Nissan GT-R R35 test drive since 2007

Point GT

Nissan GT-R. Price: from 80,000*. On sale: no data
A real racing highway, serious men in helmets, a thoroughbred roar of the wound engines, here it is, the element of the Nissan GT-R. The maximum speed of the car, just think about this figure, exceeds three hundred kilometers per hour. Very soon, the sale of a supercar will begin in our country
Nissan is seriously studying the possibility of official supplies to Russia Super-Kara GT-R. So what, the layman grins, what we have not seen cars? That's exactly, they didn’t see it. In our country, almost the only future rival of the Japanese can be considered Porsche.
Nissan GT-R is a car car capable of increasing the pulse and making the eyes of the most severe men wet. Still, we are talking about a car that accelerates faster than 300 km/h. The average layman doubts, they say who needs such a rocket. Of course, GT-R is not a mass product, but eccentric, believe me, enough. This confirms European experience. Moreover, the debutant became popular until the appearance of the first samples. In just one month, European buyers have exhausted an annual quota of 1,500 copies. The largest number of orders, or rather 950, came from England. True, the first cars will fall into the hands of owners only in the spring of next year. But this does not scare anyone, everyone is ready to wait.
They say that when the Nissan GT-R debuted in 2007 at the Tokyo Motor Show, life at other stands froze. What was so struck by visitors? First of all, incredible, monstrous technical characteristics that are achieved by giving the innovative motor. Under the hood of the monster, the VR38 engine with a volume of 3.8 liters is hidden and attention! 473 hp, which are achieved at 6400 min-1. We are talking about a V-shaped six equipped with two turbines. For the most efficient use of GT-R capacity, the ATTESA and the 6-speed Borg Warner CP with double clutch, whose help is invaluable during acceleration, is equipped with an all-wheel drive transmission.
An outstanding scheme with a spaced engine and transmission, along with all -wheel drive, led to an original solution. Nissan GT-R has two cardan shafts. One, from carbon fiber, transfers torque from motor to gearbox. Further, the thrust through one of two packets of wet clutches and the pre -sequential gearbox is supplied to the rear wheels using a self -locking differential. In addition, power is provided inside the box and a multi -disk electromagnetic coupling. Under normal conditions, the coupling is open, and Nissan GT-R rear-wheel drive. But when slipping the rear wheels, in corners and during acceleration, the electronics partially or completely closes the coupling, and part of the thrust is supplied through a double steel cardan shaft to the front wheels (the differential is free, without blocking). Electronics selects the duration and degree of blocking the coupling based on the analysis of transverse and longitudinal accelerations, the angle of rotation of the steering wheel, and the wheel slipping. The main innovation that GT-R has received, an additional YAW sensor that determines the difference between the actual moment that turns the car around the vertical axis, and its desired value, which the driver sets with the angle of rotation of the steering wheel. But there is enough theory. To travel to Nissan GT-R around the city and even on ordinary routes at a maximum speed of 120 km/h is absolutely meaningless. That is why the leadership of the Japanese company decided to rent the legendary Portuguese autrodril, known for numerous auto and motorbikes.
When you get behind the wheel, then the association with the fighter’s cab is the first: scales, dials, toggle switches. This must be dealt with for more than one hour. Various motion parameters can be displayed on the display, for example, the angle of rotation of the wheels or the level of longitudinal and transverse accelerations. And three levers on the central console control the work of the transmission, shock absorbers and stabilization systems. However, I did not have to enjoy the abundance of entertaining information. After a wave of a checkered flag, the gaze stubbornly searches for the next turn, the speed of approaching which causes an unprepared person of genuine horror.
With an increase in speed, sports Nissan seems to grow into asphalt. This is a considerable merit of excellent aerodynamics. According to Japanese experts, the clamping force is sufficient for any conditions. And the low air resistance (0.27) positively affects the maximum speed and saving of gasoline.
By the way, in the official materials distributed during the test, we were not able to find data on the dynamics of acceleration. They say that a hundred GT-R is gaining for 3.5 s. Or maybe faster? As for handling, then it’s hard to find fault with something. That's why he is supercar.
Famous car on the famous autrod
The Portuguese Avtodril is known primarily by the fact that here from 1984 to 1996. The Grand Prix of Portugal Formula 1 was carried out. The famous Autodromo Fernanda Pires Da Silva highway was built in 1972 on a mountain plateau near Estoril Lisabon's suburbs. Avtodr consists of a long straight and two sets of turns with a variable configuration (it resembles a Barcelona cataluan highway). In the first years after the opening, club races and competitions in the Formula-2 class were held at the autrod. In 1984, after a quarter-century break of the Grand Prix, Formula 1 returned to Portugal and it was to Esthelil. At the first after the break of the Portuguese stage, which completed the World Cup, the fate of the title decided. Alain priest won the race, but lost half a glass in the final standings of Nicky Lauda. In 1996, the last Portuguese Grand Prix F-1 took place in Estoril. In 19951996 On the highway was held on the output stages of the ITC, and after the reconstruction in 2004, the DTM stage. Now at the Avtodrom many races in younger formulas and Motogp competitions are being held.
The car is literally biting into the asphalt. Squeezed controllability, super-sub-brakes and magnificent aerodynamics.
Many devices, buttons and tolerance make it clear to the driver: jokes to the side.
The convenience of sports cars is not a priority. However, for comfort, GT-R deserves 5 with the amendment that it is a racing machine.
In terms of security, Nissan GT-R is even very good. But if on the speedometer 300 ...
No money is a pity for such a car.
Advantages and disadvantages
+ Excellent handling, magnificent dynamics.
- the inability to evaluate the potential of the car in conditions of ordinary roads.
Mark and model - Nissan GT -R
Dimensions - 4655x1895x1370 mm
Engine - gasoline, 3799 cm3, 480 hp/min -1
Transmission - mechanical, 6 -speed
Dynamics - Max more than 300 km/h; 3.5 s up to 100 km/h
Competitors - Porsche 911
Our opinion
Nissan GT-R is able to give motorist truly strong emotions. One advice: if you decide to buy GT-R, take several lessons from professional motorbells. 480 horses under the hood are not a joke. Nevertheless, we vote with both hands for the speedy appearance of the famous car in Russia.

Author: Stanislav Pavlov


A source: Magazine 5 wheel [July 2008]