
Leather power steering:OptionNotNotOptionNotNotNotNot
Leather power grid and lever PPC:YesOptionYesYesOptionYesYesYes
Leather outcome of the cabin:OptionNotOptionOptionNotOptionOptionOption
Combined cabin upholstery:OptionNotOptionOptionNotOptionOptionOption
Front armrest:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Fabric upholstery of the cabin:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
There is There is Not Not Option Option There is no data There is no data


Modifications:1.8 TSI DSG AMBITION1.8 TSI DSG Comfort1.8 TSI DSG Elegance1.8 TSI MCPP AMBITION1.8 TSI MCPP Comfort1.8 TSI MCPP Elegance2.0 TSI DSG Elegance3.6 DSG 4x4 Elegance
Automatically darkening salon rearview mirror:OptionNotOptionOptionNotOptionOptionOption
Automatic darkening and folding side mirrors:OptionNotOptionOptionNotOptionOptionOption
Rain sensor:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Climate control double-zone:YesOptionYesYesOptionYesYesYes
Air conditioner:NotYesNotNotYesNotNotNot
Cruise control:OptionOptionYesOptionOptionYesYesYes
Mechanical adjustment of the front seats:YesYesNotYesYesNotNotNot
Parktronic (rear):OptionOptionYesOptionOptionYesYesYes
Heated rear window:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Heated rear seats:OptionOptionYesOptionOptionYesYesYes
Heated windshield:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Heated front seats:YesOptionYesYesOptionYesYesYes
Folded mirrors:YesNotYesYesNotYesYesYes
Power supply (front):YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Fine-lifts for rear stalks:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Electric driver adjustment:OptionNotYesOptionNotYesYesYes
Electrical adjustment of the driver's seat with memory:NotNotYesNotNotYesYesYes
Electric passenger seat adjustment:OptionNotYesOptionNotYesYesYes
Electro adjustment of the passenger seat with memory:NotNotYesNotNotYesYesYes
There is There is Not Not Option Option There is no data There is no data


Modifications:1.8 TSI DSG AMBITION1.8 TSI DSG Comfort1.8 TSI DSG Elegance1.8 TSI MCPP AMBITION1.8 TSI MCPP Comfort1.8 TSI MCPP Elegance2.0 TSI DSG Elegance3.6 DSG 4x4 Elegance
Adaptive road lighting:NotNotYesNotNotYesYesYes
Turning off headlights with a delay:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Headlight washer:YesOptionYesYesOptionYesYesYes
Fog lights with the Corner function:YesOptionYesYesOptionYesYesYes
There is There is Not Not Option Option There is no data There is no data

Passive security

Modifications:1.8 TSI DSG AMBITION1.8 TSI DSG Comfort1.8 TSI DSG Elegance1.8 TSI MCPP AMBITION1.8 TSI MCPP Comfort1.8 TSI MCPP Elegance2.0 TSI DSG Elegance3.6 DSG 4x4 Elegance
Side airbags (before):YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Driver airbag:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Passenger airbag:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Airbag for driver knees:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Passenger Airbag with Disconnection Function:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Side airbags. Rear:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Protection belts:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
ISOFIX system (attachment for children's seat):YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Security curtains:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
There is There is Not Not Option Option There is no data There is no data

Anti-theft systems

Modifications:1.8 TSI DSG AMBITION1.8 TSI DSG Comfort1.8 TSI DSG Elegance1.8 TSI MCPP AMBITION1.8 TSI MCPP Comfort1.8 TSI MCPP Elegance2.0 TSI DSG Elegance3.6 DSG 4x4 Elegance
Central locking with remote control:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
There is There is Not Not Option Option There is no data There is no data

Security and suspension systems

Modifications:1.8 TSI DSG AMBITION1.8 TSI DSG Comfort1.8 TSI DSG Elegance1.8 TSI MCPP AMBITION1.8 TSI MCPP Comfort1.8 TSI MCPP Elegance2.0 TSI DSG Elegance3.6 DSG 4x4 Elegance
EBA (brake pressure control system) ::YesYesYesNotNotNotYesYes
EBD (brake force distribution system) ::YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
ESP (Dynamic Stabilization System) ::YesYesYesOptionOptionOptionYesYes
ABS (anti-lock braking system):YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Anti-slip system:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Tire pressure monitoring system:YesOptionYesYesOptionYesYesYes
System of help when starting on the rise:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Motor torque control:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Electronic Differential Block:YesYesYesNotNotNotYesYes
There is There is Not Not Option Option There is no data There is no data


Modifications:1.8 TSI DSG AMBITION1.8 TSI DSG Comfort1.8 TSI DSG Elegance1.8 TSI MCPP AMBITION1.8 TSI MCPP Comfort1.8 TSI MCPP Elegance2.0 TSI DSG Elegance3.6 DSG 4x4 Elegance
Alloy wheels:YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Metallic color:OptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOptionOption
Rotate repeaters in side mirrors:YesNotYesYesNotYesYesYes
Electric hatch:OptionNotOptionOptionNotOptionOptionOption
There is There is Not Not Option Option There is no data There is no data