Nissan 370z test drive since 2008
370z turned out to be faster than TTS and Cayman, but the Germans did not allow him to win in a comparative test

Maybe you are familiar with this: you settled down in the workplace, sat on a chair, moved the phone and made all the necessary calls, while no one complains about you. But one day a new colleague comes: a kind of slippery in a hot, whose self -confidence shimmers over the edge, floods into the bright office world and in a matter of seconds drives crazy girls from accounting, while you have lunch with your offers, it seems, already once, it is already once. Twelve sewed.
Porsche Cayman must have felt like this during the 2008 comparative test. Then, where the Audi TTS came from first, he first built eyes to the fans of his competitor, and then completely self -confidently put him on his laughing stock on the racing track. How could this happen to him? With him, Cayman, who essentially tried to lure Audi drivers into the world of Porsche. But after a fight, they don’t wave their fists, it is better to just step aside. Perhaps his fate was not envious of him to defeat his leading opponent and at all costs to destroy the very lag in the city of Oshersleben for as much as one and a half seconds.
The appearance of Nissan'a reacted more calmly. Partly because the 350z retirement was damn lucky when he crept right under the Cayman spoiler in the circle time table. In addition, the Japanese seemed to have decided that they needed a GT-R caliber to drive German standards of sports cars from the pedestal.
However, the new 370z, which a priori can count on a bronze medal, did not go along this path. On the contrary, he became shorter and wider than his predecessor, acquired headlights in the form of arrows and a very deep bite. The shade of rage emphasizes the cult language of the form of the Z model. And here again the question arises: how Nissan designers managed to release such a beautiful compartment along with Tiida and Pixo models. Moreover, it is worth noting that during the modernization of the Z model, the manufacturer stood before the temptation stealing to move this car to the category of high prices.
This trinity was already met on the racing highway. But then TTS was completely fresh, Nissan was called 350z, and Cayman was called
And this means that at a price of 38,690 euros 370z, it still costs a whole Peugeot 207 than Porsche Cayman. But, I admit, such an attractive difference in price is still one way or another. For example, in a salon where plastic pads look very amateurish imitation of aluminum. Or take the ancient atmospheric engine V6, which, despite the increase in the working volume by 3.7 liters and the current power of 331 horsepower, still cannot hide its original purpose, it was once created to move SUVs by American hayveam. The inept disclosure of power potential, thoughtful engineering and sounding, is noticeably inferior to the sexual wheezing of its predecessor, when compared with competitors, they give a six -cylinder motor the view of the miner with surgery overwhelming over his brain.
First of all, the Porsche Opposite engine, the volume of which increased after restyling of the model to 2.9 liters and which was improved by direct injection, excites the feelings of connoisseurs of delicacies in the world of engines. This is explained by the voice of the engine, which, depending on pressing the gas pedal, makes sounds from striking to growl. But also the fact that he releases his 265 horses with a characteristic mixing of tenderness and determination, and only six -cylinder atmospheric engines from Tsuffenhausen are capable of this.

Meanwhile, the previous dominance has already disappeared. If TTS once accelerated to 180 km/h, pulled out an impressive 3.8 seconds from the past Cayman, then the young reptile with the central engine now allows the opponent to go around herself only for a second even when accelerating to 200 km/h. Nissan, who previously acted as a tireless pursuer, has almost destroyed his lag over the past. By the way, this is more about this, rather than the results of measurements ... Unfortunately for 370z. When landing, the Audi and Porsche pilots feel like a leo cube in a perfect form of cockpit, you sit in Nissan'e as if in a home sweater: although it is convenient to sit in it, you are constantly haunted that you need to configure something. The reason lies not so much in the seats that, in sporting, carefully support you as that circumstance that the Japanese persistently ignored all requests for the possibility of adjusting the steering column along the axis.
The second round of the Troeborye compartment takes place under a completely different banner. The question sounds like this: can Audi repeat its 2008 triumph or will it give in to its strong opponents?
But the Nissan 370z behaves stubbornly not only in terms of ergonomics, but also on the highway: it leans on the waves of coating with its harsh steering control and scoures, after the 19-inch wheels stumble upon the storm, and then returns to the given trajectory. Or maybe this is the same laid -back, relaxed driving style that gives you a smile. And first of all, Nissan is famous for this when the ESP is disconnected, when the stream of power of the six -cylinder engine can freely go to the rear wheels 275 millimeters wide, and turns in the way flicker through the windshield at an angle of 45 degrees here and Porsche drivers have to bite their tongue to hide their delight. In addition, the automation of the six -speed gearbox can kindly perform work for you when switching the gears every time you press the heavy clutch, like lead.
The German team can safely abandon such a sly device. But this does not mean that the components of the Germans transmission work with greater ease than the Nissan transmission. However, their two -stage adaptive pendants with zeal are trying to recognize the profile of the road surface even where 370z is already desperately jumping on shock absorbers. In general, Audi and Porsche look more independent, in other words, adults, while they do not catch up with boredom and do not encroach on each other. So, Porsche with the central location of the engine clearly fights for the title of a purebred athlete, his muscular body can go through any turns, and the blocking of the differential of the rear axle allows him to wag the stern. Audi is more aimed at connoisseurs of dynamics. That is, to those who first calmly travel to the temple of gourmets with pleasure, then to burn the calories what were scored there in a cheerful race along the highway. But truly Audi will not allow to sweat: holding confidently on the road, despite the soft steering, he is completely protected from the fool. Here, in bewilderment, all those who happened to be on the other side of the border permitted on an old TT without a spoiler and ESP, but with insidious body rolls, shake their heads.
And on the turns of the route, the TTS quenching is widely grinned with LED headlights. All this further enhances disappointment when he, a real favorite, is only the third at the finish. In Ingolstadt, it must have been considered that it was good at least with his insufficient rotation did not hit the mud face in protracted turns before the rival from Tsuffenhausen as an ideal trajectory. But the fact that 370z is so carefree in the arrival of adult cars, decisively pops up from the narrowing of the route, and on the turns is held close to Porsche, will probably surprise not only those who initially in connection with the origin of Nissan'a determined the third place after him .
But the best time of the Japanese circle is no longer so amazing. After all, if Audi relies primarily on its turbine in combination with all -wheel drive, and Porsche relies exclusively on turns, 370z combines both talents, eventually receiving a faster compromise. However, he does not exceed his rivals either in their best skills or in emotionality.
We reasoned for a long time and in the end were forced to expand the victor's pedestal. Although Nissan won the track, we must pay tribute to his pursuer, who bravely fought despite a lack of 66 horsepower. In terms of cost, even in the basic configuration of Cayman, of course, remains not in the destiny. But he again wipes his nose 370z on the highway. You probably already realized that the game ended in a draw.
TTS eventually becomes a victim of quotation, where there are no frequent turns that are so loved by cars with turbines and all -wheel drive. It is annoying, after all, after all, Audi offers an impeccable ratio of price and opportunities.

Source: Auto Bild