Long-term test Mazda CX-5: Snow and four-wheel drive
Mazda CX-5 2.0 SkyActiv-G (150 hp) 6AT / 4WD, Execution Supreme Common Mileage 15,400 km Mileage from the beginning of the test 4 400 km

We were told on the CX-5 behavior on the asphalt last time. And how is the most suitable crossover for adventure outside of the roads? No, on slaughter on the real off-road CX-5 We do not behave, the weight category is not that. But what is able to avoid the crossover on the moderately crossed terrain in the snow, check is simply necessary. But for starters, let's understand the actuator type. Here it is the default front, and the rear axle is connected using an electronically controlled wet muscle friction clutch, which is blocked at the moment when the front wheelchair begins.

So, forward! Farewell, asphalt, hello, field! Seventiethisantimeter Pukhlyak for CX-5 Wearing Seeds, a crossover with him copes playing. The flat bottom, covered in plastic lats, covered with plastic thresholds, a huge steel sheet of protection of the engine crankcase, gearboxes and a transfer box create minimal resistance to the movement, in what we actually have been convinced before the New Year holidays.

Flat bottom is almost completely in metal and plastic lats, but the alloy-alloy housing of the main transmission and the coupling is not protected. However, the unit above the surface is located quite high to attach it about the surface, still need to try. But, on the other hand, a bad thing, as they say, is simple but here you have a serious spring wet snow for a crossover already a serious test, and then why: while snow is not deeper than 215 millimeters (this is the magnitude of the clearance), everything goes fine, but it is only for the time being Until time. The fact is that such a coating creates a serious rush resistance, cutter cutters, cutting out the present and throwing snow from the points of the support, then the case is broken into the slip. Trekshn-control, understandable case, in such conditions it is better to turn off here. You need to buck on the gas, crush, clean the stains in the spots of the contact turns out, the automatic coupling, then the business connecting-off rear wheels, works in a ribbon mode. And she grabs her with such a situation oh, as a short time. With zero intake temperature, the frictional friction is overheated and disconnected by electronics after seven-ten minutes of active driving. On the dashboard appears an anti-orange hi hi hi 4WD. Stop the car in a safe place, and you can only stay with the front-wheel drive, which for reliable movement is not enough and there are only two ways here: either wait-smoking until the coupling cools down (in my case about a dozen minutes. ), either with kickbacks back to punch a kola further, but on a monolarier (if, of course, it turns out).

It turns out, heavy coatings, like loose sand and twin clay, on the CX-5 to force, in principle, it is possible, but a short coupling due to constant turning on-shutdowns under load quickly overheats and turns off for protection purposes. And how good geometry is? Swees (especially rear) are small, the angle of longitudinal passability and the 215-miliemers clearance allow you to overcome non-sizes of roadside ditch and rolling. But it is better to do this with the use of inertia and under the gas, diagonal hanging wheels the crossover does not like. The anti-duct system, of course, is able to impulsely slow down the bouncers and thereby throwing the torque on wheels having a good coated contact. But it's impossible to get into a slide with possessing wheels to get into a slide with possessing wheels, simply lacks (or is it done to save the coupling?).

Speak falls only in a heavy wet in the snow, when the clearance for the movement is already not enough capabilities of the connective rear axle coupling and electronics, redistributing the torque between the wheels during slipping, in the pre-targeted winter yards just right. Not to say that moderate off-road for CX-5 is contraindicated. No, please try, gas, rack, haul but neat and not long. At the same time, not forgetting that this crossover was created more for asphalt moving here Mazda is much more cozy. Vitaly Kabyshev photo: Katerina Sorokina
A source: AUTO.Mail.Ru.