Configuration BMW 1 series 3 doors
Data on basic and optional BMW Series 1 Series 3 Doors: Specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.
Choose the production period BMW 1 series 3 doors
to display information on the required modifications
Prices for BMW 1 series 3 doors, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)
Year of issue | Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) | Average price, rubles |
The average price of S. Automatic transmission, rubles |
Total for sale with automatic transmission | The average price of S. MCPP, rubles |
Total for sale with manual transmission |
2007 | 95 | 714 351 | 729 274 | 66 | 679 717 | 31 |
2008 | 129 | 743 929 | 745 454 | 107 | 731 889 | 21 |
2009 | 92 | 779 074 | 774 641 | 81 | 804 053 | 16 |
2010 | 57 | 839 767 | 842 594 | 55 | 798 383 | 7 |
2011 | 148 | 901 162 | 899 826 | 135 | 923 641 | 8 |
2012 | 95 | 1 134 853 | 1 135 693 | 88 | 1 072 499 | 8 |
2013 | 77 | 1 265 583 | 1 203 507 | 55 | 1 481 685 | 21 |