Test Drive Nissan Almera Tino 2003 - 2006 Minivan
Family Arbor

The European History of Single Accessories or, as they also call them, compacttvans starts its countdown since 1984, when Renault has released an Espace model to the market. The idea then clearly oversaw the time, and the novelty did not use a deafening success on the market. Cars were purchased mainly by corporate clients as a traveling car and cruised on the route Airport-office airport.

Created on the basis of popular sedans and hatchbacks Compactweans are distinguished primarily by landing of the driver. It is more vertical and high, like drivers of bus buses. On the one hand, it is justified - the main flights of Komtelnal's driver are coming to the city. One-uniforms were created based on a powerful family consumer, which on weekdays will take two or three kids to school, and on weekends it carries out an impressive shopping. Once a year he has a mandatory journey to the warm sea (option - in the winter mountains). Therefore, all microsans were initially adapted also for long-range trips: card pockets, shelves for small things, cup holders, fireplates for bottles and tables for snacks - all this law of the genre.

The price of them in Europe is always 5--10% higher than on ordinary cars. And, as the statistics of production shows, modifications with automatic transmission are used by special demand.
The usual Nissan Almera with a body of a sedan is offered in our market with a capacity of 1.8 liters with a capacity of 114 hp. and automatic transmission. The CVT clinoremable variator on this model is not installed as a more powerful 2-liter engine. And the most powerful Almera in a decent configuration costs $ 18.9 thousand. The first, material - Tino is more expensive by $ 5.1 thousand. Is it only for an advanced engine?

Way difference. Deciding for the acquisition of a single compliment instead of a sedan, the buyer receives, first of all, extra 22 hp - Approximately 9 horses for each additional liter of engine volume. Or $ 232 for each horse. But the dimensions and weight of the dispatch reduce all the advantages of a more powerful motor to no - its maximum speed is below 5 km / h, and the acceleration dynamics is weaker. Moreover, Tino in the proposed configuration rides approximately as the usual Almera with a 1.6 liter engine. I would not advise on the risky overtakes on it. As well as compete with the owners of sedans at the start from the traffic light. The engine quickly goes to the limit revolutions, only the speedometer arrow lags behind the tachometer arrow. I decided to myself like this: if we pay extra money, then not for the extra horsepower, since instead of the Rysakov, we get into your stable workers, but phlegmatic bits.

At the driver's seat, additional cubic meters of air also circle their heads - to treat claustrophobic. And it's not just a more vertical landing. It seemed to me that in Tino she just less bus than in Picasso or Scenic. However, who, as you like - the range of adjustments is great and can be set up in any way.
Yes, life space is really more. A simple example: if your fellow traveler is a charming girl, it is almost impossible to hug it not only in motion, but also on the traffic light. The space between two armchairs is too large. For such exercises, it is better to move to the rear row.
On Tino, in accordance with the magnitude of the genre already mentioned, this is not a single sofa, but three separate seats. They are located a little higher than the front - there is a legend that this is done specifically that parents can control the frills behind the children. Especially since places where it is possible to be frozen, even enough for adults. And with quite worthy comfort.
The stock pocket does not pull. As you know, you have to pay for comfort. And if you compare the comfort of Tino and Almera, it becomes clear how to spend the notorious five with the tail of thousands and not regret it.
I do not know how you, dear readers, and I even drive with me a lot of things in the city. As a rule, they are welded a shapeless bunch in a glove compartment - at the right moment I begin to rush in it, like a stingy knight in his chests. In Tino, the problem of storing small things solved as if a pedantic colonel retper. Steaming on bottles with water scattered throughout the salon, the map finds its place in the grid on the door. Less desired trifles - in the box under the seat. Cigarettes, lighter - in boxing over the central console, dark glasses - in a case above the head.
The back of the middle rear seat falls on the pillow and turns into a convenient table. Two more tray leaf from the backs of the front seats - as in airplanes. Picnic can not be arranged on the side of the road, but right on the go. There is enough space for a fairly exquisite serving, and not just for thermos and pairs of sandwiches.
HAVE A REST! Tino suspension is slightly different from the suspension, say, sedan. Not structurally, but setting. Almera, it is rather short-speed and very painfully responds to the irregularities of the Russian road surface. And in the Tino ride on the mixed route (the city-suburb) never caused our feelings of sharp discomfort. Maybe the case is also in a more vertical landing - most of the jolts accounted for the most soft part of the body. In the limit modes, we did not test the TINO - we recall that this car was created as a family vehicle, which does not provoke his host for extreme behavior on the road.
Citroen XSara, on the basis of which Picasso was created, is offered in our market in the Hatchback and coupe bodies. The most powerful version - with a 2.0 l engine with a capacity of 136 hp A weaker motor has a volume of 1.6 liters and 109 hp power. One-unified one engine will unambiguously pull.
In comparison with the Tino, the story is repeated up to the opposite - on Picasso installed a 1.8 liter motor and 116 hp. Gearbox - mechanical. The cost of Hatchback 2.0 and Picasso is, respectively, $ ?? and $ 19.5 thousand overpayment for one-compliment - $ ?? thousand

Heir artist. The first thing that rushes into the eyes is quite an extraordinary appearance of Picasso. From the usual XSARA, only the design of the front of the car is preserved - everything else is to become the works of the Great Test. Especially admires the fans of avant-garde front narrow glass, which creates an additional review sector for the driver. In Picasso, this is very relevant - even a vertical landing (even more vertical than in Tino) does not allow fully controlling the front dimensions of the car.
As for comfort, the extravagance should be paid. And the developers have tried that the client does not feel offended. The standard combination of instruments on Picasso is missing. Instead, in the middle of the central console, there is a large display, which is displayed all (or almost all) the information required by the driver.
Second barcode - knob switching gearbox. It is located on the beard speaker in the salon and resembles a joystick for computer flying. How much is all these delights of Citroen designers pull, $ ?? thousand? You decide.

The same picture. Only fly to Picasso you will not have to. 1.8 liter engine is quite enough for calm and measured ride in the city. The maximum speed of the compacttva is 190 km / h, overclocking until hundreds - 12.2 sec. And the odds may well give the usual XSARA with an engine 1.6. Its similar indicators are 197 km / h and 10.9 seconds respectively.
But if Picasso and flew, like the wind, to enjoy full of high speed qualities it would be difficult. It is characterized by all disadvantages of one-unifier: threatening rolls in turns and a strong bunch of body can cause delight only for suicide. For example, we note that it contributes in many ways and is more long-term than that of XSARA, the suspension designed to eat comfort. In general, in this case, we pay money for the air: Compare the useful volumes of Kompannan and Hatchback trunk volumes - 550/1970 l against 440/1190, respectively.
Text Nikolay Kachurin, photo Alexey Ilyin
The Citroen Xcara Picasso car is provided for the Citroen representative of the company in Russia, (095) 937-8230, Nissan Almera Tino - NATC GmbH group, (095) 967-0680. Insurance is carried out by Ingosstrakh, (095) 956-5555.
A source: "Autopilot"