PEUGEOT 406 1999 test drive - 2004 sedan

406 Coupe is amazingly beautiful. Not a temptress! This is what the devil would look like, wish he materialized in the appearance of the car. Only one look and you are fascinated, you seemed to be in the network of the succubus of the demon in the guise of a woman. By the way, in catalogs this color is called only Lucifer. So without options.
What a sin to hide, Peugeot 406 Coupe is not a novelty. However, this car, although it is delivered to the Russian market completely officially, in our area, a very rarity. Therefore, when we found such a machine in the showroom of the St. Petersburg Peugeot dealer Leon Motors, and even in the top configuration of ST Pack, we, poorly hiding lust, immediately agreed on full-time acquaintance.

The interior of the car is disappointed in the first and only line in that it does not differ from what could be found in 406 (chrome rims around the devices does not count). No, the salon itself is not bad: a cozy upholstered furniture, worthy quality. For fans of French cars, everything is their own, dear: a specific French high landing and lulling chairs with weakly expressed support. However, just the salon is so dissonant with the defiant way that creates the appearance of Coupe that it begins to seem unworthy of the demon: the soul of a simple mortal is hiding behind the dazzling face of the succubus. Despite the fact that the car seems to be four -seater, the rear seats, of course, will be crowded for an adult. But Peugeot, before letting the rear passengers, gives them a chance to change their minds: the electric seals opening back slide out slowly slowly.

Those who have already tasted the branded dishes of the PEUGEOT kitchen and fell in love with them, recognize the manners of this car on the top of perfection. The behavior of the machine is sophisticated, but specific. At low speeds, the steering wheel is extremely light and blank. It is heavier from speed, a returning force appears, but the incessant softness of the reactions does not go anywhere. In gentle turns, the rear suspension is fully stocked: the car seems to be twisted around an invisible axis.
It seems that the car understands where to go and what should be done for this. It is worth slightly overdo it at speed, as the compartment begins to whistle rubber in the start of sliding out of the turn. If at this moment to provoke a provocation in the form of an instant gas discharge, the machine with its characteristic elegance will go into a skid. It seems that everything happens according to the laws of physics, but the nuances accompanying the process create some special aura, because of which the connoisseur will never exchange one Peugeot for two ordinary cars. The controllability of this machine as Chinese sticks for food: if you know how to use them, then you get a special buzz from the eastern cooking. You do not know how to only be annoyed.
406 Coupe embodied in metal a dream of a democratic Ferrari. However, France is not only the Divine Jean Alesi, but also some Francois Peren, who does not rush along the red-hot track of Mani-KUU, but moves along the secondary roads of Burgundy, Normandy and Provence or completely creeps from a traffic light to the traffic light in the center of Paris. In addition, for most Europeans, the pursuit of speed records is not honored and fame, but a powerful blow to the credit card. And to blame the French that they made the car of their dreams just like that. It is such aesthetic, daily and comfortable.
The car is provided by Leon Motors.
During the test, the car is insured by LLC Nation Center.
Text: Kirill Brevdo, Leonid Klyuyev
Photo: Roman Ostanin

Source: Wheel magazine [No. 70/2003]
Video test drives Peugeot 406 1999 - 2004
PEUGEOT 406 1999 test drives - 2004
PEUGEOT 406 1999 - 2004 Krash Test
Krassh Test: Detailed Information18%
Driver and passengers
PEUGEOT 406 1999 - 2004
PEUGEOT 406 malfunctions: Detailed information406 1999 - 2004 | |
Engine | ![]() |
Transmission | ![]() |
Control system and suspension | ![]() |
Brake system | ![]() |
Air heating and air conditioning | ![]() |
Launch and charging system | ![]() |
Electric components and so on | ![]() |
Corrosion body stability |