Installation BMW

The configuration of the BMW models: data on the basic and optional equipment of various versions and modifications.


Have you ever experienced an unforgettable impressions from driving along winding paths on a serial sedan? These impressions will give you BMW 3 Series. This car is designed for those people who do not need movement from point A to point B, for those who do not want to put up with gray working everyday life. Yes, these people wear costumes. Yes, they do not have a smile, saying that they are happy, but in fact it is Buntari, do not agree with the rules and taboos of society. Therefore, they wear a suit, thereby hiding their essence. BMW 3 series is exactly the same: he is not dressed, I would even say strictly. He is not striking from the crowd of gray cars, can go in the stream of cars. But it is worth clicking on the pedal of the accelerator, and you will feel the power and across the intact engine training. It is worth each time to work the gearbox and drove on this car over the serpentine and you will immediately understand that all parts of this car - the engine, gearbox, suspension and steering wheel are configured to the speed and leadership always and everywhere. BMW put two types of DVS: diesel and injector. Only in BMW Turbodiesel does not give out in the cabin. Yes, we recognize the street on the street, but it's only you just get into the salon and no vibration to you, no noise. On the gas pedal, the car responds with the jump and the power of the gasoline engine.
The engine volume in BMW 3 Series varies from 1.6 liters to 4 liters at the M3 version. BMW 3 Series, and the M3 version in particular, this is a sports car under the guise of a regular sedan. Fuel consumption in BMW is not the smallest compared to competitors, but you also receive the technical characteristics of the engine and the machine as a whole, much better than many competitors. Exact technical data of the car you can find on site
Reliability of cars
Many, when choosing a car, ask themselves the question: "Is he reliable?" The reliability of cars, mostly depends on the owner, but it is also worth considering how well the engineers have worked every detail. It is this that help us find out the reliability rating. Many countries spend such a rating, but the most famous in our country is TUV and ADA. In these rated BMW 3 Series occupies a good place.