Test drive Opel Astra coupe 2000 - 2006 compartment
Red and black

Structurally, cars do not differ about how Astra Coupe drives and what she has under the hood, we told in detail only six months ago (motor #12, 2002). The difference in the design, and therefore in visual perception. And, accordingly, in the price of Rossa, all other things being equal, about a thousand dollars are more expensive. Do you like the combination of red with black and the skin of a good dressing? If so, then consider that Linea Rossa has been created by Special for You.

However, be that as it may, Astra Coupe still lives and live. And plays in different colors. Not only does it also offer two shades of the red Magma Red and Chianti Red for painting the body, there are also black Carbon Black, and two shades of silver Star Silver and Light Silver. Vulcanic magma, Xyanti wine, coal, star silver and light silver. And all this, mind you, in the red line.

Sergey Sorokin
Source: Motor magazine [July 2003]
Test drives Opel Astra coupe 2000 - 2006
Crash Test Opel Astra coupe 2000 - 2006
Krassh Test: Detailed Information25%
Driver and passengers