Hardware Dodge Caravan

Data on basic and optional Dodge Caravan: Specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.

Prices for Dodge Caravan, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1986 6 51 319 38 485 6 64 138 6
1987 6 117 590 117 590 6 - 6
1988 6 247 566 302 722 6 192 405 6
1989 6 155 984 155 984 6 - 6
1990 6 111 333 111 333 6 - 6
1991 7 137 098 137 098 7 - 6
1992 7 184 529 188 135 7 141 099 6
1993 9 162 511 164 264 9 115 451 6
1994 7 185 347 185 794 7 182 788 6
1995 8 152 266 146 925 7 162 186 7
1996 8 239 468 238 321 8 253 337 6
1997 8 284 076 282 658 8 295 026 6
1998 9 274 522 275 180 9 255 270 6
1999 38 295 816 297 829 37 258 144 6
2000 88 321 796 321 622 82 321 609 7
2001 89 396 040 396 988 88 379 175 6
2002 141 426 166 425 951 138 452 995 7
2003 135 450 262 450 491 134 432 278 7
2004 77 503 264 504 087 77 454 413 6
2005 81 570 079 569 704 80 585 472 7
2006 25 631 512 631 512 25 - 6
2007 8 760 892 760 892 8 - 6
2008 8 1 042 733 1 042 733 8 - 6
2009 7 989 712 989 712 7 - 6