Hardware Dodge.

The configuration of the Dodge models: data on the basic and optional equipment of various versions and modifications.

Configuration Dodge.

Dodge was founded in 1901 by two brothers as a small bicycle production factory.  Dodge Charger 2007. Later, they were engaged in the manufacture of spare parts for cars and very succeeded in this area. After some time, together with the mechanic, Henry Ford, they created their automotive factory, and in 1914 it was engaged in their own Dodge Brothers Motor Vehicle. Their first kids became reliable and convenient for that time the car called Old Betsy, the right to sell only a few best autodiets. As in many other American automakers, both wars influenced Dodge extremely positively, giving it the opportunity to produce engines for military transport.

Since 1920, Mark acquired Craisler concern, which gave the company the opportunity to produce and sell their cars in all ends of the world. For most of the last century, the company had a huge success in his country and beyond. Cars of this brand acquired their characteristic features that did not allow them to confuse them with any other brands, and also provided them with worldwide glory. Various models and modifications suitable for various operating conditions and various consumer interests were presented on the market. However, the majority dodge packages The fairly high level of gasoline consumption was distinguished, which did not make them practical and convenient to operate during the oil crisis, which struck the United States in the mid-70s of the last century. After a number of mergers and acquisitions of the company, all the same, managed to maintain its brand and reputation of the manufacturer of powerful cars with aggressive and impressive design. Today, around the world you can meet various models and configuration Dodge.Specially adapted for the markets and the needs of those countries in which they are produced or sold.