Test drive Mercedes Benz C-class w203 2000-2004 sedan

The 202nd body (W202), in the colloquial of the chain, was replaced by a very popular and released by almost a million circulation of 190 and became, in fact, the official ancestor of the S. series was released from 1993 to 2000 inclusive. This period can be divided into two parts: until 1996 and after it, when a small facelifting was done. Until 1996, gasoline engines were placed on the C-Klasse-4-cylinder with a volume of 1.8, 2.0 and 2.2 liters. All factory index 111, and a number 6-cylinder with a volume of 2.8 l --104. There were also two diesel engines-a four-cylinder 2-liter atmospheric (index 601) and a five-cylinder in a number 2.5-liter turbodiesel (index 605). After 1996, two gasoline engines appeared in the line-2.3 liters (150 hp) and 2.4 liters (169 hp) and a 2.2-liter diesel. In the secondary market in Russia, cars prices until 1996 and after differ very significantly, the latter are still expensive, so we will dwell this time at those that before. According to the established opinion, the most optimal engine is a 2.2-liter gasoline. For lovers, a potential-a 2.8-liter six. We’ll talk about them.

There is no defamatory connections. Checking the documents of your favorite car gave a positive result? Let's go further. Let's see the body. The technique is ordinary, but based on the fact that these machines often get into Russia from the hands of the Polish-Privable craftsmen, we advise you to be extremely attentive, and it is better to attract a knowledgeable person to this.
So, together with our consultant, a specialist of one of the branded technical centers in Moscow, Sergei Koshelev, we will evaluate her physical health. We ride no less than 50 km. And look under the hood. The sore spot of in-line gasoline engines of these years is the flow of oil from under the gasket of the block head on the right along the course, right above the generator. Keep in mind that the elimination of this leak will cost about $ 700. And if you leave it as it is, cook about $ 300 per generator, because dripping oil will quickly disable it. Traces of crystallization of coolant in the area of \u200b\u200bthe connection of plastic tanks or near the temperature sensor will mean an ambulance of about $ 300 per new radiator. Check, unscrewing the tank cover, fluid level in the GUR. Its reduced level, characteristic howl and difficult rotation on the spot will most likely say about the need for an ambulance (the steering gear is not subject to repair), and this is almost $ 2000 with work. We check the additional fans of the air conditioner radiator - twist them manually. If they do not rotate freely, then add more $ 120 to your conday. In the course of business, take a look at the air dryer tank. Cracks in a glass window mean that the gas has long left the system, which we estimate at $ 100 for the tank plus about $ 150 for refueling and diagnosing the system. Oil spots on the air conditioner radiator mean the presence of microcracks, almost the same amount of money. The main engine fan is with viscousyft, its price reaches almost $ 200. Be sure to check the following: when warming up the engine to about 90 degrees. A characteristic rumble from the fan should appear. On the cold motor, the impeller should rotate with hand with a little effort, without jamming and other sounds. We will press the gas pedal and listen to what the motor will answer. A characteristic rattling from below when resetting revolutions means that the catalyst was scattered. And this, no less, about $ 1,500 ... Will the seller answer? And finally, we carefully examine the wiring. Either modern mice are mutants, or the Mercedes wiring is so tasty, but they really like to chew it. In some machines, a very strange device may even meet - a metal ring with a wire suitable for it on a plastic protection of a motor compartment. This is from them, from rodents.

The reliability of Mercedes and the quality of manufacture are a fact proven. However, trust, but check. The above numbers relate to the corporate, authorized service and original spare parts. At the same time, unoriginal and unauthorized masters will cost almost half the cheaper. In a word, there are options.
Text Andrey Timofeev, photo Alexey Ilyin
We thank the technical center Logovaz Belyaevo for consultations, (095) 336-9001.
Mercedes C-Klasse (W202) C180/200/220/280/250TD
Working volume (cubic meter) 1799/1998/2199/2799/2497
Power (L.S.) 122/136/150/193/113
Maximum speed (km/h) 193/198/210/230/190
Acceleration to 100 km/h (sec.) 12.2/10.8/10.4/8.8/16.3
Fuel consumption (city*highway, l per 100 km) 11*8.1/11.2*8.0/11.5*8.1/14.4*9.5/8.5*6.9
Prices for a/m Mercedes C-Klasse (W202) in Moscow (as July 2001)
Year of release price
1993 $ 8-9.5 thousand
1994 $ 9-13.5 thousand
1995 $ 9.7-14 thousand.
1996 $ 10.5-15 thousand
1997 $ 12--20.5 thousand.
1998 $ 15.5-21 thousand.
Prices for spare parts and some consumables
Oil filter $ 6
Air filter from $ 10
Fuel filter $ 30
Spark plugs (pcs.) From $ 2.5
High-voltage wires, (K-T) from $ 25
Brake pads, per./Ass. from $ 25
Brake discs, per. from $ 26
Pomp from $ 80
Source: "Autopilot"
Video crash tests Mercedes Benz C-class w203 2000-2004
Test drives Mercedes Benz C-class w203 2000-2004
Crash Test Mercedes Benz C-class w203 2000-2004
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