Nissan Almera Thailand test drive since 2011

Trade-in Nissan almera. English patient

They say that the Japanese make real cars only for themselves. Everything else is more or less successful copies. What can we say about cars assembled outside the country! But buyers do not share the opinion of skeptics. Nissan-almer made in England, for example, does not stagnate among sellers, including in the secondary market.

The right to choose
We went to Kuntsevo to buy another used car. And they did not regret something to see! It turned out that the entire trad-in the brands presented in the technical center (according to our estimates, about fourteen) was collected under one roof. To get into this commission, the applicant should preserve at least a service book, even better if the car is taken into account in the database of an official dealer.
The most willing to accept cars no older than six years with a mileage of up to 150 thousand km. Owners of more ancient specimens, hoping to help out more, prefer to hand over the equipment to the commission. Anonymated (so -called gray) vehicles are sent there, the genealogy of which is irrevocably lost.
The cost is determined by its own method developed with the participation of us. Cars under the age of three years are on average by an average of 10% cheaper than in the spontaneous market, all fifteen older. According to the results of the diagnosis, the final price is determined. However, if the Committee does not agree with the markdown, he can eliminate the identified shortcomings at his own expense. The task is to bring the car into a state close to ideal. One-time investments sometimes reach five thousand (!) Dollars for example, when they redo the tan that was poorly performed by someone. But you will not have to blush for a car for sale. They offer it, of course, at a different average market price.
Immediately lay out the desired amount not necessarily used car is also available on leasing or on credit at 9.5% per annum without an advance payment. According to this scheme, 1015% of buyers are acquired today, and by the end of the year their share can reach half! And one more thing: if the very little one did not have enough for the favorite model, tolerate unrealized goods are 38%monthly.

Red on white
However, we have already made our choice by wishing to acquire the most liquid of all Nissans Almer. The dream materialized in a bright red one and a half-liter sedan of 2005 with a mileage of 12 thousand km for almost 14 thousand dollars (mechanical KP, air conditioning, gur, two airbags, audio training and electric package). It was not possible to save money for $ 15,100 for the Almer. However, there were more modest options for a similar car in 2004 were offered for $ 12,800.
In his former life, our nissan served with a corporate car and, judging by the funny mileage, was used mainly for all sorts of presentations and pokatushki. The pre -sale was made for conscience even in the stingy winter sun from the brilliance of the body rose in the eyes. At a closer examination, we were a little alerted by a slight failure of the hood angle relative to the wing and the step at the junction of the right doors. However, no traces of the body repair, no matter how hard they tried, were found. If the car ruled, then, obviously, real masters.
Like most modern cars, Almer is locked remotely with a button in the ignition key. We appreciated the thoughtful algorithm: with the first press, only the driver's door opens, with the second everyone else. We do not know if there are Barusemniki in Japan, but the designers made a contribution to the fight against them.
But getting comfortable in the driver's place did not really succeed. It seems that there are enough adjustments (there are even settings of lumbar support and pillows in height), but inconvenient. It seems that the overly long pillow of the seat is to blame so that it does not press under the knees, you have to move forward, and the lower back hangs in the air. The impression was spoiled by the central console that was noticeably sagging from the passenger (obviously, someone overestimated the carrying capacity of the hook mounted there for a bag or package) and the absence of a closer at the cover of the glove box when opened with a roar falls down.
However, there were also many reasons for optimism. The steering wheel switches that were not liked at first glance, pleasant to the appearance of the dials of devices, and their testimony are well read well. There was a central boxing box to the place. In the bowels, it was found a secret pocket for a notebook, because there is no side computer here. Spacious pockets along the edges of the front seats will easily swallow even a fire extinguisher. The rear sofa is transformed as you like. When the pillow is removed (it is enough to unfasten two latches) a bicycle enters the cabin, even a refrigerator with separate (40/60) backs. But sitting behind the three middle buildings is crowded, two just right.
The trunk is good for everything and volume, form, and content. There are pile upholstery, rug, hooks and straps for cargo, deepening under the first -aid kit, lighting. Eh, to remove the seat belt hanging from the shelf under the glass and the sticking cartridges of the rear lights lamps and there was nothing to complain about.
Under a wide -wide alligator mouth of a motor compartment (by the way, where did the plastic lid go?) Cleanliness and order. Everything that should be regularly removed, opened or controlled, highlighted in color and is conveniently located. However, you will not have to poke your head here often. The old -fashioned chain drive of timing does not need maintenance, and the ignition system with individual coils is much more reliable than those that are hung with high -voltage wires.
The drive of auxiliary units of a different assessment, except for the middle, did not deserve half. A pair of clinic belts without automatic tensioners requires additional normally to care for the care And the one that leads the air conditioner compressor can be removed in our climate for six months, saving both fuel and the resource of the unit. From below, the motor compartment is open to all winds, the branded plastic protection remained in some snowdrift. Here would be a sheet made of durable material! At the same time, they would protect a section of the final pipe laid below the skis of the front subframe.
The front suspension is simple to the limit of McEferson without a reptile stabilizer. Obviously, the necessary corner rigidity was provided by the selection of the characteristics of springs and shock absorbers. In return, it was possible to get rid of the hated bones of the racks, the service life of which rarely exceeds 30 thousand km. But with the rear suspension, it seems, they were overpowered: eight (!) Silent blocks for a budget car are a clear overkill. Apparently, they saved on the refinement, creating a complex, but kinematically correct design. To puff, as always, to repairmen and the owner.
But we will be fair in general almer is still good. Moderately, a nimble, elegant, comfortable car, and everything is reliable for less than several hundred thousand mileage of this class, do not calculate. Simply, choosing a cheap foreign car, you need to carefully weigh your needs. Who knows if the marketers overdid it, cutting off the excess in the desire to reduce the cost of the car?


Evgeny Borisenkov


Source: The magazine "Driving"

Nissan Almera Thailand Video Video since 2011