
All about gas: tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, characteristics, accounting data.

Models Gas:


7.5l / 100 km
The smallest fuel consumption of Volga Siber 2008 - HB
15l / 100 km
The greatest fuel consumption of 2705 \u200b\u200bKombi since 2010
30 seconds
The best dynamics (among gasoline models) 2705 \u200b\u200bKombi since 2010
30 seconds
Minimum dynamics (among gasoline models) 2705 \u200b\u200bKombi since 2010
25 seconds
The best dynamics (among diesel models) 2705 \u200b\u200bKombi since 2010
25 seconds
Minimum speakers (among diesel models) 2705 \u200b\u200bKombi since 2010

Photo of all gas models


Private announcements

Gas prices (updated April 22, 2016)

Models Gas. Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
21 466 324 121 444 720 8 322 876 459
22 6 209 802 - 6 209 802 6
24 528 70 358 94 226 8 70 358 520
31 2075 118 090 169 602 20 116 843 1994
Siber 149 442 211 445 974 99 433 414 55
2705 20 256 274 733 665 6 247 479 16
3221 8 273 876 - 6 270 098 8

Cars Gas.- Russian classic

GAZ A 1936.

Founded in 1932, the Gorky Automobile Plant today is a large enterprise producing minibuses, light trucks and passenger cars. In 2005, the enterprise experienced significant restructuring, as a result of which the direction on the assembly of cargo and passenger cars was allocated to a separate branch. Financial difficulties forced the company's management in 2009 to reduce the state, as a result of which the number of employees decreased to 27 00 people. The first car was assembled at the factory in 1932 (it was a truck). In the same year, an assembly of middle-class passenger cars was established, which were copies of the models of the American Ford.

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